The Jamestown Journal, Volume 77, Numbers 17-52

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7,1954 THE JAMESTOWN JOURNAL PAGE SEVEN Jefferson SchoolNotes . . . The Home & School League held the immml teachers reception Fri­ day, October 1, In the School audi­ torium. Following the reception, all the parents were sent to school, while the students watched a movie. There were approximately 230 pre­ sent. The parents were given schedules of all classes and offered the opportunity to visit any and all clnsses possible. An 8 period sched­ ule was set up with only 10 minutes to a period. The Junior Home Ec. Class had a dinner at the Blltmorc Hotel in Dayton, Tuesday Sept, 28th. while Greeneview Elects Class Officers for School Year The following class officers were elected at Greeneview school for the 1954-55 school year: KHNIOUS President, Richard Hughes; V.»„ Juno Sheets,• Secretary, Be­ verly Gill; Treasurer, Ruth Jenkins; Reporter, Carol Bowers. JUNIORS President, Ler'oy Allen; V. Pres, Barbara Bradds; Secretary, Ellen Smith; Treasurer, Russell Price; Reporter, Tom Staley. SOPHOMORES President, Doris Wlgal; V. Pres,, Herman Brickel; Secretary, Joan Rhoden; Treasurer, Melvin Miller; Reporter, Patty Gordon. FRESHMAN President, Cy Moorman; V, Pres. Carolyne Sheets; Secretary, Mar­ garet Carter; Treasurer, Maxine Swaney; Reporter, Charlene Shaw. L ong - h an d l e d wax appiier* have many use*. Use them for dusting walls, celling, dark closet corners, Venetian blinds and screens. JDf a freshly waxed floor Is marred by tracks from heavy shoes or overshoes, you can easily remove them by wet- ting the waxer and rubbing over ■pot*. Badly scratched furniture should first be rubbed with a scratch re- mover then polished. Rub (ha wood long enough for a dull shins so that fingerprints and dust do not show so readily. If drawer handles are loose Id their holes, fill with plastic wodt RECIPE OF THE WEEK Cranberry Almond Sauce 1 1-pound can Jellied cranbeary sauce, crushed 3 tablespoons orange marma­ lade 1 tablespoons lemon juice i % cup blanched almonds, halved Mix all Ingredients together and chill before serving with chicken, turkey or ham. FO R PLUMBING and HEATING call Floyd& F. E. Hrrper Ph. 4-7091 Ph. 4-8941 J a m e s to w n , Ohio their meals were being prepared, (lie class was taken on a tour of the hotel kitchen. A very enjoyable evening was had by nil. The 0th & 10th Home Ec class is sponsoring a bake sale Oct. 10 at Rockholds Meat Market in Jnmcs- towri. The County Health Department administered eye tests to all first and nineth graders. Oct. 4„ the first series of Immunisations will bo given the 1st grade, Out. 14, at the school health clinic, CROSSWORD PUZZLE. . . . the leltcra Mart, Then from all over the free world come auch com­ ment! aa lhc»e from reader* of THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, an International dally ncwipapcrt "The Monitor I* mini rend. lug for straight-thinking people, , , "f returned to tchool after a lapse of IS years, I will get my degree from the college, but my ctlucation comes from the Monitor, , . "The Monitor gives me ideas for my work. , . ." *7 truly enjoy its com­ pany. . . You, too, will find the Monitor informative, with complete world newt. You will discover a construc­ tive viewpoint in every newt itory. Use the coupon below. M v MtM m » a m a«a «• The Christian Science Monitor One, Norway Street Boston 15, Mast., U. S. A. Please send me The Christian Science Monitor for one year. I enclose $15 Q (3 mos. 33.75) Q 14 7 " 3 4 m 7“ 6 f * 8 9 m 10 u 12 TT n 15 a 16 17 1 18 8 TT* 20 2) W n l i OHM ■ mjm n m 9 'f/g&t 24 H *8 i 25 " w / a wz. w$. m 26 27 M«Sa* 28 2 9 * i 3T"j ss 34 35 im 36 I P 37 38 n 3? 40 n 4! 42 43 n 44 n 45 46 H 47 48 iP 5? 