The Jamestown Journal, Volume 77, Numbers 17-52

PAGE SIX THE JAMESTOWN JOURNAL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7,1954 Republicans Name Oct.8PrecinctDay Boxed on the premise that "knocking on your neighbor's door” will win the 1054 elections, n brilli­ ant, new chapter In American politi­ cal history will be written Friday (Oct. 8) with observance of Republi­ can National Precinct Day. A year's planning will be climaxed Friday night when President Eisen­ hower and Vice President Nixon address party caucuses across the nation on the biggest TV-radlo hookup ever used politically. The half-hour simulcast will be carried over on augmented CBS-TV net­ work of 158 stations and the NBC and Mutual radio networks of 534 stations. Broadcast time Is I):30 p.m. EST, with a delayed broadcast to Pacific Coast states beginning at 0;30 p.m. PST. Precinct Day begins at dnwn Friday when OOP Congressional j and local candidates begin meet- their ballots for Congressional can­ didates of either party in 1952.” The President is expected to speak out directly to urge election of Republican candidates, follow­ ing up hts Hollywood Bowl address of September 23 when he called for renewal of the 1953 zeal and vigor of OOP campaign organiza­ tions. Republican National Precinct Day was originated last winter by the National Federation of Republican Women. How Much Time Do You Give Your Child If you're among many parents who handle their children In bulk, you may be missing a vnlunblc ex­ perience in not setting aside an "only child” period for each child. According to a story In the Sept­ ember Issue of Household magazine, ‘‘devoting some time now to mak­ ing each child thu only child will lay a foundation for future understand­ ing and trust." The author pointed out that each child needs some special time Mir. and Mrs, Ralph Haines at­ tended a birthday dinner Sunday In the honor of Miss Emma Parker, Dayton, also honoring the birthday of Miss Karen Kay Hormell and Ralph Haines. • * ft Mr. and Mrs. Francis Jones and Miss Carolyn Jones visited Mrs. Jesse Pickering now in the Clinton Memorial Hospital, Wilmington, Saturday evening. O O O Miss Kathryn Dalnes, who is at­ tending the Bethesda Hospital School, of Nursing in Cincinnati, spent the weekend with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dalnes. • • • Mr. and Mrs. D. Forrest Strong, of New Holland, spent Friday week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. jKyle and family. • • • Mrs, Lcnnn Jones is spending the week In the homo of Mr. and Mrs, Jesse Pickering and family, In Wil­ mington. ing new and old party workers n t , ^ w)lh parcntei such ns un out- small "powwows" In neighborhood: fihopplng trlPi 0r game and home3- ' reading session before bedtime, to 'share his day’s troubles and cn- Einphasizing the Importance of recruiting new workers at the pow- ..... wows, Republican National Chair- _ man Leonard W. Hall said: “This elections will bo won by knocking on your neighbor's door. “National Precinct Day sets the stage for two vital goals: recruit­ ing workers who will help us ge t;thelr dad's attention and bickered out again the 34,000,000 voters who I back and forth as boys will do. Cited was the case of Tom, a traveling man, always found the free time spent with his two sons disappointing. At ball games or on fishing trips, the boys clamored for The regular monthly social and ! business meeting of the Loyal Sons and Daughters Sunday School Classes of the Mt. Tabor Methodist Church, will be held in the com­ munity hall. Friday evening. The meeting will be In charge of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kyle and each family is requested to gring a cov­ ered dish and sandwiches. selected President Eisenhower and a ! Then one week end Charles was Republican Congress in 1952, and|*“ . Tom took Jack to the game, signing up in Republican rnnks thejFor the firs^ t!mq in affcs>he real!y 5,000,000 voters who failed to cast i enjoyed going out with his son, ________________________________ They had a chance to talk with- RS out Interruptions, and there was no begging for extras. On the next out­ ing, when Charles was the "only child," he also showed his best side. Although your family will always want to do many things together, why not spend some time alone with each of your children. Chances are you’ll find this "only child” idea a pleasurable experience, too valua­ ble to give up. ^ fOW that the movie producers ” have found that title-songs from movies are a big help in promoting the picture (latest ex­ ample was “ High and the Mighty"), they’re reversing the usual procedure and making a movie jc- flt the song title . . . --Vvethers have purchased rights to title “ Young at Heart" to feature Doric Day and Frank Blnatra . . . It waa the Sinatra recording of "Young at Heart" which made the Bong a smash hit this spring . . . Speaking of Sinatra, he will do two of NBC-TV’s upcoming col­ or spectaculars which Betty Hut­ ton kicked olT recently. The Whiting sisters, Margaret and Barbara, will co-star in an upcoming movie, “ Fresh from Paris" . . . The dual role resulted from the success of their teaming on "Toast of the Town” TV show last spring . . . Margaret will be seen as a nightclub headliner, Bar­ bara as a cigarette girl with thespic ambitions . . . June Christy and hubby Bob Cooper arc expect­ ing any day now . . . Dimitri Tlomkln will present his original score from “ The High and tho Mr. and Mrs, Will Adams and Mighty" to the Smithsonian Inst!