The Jamestown Journal, Volume 77, Numbers 17-52

BOWERSVILLE | .MRS. CATHERINE IIA l’GHKY j Correspondent I Mr and Mrs George Greene nrnlj Mr. .‘iid .Mrs .Hill Gardner of Italy, | Tevis spent the weekend with Mr. and Mi.;. Dale Henry and sons, Mr. Gn«ne i’- a hi other or Mrs. Henry and the Gaidnen; were close friends. * ♦ • Mrs Haynimul Heleiitlnil and Mi:. Alma Turner of Columbus visited Wednesday with Mrs, Cora Periihliter. * * * Sunday evening guests of Mrs. Pave Carpenter were. Mr mid Mrs, Marion Burr and Mrs. Elva Burr of Janie-,town and Mrs. K. M. Johns­ ton. t» Mr, and Mis, Harry Theobold of South .Solon .spent, Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Itaper Jones and Uoiinie and Mrs. Lettle Jones. W "* * Mrs. T, W, Bendry is a patient at Oic-ene Memorial Hospital for medi­ cal treatment. * * * Mrs Mae Ellis of Jeffersonville, Mr and Mr;, Hubert Mason and Gurv and Deanna and Miss Susan Haines were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hargrave PAGE TWO THE JAMESTOWN JOURNAL and Joyce. J • * • Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Homey vlsl- ‘ ted Sunday afternonon with her j aunt Mrs ICatherlne Allen, and j Mrs. Marie Dadd and. Mrs. Edith Hill. Mrs. Allen will celebrate her 96th birthday next Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Homey also visited Mrs, Fred Estlc at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Homey of Clifton. • • • Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Bock and La- Vern entertined several relatives and friends at their home near Jef­ fersonville In honor of Mrs. R, O. Bock’s birthday. Ice cream and cake was served to the following, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bock and Thane, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dean Miley nnd Mnrdcne, Mr. and Mrs, R. G, Bock and Miss Martha Hughes of Washington C, H. The Juniors entertained the Sen­ iors, the high school faculty and school hoard at a banquet at the Shawnee Hotel Springfield. A lovely evening was greatly enjoyed, j * * * | Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seaman and ; Lana nnd Mr, and Mrs. William j Pickering were hostesses when the j Y. M. M. class of the Methodist | Church met in the church bnsemcrit; Saturday evening. Present ~n ad- ! fa> 0 0 t> 0 0 0 0 • ■m0;0r.0'0rm0smm0^m0^0t070im0smm-0»-0i0>.0 HOGS, CATTLE CALVES and SHEEP riitlon to the hostesses were. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Gernrd and Rhea Kay, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cline, Danny, Sharon and Grady, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cline, Anne and Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. Junior Kirk and Roger, Mrs. Dale Kirk, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mason, Gary and Deanna. « ©* , Mr. nnd Mrs. Raper Jones nnd Ronnie and Mrs, Lettle Jones were guests Sunday evening of Mr. and Mrs, Orville Miller of Bloomings- burg. * • * Miss Ellen Dwyer, Mi's. Catherine Htuighey and Mins Minnie Sheri­ dan visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Franklin Swlsslielm and children, Gernldlno, Mary Lou and Gerald of near Xenia, it Aih Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn lewis and children, Raymond, Price and Sur ellcn toured through southern Ohio Sunday and was supper guests of Mrs. Edith Lounsberry of Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Haughey spent the weekend with her par­ ents Mr, and Mrs. C. E, Ballentinc and Judy of Gennntown. » * * Mr. and Mrs. Cedi Goodbar at­ tended tho State Locker Conven­ tion at the Hotel Biltniore in Day- ton Sunday, evening and Monday. Dayton spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, James Jones. Mi:, and Mrs. Leland Storer of near Sabina called on Mrs. Pearl IStorer Sunday evening. » * « | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eugene Kyle and family spent the weekend with Mrs, Kyles parents, Mr. and Mrs, D. Forest Strong, of near New Holland. a a ■»'* Mr. and Mrs. Ben 'Wall and son of Jamestown and Mrs. Melvin Fife and children of Cedarvllle, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Pendali. Mr. and Mrs, Howard Hook and family and Mr, Lawrence Smith and son of Xenia were evening guests. * * • Mr. and Mrs. Herman Oliver of Dayton and Mr, Everett McKamcy of Xenia- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Moudy Barnett. Mrs. Ralph Haines spent part of last week with M'r. and Mrs. Clif­ ford Hornell and family of New *meeting when the following officers i were elected; president, Marion 'Thursday April 23, 1954 Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Woolery o f, Mrs, Ernest Elliott, Dayton spent Monday .evening with] Thos„ nlh,nd],£ -the tour of In -| Mr. and Mrs. D.A. Powers. j dustrlal plants in Xenia sponsored Charles: vlce Prcsldentf JulCah At Phtirnh «„Vrinv m - iv 2 | by the Farm Bureau Women’s Com-!Whittington; secretary, Shirley At church fcuLday, May 2, ; _ iTroutc; treasurer, Veda Mae Wright, Preaching at 9:00 A.M'„ Rev. D . raittee were Mrs. Laurir, Beal, M w . ^ ^ Tuesday of etich month Merle Hill, pastor, followed by Sun- j Ray McDonald and Mrs. Kenneth jWttS selected as the regular meeting day