63 66 iP i p 4V j 50 60“ 3T — I p 95 j 62" 5 “ 56 */ EH ■ ■ ■ p VU’/MM Na, ill (name) (add ress) (dry) (*<>(■«) (ttale) PB-12 . . \ >. I (V & - P O p cs zst If the family flivver gives up to old age- you need expert repair work or a new car. we suggest you patronize the advertisers in This N e w s p a p e r TRADE A T HOME THE WHOLE TOWN BENEFITS 110)1I/iONTAL X l Jnrl. of „ piny B jgxcoiia of ftoiur year 10 Rewound 14 Gnrment 15 Toll 10 Hccuris 17 Ornnmcniod royal Kfrdle of Hawaii. 10 Rub out 19 In n quan­ dary 20 Excerpt 22 Vendors 24 Small rug 25 Prepare for F rlnt nterforo with course of 31 Part of suit (pi.) 35 Cooking com ­ pound 30 Native metal 37 Throw off tracks 38 Philippine tree 39 Scoffer 41 Appellation of Devi 42 Dampens (dial.) 44 Large tub 45 Let it stand 40 More capable 47 Abnndoners 45 Japanese aborigine . 61 Female ruff 62 Army officer 65 Shrewder 69 TurklHli regiment GO Hast Indian tree G2 Greek letter 03 Chinese whcnt-dour noodles 04 Part of ship 05 Bumpkin GO Sharp pain 07 Weird 00 Nome In Grecco VERTICAL 1 Apex 2 Cajole 3 Pastry 4 Raged 6 Elementary charge of negative electricity (pi.) 0 Portion 7 Arab outer garment (pi.) 8 Pet 9 Trapped 10 The Book of Psalms 11 Repose 12 Southwest wind 13 Meadows 21 Swiss river 23 Dweller 26 Hawaiian plant 27 Wcnithy nnmon Follow 20 .. ......... 29 Shetland . fftlmid land measure *16 To JrrltuU 32 Cook In certain fashion .33 Stop watch 34 Thin* narrow boards 37 Come to ft decision 39 Minute groove 40 Ethiopian title 43 Act of pro­ viding with chairs 46 Barren 47 Give 48 The turmerte 60 A kobold 52 Bivouac 50 Appellation _, of Athene 64 Ache 65 Hindu worn- ... garment 60 Implement 57 Fancy carry­ ing case 68 Rodents 01 Celtic Neptune Answer te Fault Ne, lit Greene County Jerseys At Chicago Show Chicago, Sept, 28, Greene county Is one of the many Ohio counties that will be represented in the 2nd International Dairy Show to b* held in Chicago, October 9 through 16, Thomas C. Van Tress, or Xenia, has made an entry in the Junior classes of the Jersey Show which is scheduled for Monday, October It, Dale Dean, Ridgway, Michigan, and Harold Kaescr, University of Ohio, Columbus, will judge the National Jersey Show held at this year’s largest showing of the 6 dairy breeds at Chicago, The Chicago show will be held in the air-conditioned International Amphitheatre, home of the famous 55-year-old International Live Stock Exposition, under whose manage­ ment and sponsorship the Dairy how la also conducted. Thirteen championship rodeo performances will bo the feature entertainment nt the event. The Cromer Rodeo Ranch, of Big Tim­ ber, Montana, will again furnish rough, bucking, outlaw stock for the competing cowboys, C L A M S T A L E s A S H n A K 1 H Y M E N H U L A A V 1 O A R B 1 T R A T 0 R w A N D E R O O R E M O T E tiaaa nana □atiaaa naatunaani man angaa taannri g a g a a a n a a a n n a aaaasi a a a a n aoa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a n a a n a n n a - — a a n n a a a iaa ILIE-IEHMSI Coffee-Making In Grandma’s Day Was A Job Coffee-making In Grandma’s day was quite a job, and happy re­ sults were not guaranteed. No two potfulls ever tasted alike. Today, with Improved coffee-making uten­ sils, the guesswork is gone. A dis­ play of coffee pots from'antiques to the shiny new ones is part of "In- dutrial Progress, U, S. A.,’’ coming to the Gas and Electric Building, 25 North Main Street, Dayton, October 18. The display, sponsored by Far- berware, is a part of the $1,000,000 exhibition from the Ford Museum and Greenfield Village, Dearborn, Michigan. The Dayton Power and Light Company is bringing the show to this area. It will be housed in the lobby of the company's main office building for a week beginning October 18, Patronize Your Advertisers Ik i u ; U i i ! l !