The Jamestown Journal, Volume 77, Numbers 17-52

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1954 THE JAMESTOWN JOURNAI PAGE THREE * * * S O C I E T Y N E W S * * * b Miss Barbara Bradds Weds Richard L. Brown Nov. 15 Miss Barbara Bradds, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Bradds, became Busy Homemakers Meet Mrs. Martha Hollingsworth en­ tertained members of the Busy Homemakers at her home Wednes­ day afternoon. This club is a home demonstration club. The program for this meeting was a demonstra- Mis. Brown is a pupil at Green-*, High School and Mr. Brown i s ; 11™ Pu™ mak and was the biide of Rlcha.d L, Brown, son of sllvercrcek Hlgh conducted by Mrs. Ruth Powers and [School, Class of 1952 and is em- lployed at Gentile Air Force Depot, I in Dayton, of Mr. and Mrs, Emil Brown, Nov­ ember 15 in Covington, Kentucky, The young couple were united In marriage by Judge Edward W. Lnm- ker. Their only attendants were j Mr, and Mrs. Brown arc now Mr. and Mis. Dean Dlffcndal near Mlllcdgevillc. of jnt home In their apartment on E. 1Washington St., Jamestown. Miscellaneous Shower Honors Mrs. Carter Mrs. Geneva Heinz. The hostess served refreshments to 10 members and four guests. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Glenn Babb, on Dec­ ember 15. TURKEY DINNER Mr, and Mrs. Jesse Taylor enter- Italned with turkey dinner Sunday in their home in honor of Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Little of Oklahoma. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Edmlston of West Jeffer­ son, Mr. and Mrs, Ray Edmlston of West Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs. Lo­ well Edmlston of South Charleston, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Pent of Mill- edgeville, Miss Jean Taylor of Co­ lumbus and Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Taylor. Paintersville W C T U Met with Mrs. Lewis Beal The W, C. T. U» members of Paintersville met at the home of Mrs. Lewis Beal, Wednesday after- Mrs. Jack Carter (Jahis Garringer) was honored noon. -The business meeting was in with a miscellaneous shower Saturday evening at the j charge of the president, Mrs. Burch home of Mrs. Milo Cooper who was assisted by Mrs. Pierson, who also gave a report on Robert T. Brown. The Cooper home was beautifully J the restriction of horror comic decorated in green and white and this color scheme was jbooks, she read a letter of thanks carried out throughout the house and the refreshment from Korea for fruit juice sent by appointments. Games and contests were en­ joyed by the guests and prized were awarded to Marianne Speakmen, Cynthia Garringcr and Patty Stei­ ner. An Ice course was served to the following guests: Mrs. Wendell Gar­ ringcr, Miss Cynthia Garringcr, Miss Marianne Speakman, Miss Kay Talbott, Mrs. Margie Hazel- baker, Miss Patty Steiner, Miss Jo Neil Flint, Miss Beverly Gill, Miss Margaret Carter, Miss Ruthanne Brown, Miss Margaret Brown, Miss Patty Hart and the guest of honor, Mrs, Carter. Mrs. Carter received many lovely and useful gifts. Missionary Society jhostess. Enjoys Covered Dish j A j )V ance club to meet Multiflora Club Meets At Smith Home Mrs. Leland Smith was the very gracious hostess to members of the Multiflora Garden Club at her home Thursday evening, November 18 at 8:00 The business meeting and devotions were led by the club president Mrs. R. H. Dill. Mrs, Dale Atley gave n very interesting talk on "Bulbs for Winter Bloom" and a plant exchange was held by the members. Those present for this very inter­ esting meeting were Mrs. Leland Smith, Mrs. Dale Atley, Mrs. R, H. Dill, Mrs. Kay Dean, Mrs. George) Smith, Mrs. Russell Flax, Mrs. Wil- i liam Lochwood, Mrs, Robert O’- j —, . ^ -n n Bryant, Mrs. Max Jcnks, Mrs. Wlnl- | E l 16nd ly BUIIQGI S fred Hatipt, Mrs. Russell Haines,, Meet At MoSSman Mrs, Max Powers, Mrs, Willard Haines, Mis. Chester Knox, Mrs. . Fred Morr, Mrs. Bud Spahr, Mrs. and Mrs‘ Donald Mossman Harold Chaffin, Mis. Ralph Slits-1 entertained members of the Friend- worth and Mrs. Mercll Roach. » BulIdels Sunday sch°o1 cIass j of the Grape Grove Church of • . j Cjirjst at tticlr home Thursday ! evening, November 18, The business Smeeting and devotions were in |charge of the President, Mrs, Arid |Cummings, Prayer Was led by , 1Donald Mossman. Readings were tgiven by Mis. Cummings, Mrs. the Union. Mis. Charles Miller read a paper on “Russian Probation" and Mrs. Harry Devoe on "Minor Probation Experiment." Plans were made for a Christmas party and gift ex­ change on Dec. 8, at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Heinz. Members are to bring 50c gift for veterans at Brown Hospital, Veterans' Adminis­ tration Facility, Dayton. A salad course was served by the WITH THE SICK . . . iv^rs. Joseph Butler, of near Jamestown, a surgical patient; Mrs. Emma Spurgeon, near Jamestown, Surgical patient; R. G. Bock, of Bowersville, dismissed after treat­ ment. * • • Mrs. C. E. Long is a patient at City Hospital, Springfield for treat­ ment and observation. Mrs. Long is Improving satisfactorily. PERSONALS Luncheon The Missionary Society of the Baptist Church met at the home of Mrs. Ida Clemmer and Mrs. Ma- belle Hurley, Thursday, Nov. 18, for an all day meeting with a covered dish dinner served at the noon hour. The business meeting was in charge of the president, Mrs. Ma- bellc Hurley and devotions were led by Mrs. John Robison. Mrs. Vernon Robison was In charge of the pro­ gram. Those present were Mrs, Donald Brcnkfield, Mrs. Harry Arthur, Mrs. Lina Church, Mrs. Paul Garrlnger, Mrs, William Jones, Mrs, Bernard Knecht, Mrs. Paul Langdon, Mrs. Vernon Robison, Mrs. David Robi­ son, and Mrs. John Robison. The Advance Club will meet at Mis. John Ferguson’s home on Monday afternoon, November 29 at 2:30 p.m. FAMILY DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Harley Johnson of New Jasper entertained with a fa­ mily dinner Sunday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. William Mil- stead and David, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Riegcl and Timmy Hab- good. Chirstmas Demonstration A demonstration on Christmas ar­ rangements will be held at the |‘ United Presbyterian church, Xenia, . t, u , Oscar Smith, Mrs. Donald Mossman oil Tuesday, Nov. 30. Lunch will be . . . . _ ' ... ..... , , ; ,, . . . .... i, sand Mrs. Pearl Newell, served by ladies of the church. t The Mulliflora Garden Club, of Jamestown, will be in charge of the "bazaar” which Is to be held there that day. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. OfVllle Keiter, Mrs, Arid Cum­ mings, Mrs, Pearl Newell, Mrs, Oscar Smith, Mrs, Paul Weiner and children and one guest, Miss Kay ! Cooper, Mrs. Lamar Long | s u n S E ^ S i d i y Honors Sons Birthdays j D inner Honors Mrs, Lamar Long entertained jFl’ank Simison with a birthday party at her home j Mrs, Frank Slmlson entertained Monday evening, Nov, 15, for thej with n surprise birthday dinner for birthdays or her sons, Douglas, 7, her husband Sunday. A large dccor- nnd Dennis, 4, The boys' birth-! ated cake centered the table around days are on the some day. j which were placed many gifts for Games and contests were cn-1 the guest of honor. Joyed and the hostess served ai Those present to enjoy the day supper using color schemes of red, j with Mr. Simison were Mr, and white and blue. Each guest was - Mrs. Lawrence Beatty, Arthur Beat- presented with a red and white hat ty, Mrs. Jean Tooker, Mr. and Mrs HOME CRAFT CLUB MEETS The Home Craft Club Meeting was held Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Jeese Gray and plans were made for the annual Turkey Din­ ner. This event will be held at the home of Mrs. Arthur Allen Sr. Refreshments were served to the following: Mrs. Arthur Allen Sr. Mrs. Elbert Baker, Mrs. Carl Baker, Mrs. Lauris Smith, Mrs, Earl Gar­ ringcr, Mrs. Mablc Hurley, Mrs. Russell Hughes and Max, Mrs. He- her Kcnch nnd son, Mrs, David Leslie and son, Mrs. Ida Burton and Mrs. Winifred Hope. and toys. Those present were Phillip Long, Bruce Long, Richard Long, Debora Spencer, Susan Moore, Lawrence Leach, Donald Butler, Joyce Cum­ mings, Libby McDorman, Vicky Armstrong, Jerry Rurtk and Danny Runk. ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETS .. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bingainon entertained members of Advisory Council No. 5.2 at their home Wed­ nesday evening. Bill Evans, Chair­ man was in charge of the meet­ ing and Sam Dean led the dis­ cussion on "United We Win”. The hostess served refreshments to the following: Mr, and Mrs, Bill Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tur­ ner, Mrs. Russell Eavers, Sam Dean. Harley Rogers and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Rogers and daugh­ ter, Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Brown and family, Mr, and Mrs, Paul Mil­ ler of Fairborn, Mrs. Mima Rogers and Lee Simison. Ladies Meet At Church The Missionary Society of the Jamestown Church of Christ met Friday afternoon at the church. Vice President, Mrs. Richard Arm- ent was in charge of the business meeting. Mrs. Cyril Moorman was in charge of the program. Those present were: Mrs. How­ ard McGinnis, Mrs. Virgil Frost, Mrs, William Bethel, Mrs. Elsie Glass, Mrs. Frank Glass and Mrs, Raymond Qustln and granddaugh­ ters, LADIES MEET AT CHURCH The Ladles Aid Society of the Jamestown Church of Christ met at the Church Thursday, November, 11, The business meeting was in charge of the President, Mrs, Ray­ mond Gustin and devotions were led by Mrs. Charles Leach Jr. Miss Blanch Garrlnger presented a very interesting program. Members present were Mrs, Ray­ mond Gustin, Mrs, Charles Leach Jr„ Mrs, William Dore, Mrs, Charles Leftch Sr„ Mrs, Frank Glass, Mrs, Elsie Glass, Mrs, J, H, Talbott, Mrs, Richard Armcnt, Mrs, Ida Bryan, Mrs, Alta Browder, Mrs. Ira Gar­ ringcr, Mrs. Harold Carter, Mrs. Ray Tidd, Mrs, Howard Leach, Mrs, Minnie Whittington, Miss Blanche Garrlnger and one guest Mrs, Char­ les Reed. GRANGE TO MEET The Jamestown Grange will hold initiation and will confer first and second degrees for new members at the hall Friday evening, Novem­ ber 26 at 8:00 p.m. All members are asked to bring salad and sand­ wiches, Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Patrick, a son bom Nov. 14; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Doster, a daughter, Nov. 15; Mr, and Mrs, Glenn Whittington, of near Washington C. H., a daugh­ ter, Nov. 18; Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Hyer, a daughter Nov, 18; Mr.’ and Mrs. Jack Engle, near Xenia, a daughter, Nov. 18, * * • Sgt, and Mrs. Roger Scott, near Sabina, a son, NoV. 17; Pfc, and Mrs. Earl Waggoner, near Xenia, a son, Nov, 19. Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tidd were Char­ les and Dick Sharp. They are leaving Wednesday to spend the winter in |Tampa, Florida. * • • Mr. and Mrs, Donald Earley and family were Sunday after­ noon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don­ ald Breakficld. * • • Mr. arfd Mrs, Eugene Willis of Oklahoma City are visiting this week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Willis and family. * * 0 Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. John Arwine and daughter Linda Ann, of Xenia, Mr. and Mrs. William Dye, of Yellow Springs and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Arwine of Fairborn were Sun­ day dinner guests of Mrs. Inez Merritt and Conner. The dinner was given in honor of the birth­ day of Mrs. John Arwine. Mr. and*Mrs. Mifflin Cummings and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Sally Leath. • • • Mrs. William Bethel is spend­ ing this week with he# two brothers Charles and Fred Clark and her sister Mrs. Minnie Scott of Chilli- cothe. • • • Mrs, Mae Ellis of Jeffersonville who has been ill spent from Mon­ day to Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Lee Boyscl. She is improving, * • • Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Marshall visited With his sisters Mr. and Mrs, J. S, McKelvey and Mr, and Mrs. H. G. Kackley in Canton Friday and Saturday. • • # Mr, and Mrs, Roy Wade jot Springfield were Sunday after­ noon guests of Mrs. Hubert Saun­ ders and son Carroll & daughter Linda and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wade and daughters, • 41 9 Mrs, Homer Perslnger returned to her home Saturday and is grad­ ually improving, • • • Mr, and Mrs, Cecil long and Mr, and Mrs, Ernest Long were cal­ lers Sunday on Mrs, Long at Shirks Rest Home. Others Cnlleis Sun­ day at the Rest Home were Mr. and Mrs, Jack Huffman and daughter Susan and Mablc Jenks of Xenia, • * • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Frame was weekend guests of Mr, and Mrs. Willard Thuma and son and Mrs. Lillian