-1family, of Dayton, called' on Mrs. hit*. j pearl Storcr Sunday afternoon. PLATTER CHATTER MT. TABOR . . . LEROY HOLLINGSWORTH Cerm pm tdeat Mr. and Mrs. James Jones spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Joseph McFaddins, of near Washington C. H. • • • Mr, and Mrs, Moudy Barnett called on Miss Mertle Barnett and James Barnett Sunday afternoon. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Beal and fam­ ily spent the weekend with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Moore and family, of Connersvillc, Ind. • • • COLUMBIA—Doris Day does a flue Job with the lovely “ If I Give My Heart to Yon” backed by “ Anyone Can Fall in Love" , The popular. “ High -and .th«j treatj: Mr. and Mrs. Roscoc Beal and Miss Beverly Beal and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walton, Jr., and family, spent Sunday at Rocky Ford, Mighty" is given polished ■sent by Harry James - .. CAPITOL—The Jordanalres dd‘ Mr- and Mrs, Ralph Haines at- a good Job with “TKfc Old H ouse,tended a teachers reception held • *Ippy novelty that should be a 'in Kingman school, Friday evening, b it'- - . Flip side has "Be Fre* • * • sss, *««-•^ ly, ha* another hit in a ditty collect wor^* °* Dayton, were Sunday "Try Again" , , , This one grows evening supper guests of Leroy Hol- on you • • t "One More Tlmo’ L; Ilngswonh. backs I t . , , Pee Wee Hunt comes: * * • up with "Help" backed by "W alk / . __ . to* Along" . . . Maggie Wiling has' f Mf : / " d1>, ^ IfS ?bCrt ^ *nd a good number in "All There I»l family, of Port william, spent Sun- and Then Some" . . . “ Can Thty, day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ros- Ba Love" la on the reverse, coe Beal, AiwtitimtHi RomwhereI sit... Sy Joe Marsh "Blind Man's" Bluff You know how Handy Turner down at the hardware store goes In for weird advertising stunts, Well, when it came to plugging his new Venetian blind depart­ ment, his enthusiasm nearly landed him in trouble. Handy painted a warning on the tailboard o f his truck: "Cau­ tion-blind man driving,” "Had driven about a mile,” Handy saya, "when a state troop- «r stopped me and told me that ■ign might cause trouble. Guess he waa right. From now on I’ll ad- v*rtis« in the C/nr/on.” From where I sit, I agree—the' highway is no place for jokes.We all ought to be considerate of the: other fellow when we’re driving, In fact, let’s respect our neigh-: bor’s right of way alwayt. Then,- when we have differences o f opinion-say about the best route' to Centerville, or whether beer or! buttermilk is better with lunch- fchere will be less chance o f any­ body developing any,<blind” spoto. Copyright^ 1954, United StoUtt Brtwtrt Foundation BOWERSVILLE MRS. CATHERINE HAUGHEY Correspondent Mrs. Nettie Chitty, Mrs Mary .Seaman, Mrs. Myrtle Johnston, Mrs. Minnie Cline. Mrs. Roxie Morgan, and Mrs. Mary Carter, enjoyed a covered dish dinner at the home of County Supt. and Mrs. Vaughn P. Lewis and family, and Mrs. Mar­ garet Lewis, of Alpha, Thursday. * • . Mr, and Mrs. D. F. Seaman at­ tended the funeral services for his cousin, Willard Kyle, of Peebles, Wednesday. • • • Mr. and Mrs. James Gumm visit­ ed with Mr. and Mrs. John Gumm at Chillicothe Sunday. Mr. John Gumm has been seriously ill. • • • Mrs. Edith Glass and Mrs. Erma Hubble, of Alpha were Thursday afternoon guests of Raper Jones and Ronnie and Mrs. Lettle Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Homey and Louise and Charles Arthur had as their Sunday dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs, Dale Kirk, Mr, and Mrs, Thcrald Kirk and .Bobby, and Maywood Homey, of Xenia. • » • Mr. and Mrs. Dana Jones, of Dayton, spent Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs, Raper Jones and Ron­ nie and Mrs. Lettle Jones. • • *. Mrs, Catherine Haughey enter­ tained to dinner Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, George Sheridan, Mr, and Mrs, Charles Sheridan, Miss Min-’ nie Sheridan, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Pendry and David and Paul Fran­ cis George. • r - • Mr. and Mrs, Ado Breakflcld had as their supper guests Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ray and daughter, Carolyn, of Sabina, Mr. nnd Mrs. Gilbert Ream, Mr, and Mrs, Vernon Robinson, and Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Bock and Thane. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Clark Woods, of Washington, D. C„ spent? from Thursday to Sunday with her mo­ ther, Mrs. Lulla Chitty, and while they were here they attended the funeral of Mrs. Bessie Hogue, in Springfield. PAINTERSVILLE Mrs. Elden Helm Correspondent Mrs. Bliss Smith, Mrs. O. F. Reeves, Mrs. Karl Robinson, Mis. J. H. Talbott, Mrs. Hersel Long, Mrs, Robert LuOas, Mrs. C. E, Thuma, Mrs. Henry,, Hornberger, Mrs. Max Helfner, Mrs. Braden Smith, Mrs. Myron Fudge, and one guest Mrs, Altha VanGundy. Lunched at Golden Lamb, in Le­ banon, the oldest inn in the state of Ohio. After the luncheon they visited the Waldschmidt house, and had a very interesting program. This house has been restored by different chapters of the D A. R. and the George Slagle chapter, of James­ town, has contributed to this pro­ gram. + «* • Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Linton re­ turned home Sunday afternoon after vacationing In Maine and Massachusetts, two weeks. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Wilford McDonald and Earl Randall, of Cedarvllle, spent Sunday In the Southern part of Ohio. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Hempstead, of Mt. Pleasant, spent Sunday after­ noon with Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Wolary, • » • Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Kimball, of Springfield, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ham- mon and daughter, Mr. nnd Mrs, Allan Craig and daughter, of Plqua, and Wendell Stewart, of Yardlcy, Pa., were Sunday guests of Mr. and’ Mrs. Jacob Heinz. • • a The Loyal Couples Sunday school class met Sunday evening. A covered dish supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Swindler were hosts. Election of officers was held, elected president was Howard Pickering; vice president, Paul Bone: secre­ tary, Mrs. Marlin Heinz; asst, sec­ retary, Mrs Kenneth Heinz; trea­ surer, Denver Wolf; flower commit­ tee, Mrs. L. V, Linton, The Novem­ ber meeting will be a oyster supper with Howard Taylor as host. Rally Day will be held Sunday at [the Paintersville Methodist Church. ;Childrens program will bo hold In j the morning session. A covered dish j dinner will be seivcd ut noon. Mrs,! !Wlcpert, near Sabina, will be guest; jspeaker and special music will be- jheld in the afternoon. I McCULLOCH CHAINSAWS Sales Service Rental WILLIS LUMBER CO. Washington C .H., O. For A SAFE FUTURE Save Stow At Cedarville Federal Savings & Loan Association 2*,4% Earnings — OUR 59TH YEAR— Electrical Wiring And Plumbing Appliances And Fixtures Work Guaranteed W. K. WALLACE ASSOCIATED ELECTRIC & PLUMBING 86 W . Washington St. Jamestown, Ohio Me e t s E v e r y F a r m N e e d . . . F o r Less * . . See thi s N e w UNIVERSAL STANDARD As exceptionally sturdy, top-quality new eleva­ tor. Built In longtht of 24', 2$', 32' and 40‘. Big IB" trough. Has all tho features and accessories far tap perform­ ance and lang life. Takes either the gravity ar dragline hopper. D on't buy tny other m ale until you here the facts about this grant, naw Universal Standard- HALL J- HILL FARM SERVICE Jamestown, O. • PLENTY OF Phone 4-9691 FREE PARKING • i ■ ■ r _ r r “ r r - r . r r T t “ T » B i r ~ « r ~ r ” T * “ r D t n « B J ■ 4 B T B B I 'h i ' t f L 'I HM ' I B * * BJ IB, • ' l l ‘ MMBI1 I d l i s o ' < a * 'r 'B 'll U • e “ E B F *•p ‘ P n> V| h . H B l n a FOR GOOD SCHOOL SHOES Jamestown, Ohio POPULAR STYLES at POPULAR PRICES THERE'S MORE TO SC H O O L TH A N BOCKS - Good School Shoe* for instance. And to be sure, Wear-u-wells rata A for Stylo • Wear Com fort - Value in shoes for tots and team and in-batwaans. PARENTS - if you want the best of the class in Popular Shos Si ' at Popular Prices, insist on the Wear-u-well brand. It’s a grade rrr as well as a trade-mark. ELLISONS MODERN SHOE REPAIR Phone 4-4761 DURABLE*WATEREK , Hog waterer con(traded of concrete and lumber will aland ragged use. Concrete shelf Is belli below gronnd lo a depth which will hold abont 44” *f water, Lam her top Is of 2-inch material, as la Indivldaal partitions. STOP WORRY TIME IS ON YOUR SIDE WHEN YOU HAVE A I * FEDERAL LAND BANK LOAN You have 33 year* to repay Can be paid in full at any time Guaranteed 4 % interest rate No renewals, with higher interest 'NOW’S THE TIME TO PUT TIME ON YOUR SIDE Come in and talk it over with EARL SKILLINGS, Seerelary-Truaaurer SPRINGFIELD NATIONAL FARM LOAN ASSOCIATION Serving Greene, Clark and Champaign Counties 503 M A M Bldg. Springfield, Ohio Phone 3-3491 meantosh savingson OK USED CARS ! m e s e s r T fM C to e u r t f NOW 6 M W i f Thoroughly Inspected i f Reconditioned for Safely i f Reconditioned for Performance i f Reconditioned for Value ★ Honestly Described i f Warranted in Writing Sold only by an Authorized Chevrolet Dealer Lang C hev ro le t Sales XENIA, OHIO PHONE 2-3557