(r9 i - l i . i ' l l U . f Civil Service Openings The United States Civil Service Commission today announced an examination far the position of treasury enforcement agent(criminal Investigator), $3410, $4205, and $5060 a year. The positions are with the Treasury Department in the states of Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Vir­ ginia, and West Virginia. A written test will be required and applicants will also be rated on the basis of their experience and/or education. Full particulars regarding the examination or instructions on where such information may be obtained can be secured at any post office, or from the executive secretary, board of U. S. Civil Ser­ vice Examiners, Internal Revenue Service, P. O. Box 2119, Cincinnati^ Ohio, or the Sixth Civil Service Re­ gion, Post Office and Courthouse Building, Cincinnati 2, Ohio. Applications will be accepted until the needs of the service have been met. GREENE COUNTY PRINTING CO: CEDARVILLE, OHIO i A *.£• r?‘ « TO BUY • BUILD • REMODEL Check Wish A Specialized Financial Institution PEOPLES Building & Savings Co. 11 Green St. Since 188K Xenia, O . Patronize Your Advertisers Friends Of The Community UNDER NEW MP'AGEMENT The Rainbow Inn Located on Xenia Pk. Rt. 42 BOB and ANN JOHNSON PLATE LUNCHES AND SHORT ORDERS. SANDWICHES - ICE-CREAM - MALTS MILKSHAKES - SUNDAES - ETC. Open 9:00 a.m. to Midhight TUESDAY THRU THURSDAY Fri., Sat., — Open All Night Sunday — 2 A. M. Closed Mondays Sohio Petroleum Products and Insert the puns again. Let : the plastic wood harden and the pulls wUl fit snugly ones mors. ,i When sections of linoleum are'1 badly worn, remove with' a rator' blade and fit with a piece of soma you have leftover or some which* matches. WJpe off excess linoleum' cement before it dries as U is difficult to remove. 811k ‘ linings In lamp shades which have tom or burned can he removed. Make a new lining' and stitch It in, Bind frayed cords with friction (apa for real safety, Keep the (ape taut while winding around the cord, stretching and overlap­ ping It to make a smooth lap, Metal plates around light switch­ es will taka on a freshly upkept look If you remove them and polish bright with steal wool, than yaplaca. Advertise With BookMatches See DAN SUTTLES 14 N Limestone St, Jamestown, Ohio Roofing — Spouting — Heating Air Conditioning — Siding — Insulation Phone 4-5411 D, J. Patterson •— H, A , Poster Satisfaction Guaranteed More PROTEIN than ever before at a lower unit cost Get more money for your beef of market by feeding economical protein. It’s pos­ sible now with Pro-Blend 50. Save feed tests, let us suggest the* best ration using your own homo groins. GREENE. CO.. FARM. BUREAU. CO-OP Cor, Bellbrook Ac Walnut Xenia, Ohio Phone 2*3541 Save f 10 on the purchase of a water heater! .whenever you want it! Install A New REX Natural Gas Water Heater and enjoy these advantages: Chafes of sisas ta fit your M a d s Natural Gas flexibility and acenamy Snap action temperature control Undarflrad hooting far fual saving Haavy Insulation prevents haat less Fast recovery-heats full tank In ana hour 10 year guarantee against leakage SOUS ON KASY TERMS with small dawn payment. Stag In at any principal afflea ofAseCampowy today, or toa yavf doofor. A home isn’t modern unless equipped to furnish plenty of hot water. An automatic washer uses 18 gallons per load, An auto- ^ matic dishwasher needs 7 gallons per load- Tub baths use 15 gal­ lons each, showers 3 gallons a minute. When you want hot water, you want it without waiting- Hot water is important, too, for shav* ing, shampoos—and for household cleaning and food preparation' s easy to have alt the hot water you need—just install a new< REX Natural Gas Automatic WATER HEATER. THE DAYTON POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY Q