Falstreau,' • # • Mis. Thurman Tidd entered Miami Valley Hospital, Dayton last week for treatment and observe-' tion and will return home this week, • • • Roger Dean Earley spent the weekend with Leo Rickardson of Fairborn. • • * Mrs, C. E. Thuma returned home Tuesday after visiting for 2 weeks iti Cleveland and Montecello, 111. * • • Mr. and Mrs. O. T, Marshall held a Pre-thanksgiving dinner at their home Sunday. Guests for the occasion were Mr, and Mrs, Paul Haines of Pataskula, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bartley and David of Dayton, Mr, and Mrs. Dean Marshall and sons of Mt. Sterling^ Mr. and Mis. Wayne Marshall and sons and Mr, and Mrs. Lee Marshall and family. Sunday arternoon guests of Mr, nnd Mrs. Lee Boyscl were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ellis and family of Columbus, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Ellis of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Ellis and family of Sedalla, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cook and family of Jeffersonville. • • « Dr. and Mrs. Paul Kaase and children Jill and Jon of Cleveland were weekend guests of Mrs, Ro­ bert Lucas and Jesse Brown. They attended the football game at Col­ umbus Saturday. • • • Mr, and Mrs. Roger Ensign and daughters of Springfield were Sun­ day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Ensign, • • • Mr, and Mrs. Albert Moebus of Bowersville and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Faulkner toured the Southern part of Ohio Sunday. • • • Sunday afternoon guests of Mr, and Mrs, C. M. Knick were Mr, and Mrs. Archie Wolverton of Springfield and Mr. and Mrs. James Jones of Dayton. Additional even­ ing guests were Mrs. Frank Sutton of Xenia and Mrs, Grace Miller. • • • Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Conner were Mr, and Mrs. Robert Conner of Dayton and Mr, and Mrs. Roy Reid and Sandra Kay, • • • Friday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Flaugher were Mr. and Mrs. Gleason Bloom of Sabina and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Flaugher and family of Springfield. • • • Mrs. Pearl Cook spent Thursd- day with Mrs. Ora Cook. • 9 9 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Patton were Thursday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glass and Donald. 0 0 • Wednesday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mossman were Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Long, and Miss Kay Cooper, of New Philadelphia. Miss Cooper remained in the Moss­ man home for a longer visit. « • • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Huffenber- ger of Wilmington and Marlon Charles were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Charles and family. • • • Mrs. Jessie Lutz of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Williams, Will Wilkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Cnry Gordon were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Murry. • • • Rev. and Mrs, H. C. Elliot of Waverly, spent from Thursday to Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Elliot. • • • Mr, and Mrs, Milton Gray of Dayton, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. John Collette, • • • Mr, and MTs. Hustton Evans left for Florida Monday morning. They will be visiting Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Estep and expect to be gone several weeks. 9 9 • Mr. and Mis, Bert Jacks, and family, of Cedarvllle, were Sunday evening guests of Mr, and Mrs, Bill Evans, and family. • • • Mr. and Mrs. John Evans enter­ tained with a Turkey Supper Satur­ day night for Mr. and Mrs, Huston I Evans and Mr, and Mrs, Bill Evans and family, * • • Mr, and Mrs. Harlan Powell and Mrs, Mnrvalee Webb and sons were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rother Troutc and daughter Shirley. • • • C. A. Paullin of Dayton, was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mis. Charles Reeder, 0 0' *’ Mrs. Ora Stevens Is visiting her daughter in Washington C. H., over Thanksgiving holidays. * • • Mr. and Mrs. Sam McCoy of Hill­ sboro were Sunday guests of Mrs. Druzilla German and Mrs, Jennie Bowles, * • • Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Klontz and family of Enort were Sun­ day guests of Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Klontz, • • • Mr. George Bethards, of Spring- field, Bpent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs, Charles Leach Sr. • # * Mrs. Etta Eutsler, of South Char­ leston, Is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bogard. Mr. nnd Mrs. Leonard Conner took Mrs. Druzilla Garmnn and Mrs. Jennie Bowles to Hillsboro to the funeral home Tuesday to view the body of a cousin, Mrs. Nathan McNnry, They also visited their brother T. W. McCoy who is convalcscenlng from an injured hip and reported getting along fine, • • • David Leslie, Robnld Leslie, Ro­ ger Flcrstcinc and Ralph Dumphy of Springfield were Deer Hunting in Northern Michigan from Thursday to Sunday evening when they .re­ turned home. 0 0 0 Mr. and Mrs, A. A. Hutzlcr of Springfield and Mr. nnd Mrs, For­ rest Hutzler nnd family of Benton Harbor, Michigan were Sunday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glass. • • • Mr. and Mrs, Thurman Stethem and daughter of Columbus were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hoover. • • • Mrs, Helen Sanders and Mrs, Harold Hoover attended the Tur­ key Supper at the Methodist Church in Xenia on Thursday. • • * Mr. and Mrs. Horace Mitchener of Spring Valley and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mitchener of Bellbrojok were Saturday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mis. D. E. Humphrey. Mrs. Dorothy Shoemaker and children visited Friday with Mr. and Mrs, Byron Ellnrs of Washington C.H. The occasion was the birth­ day of Byron Ellars Jr. • • • Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Moorman were Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Peirson, Miss Gladys Runk, Juanita Runk, Miss Virginia Stephens and Mr. and Mrs. James Pierson. • • • Mrs, Eloise McNamee and Sherill and Ned Talbott Were Sunday afternoon guests of Mrs. Alden Johnston. * • • Mrs. Edith Cummings, of near Jamestown has been moved' to Miami Valley hospital, Dayton, and is slowly improving. Mr, and Mrs, Frank Wilson, of Dayton, and Mr, and Mrs. Charles Ames were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr, and Mrs. William Break- > " field and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Whetsel, of Chilllcothe. • • • Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bogard were Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kane and son, Kevan, of Kings Mills, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Haines and daughters. • • • Mr, nnd Mrs. Harold Caraway nnd family were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr, and Mrs, Ralph Baker and dnughtcr of near Sabina. • • • Mr, nnd Mrs. Harold Caraway and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Knisloy and daughter were Sun­ day evening guests of Mr. and Mrs, Wayne Knislcy. 9 9 9 Miss Connie Devoe and Miss Janet Charles spent the weekend visiting their aunt Hazel Charles and also their uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Walter Charles of Dayton. J M lM lS tM tM lM lM lM iM lltS lM lS iW jVenard Theatre! ®W. Washington St, Jastn., O. ' Saturday, November 2 7 “Best Years of Our Lives” With M ym a Loy - Fredric M arch [ Sunday , N ovem ber 2 8 “DriveA CrookedRoad” With M ick ey Rooney 4K<C<<WW<Wwwwwwwwmcwwwown Friends Of The Community Patronize Your Advertisers CLEMMERBEAUTY SHOPPE Jam estown , Oh io Rosemoor Rd . SUNDAY SPECIAL Fried Ch icken D inner ....................... .............. ....... $ 1 .1 5 Roast B e e f D inner ........................................................... $ 1 .0 0 S teak s A Chops — S o ft Drinks, Ice Cream Royal Grill 8 St L imestone Jam estown , Oh io iPhone 4 -9 1 0 0 IW 4WWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWHW aW <<WWWWWWWW<<ltWWWWWWWW CURLEY'S FINE FOODS WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY THANKSGIVING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25TH M M I A n M M lM A M M A X M lM tM lllM h M tM lM tM tM lM tM lM iM tM K I li * V IS IT O U R L A R G E T O Y D IS P L A Y OPEN MONDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS Have You Registered For Free Prizes?? H alt J , H ill FARM SERVICE Jam estown , O h io Phone 4 -9 6 9 1 • PLENTY OF FREE PARKING •