School. Quarterly Conference • jdates. * , , ! A social hour was enjoyed and at Mr. and Mrs. Burch Pierson weie the close of the evening refresh- | Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Aments of ice cream, cookies, hot *Mrs. Neil Jones and family o f : chocolate and coffee were served, *Xenia. ' Those present were Ruth Bryan, j „ , . ' Anette Sessler, Veda Mae Wright, 1 Mrs. Marion Devoe of Dayton' shlrlcy Trouto, Juleah Whittington, spent Tuesday with, her daughter j Bob Talbott, David Swearingen, NO COMMISSION FREE TRUCKING MT. TABOR . . . LEROY HOLLINGSWORTH CORRESPONDENT Mr. and Mrs, Robert Beal and }family of Port William were Sun­ day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Beal and Beverly. IBurlington, , Mr. and Mrs. "jesse Pickering and family of Wilmington spent Sunday with Mrs. Lcnna Jones. • «t * Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Steward and family spent Sunday with Mr. and j Mrs. George Steward and family of | new Jamestown. I I Mr. and Mrs Carroll Ruddick and I i family of Dayton spent Sunday with Mrs. Ruddlck’s parents, Mr. and Mrs Chelsea Stoops. Thursday evening, May 6, ----- — PAINTERSVILLE Mrs. Elden Heinz Correspondent Palntersvllle W.C.T.U. members who attended the County Insti­ tute at Bowcrsvlllc church of Christ were Mrs, Bowls Beal, Mrs. Burch Pierson, Mrs. Kenneth Heinz, Mrs, Harry Devoe and Mrs. L. V. Linton. «* * « Mn and Mrs. Elmer Smith attend­ ed the funeral bf Mr, Hcber Mul- linix Thursday. w* * Mr, and Mrs. Leon Fawley spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Spencer of Hamilton. a a * Mrs. Isa Innis spent last week at the home of Mr, nnd Mrs. Robert Pollock of Jamestown. *’ tr * Mr, and Mrs. Roger Devoe spent | the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Devoe. I Mrs. Floyd Heinz and family. Young People’s Class Organizes IMarlon Charles, Kenny Babb, Phillip Ireland and Mr, McGinnis, members jof the class, guests were Barbara : Haines, Max Johnson, Ford Picker- IIng and Mrs. Howard McGinnis. Sixteen members and guests ofj Jamestown Births the Young Peoples Class of th e ( A*. U • j j •. i Jamestown Church, of Christ met at i A t H aM C S H O S p ita l the Church Tuesday evening, April j Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Craig, James- 21 for the purpose of organizing the j town R. R. 1 are, announcing the class. The teacher. Howard McGln-j birth of a baby girl, at Haines Hos- nis, presided’ during the business pital, Monday morning, April 26. lliik 's Stock Yards CALL FOR DAIRY MARKET Washington, C. H,, O. Phone: 2599 0r0t0f0-:.0~0s0»»r0^0mm 0B0m ^m 0a Herman K. Ankeney ft# CANDIDATE FOR STATE / REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLICAN PRIMARY City Property or Farms Let U b Sell Your Real Estate Courteous, Efficient Real Estate and Auctioneering Service 4,/j% Farm Loans C. E. LONG —Realtor— Phones - Office 4-7811 - -Res. 4-7801 ,V. Limestone St., Jamestown, O. j Mr. arid Mrs. Harry Faulkner were , Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and iMrs. Elden Heinz and sons. Sunday ; evening guests at the Heinz home j !were Mr. and Mrs. Laurl3 Stralcy j and sons, near Cedarvllle. j ■ . * * ! Mr. and Mrs. Ray McDonald were, I Sunday evening guest of Mr. and WANTED------ MEN — WOMEN SPARE TIME —■FULL TIME Nationally operating company is opening new outlets for WHOLE­ SALE merchandise such as NUTS, GUM, CANDIES, CIGARETTES, COFFEE, ETC., and featuring tlic nationally advertised IIAV-A- LIFT, sold in your area only through our machines. YOU DO NOT BUY MACHINES! We will supply brand new MODERN machines ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE. NO SELLING OR SOLICITING necessary as our representative obtains all locations. A CASH IN­ VESTMENT uf $600.00 or more is necessary; this is SECURED by Inventory. THIS IS NOT A GET RICH QUICK business, but should give you a STEADY, PROFITABLE income for the rest of your life. If you have 0 hours per week to spare, are of excellent character anil credit standing, own a car, have the necessary capital and a sincere desire for financial security then write a t once for interview with factory ronroxenlallve; include phone and address. VITAVEND CORPORATION. 67-18 SHERIDAN ROAD. CHICAGO 20. ILLINOIS. ORDER NOW Distinctive MOTHER’S DAY CORSAGES Phone 4-9311 (Formerly Moore’s Greenhouse Sticklcy’s Flowcrland It. R. 1 Jamestown, Ohio May 4,1954 I Will Appreciate Your Vote Pol. Adv. OLD MILL Starting May 4th OPEN 11 A. M. to Midnite Sundays 12 noon to 8 P. M, CLOSED MONDAYS ThisUsedCorTag btinqc you ^ Confidence Look for the red OKTag* It mean* •v C l ix Ways Better I , Thoroughly Inspected 2* Reconditioned for Safety 3. Reconditioned for Performance 4. Recondilioned for Value 5. Honeslly Described d . Warranted in Writing! / t, ■ t& r i Sold only hy on authorized dkohr FARMERS BE PREPARED Finance the Purchase o f 'Your Farm or Your Short Term Farm Mortgage Loan the FEDERAL LAND BANK WAY. Lowest Interest — Longer Term — Pay Any Day and Lower the interest - - Small Semi-Annual Payments — 4 percent Interest on Future Payment Funds — No Renewal Fees if Depression Strikes, Be SAFE SURE SECURE Write or Call \ EARL SKILLINGS, Secretary-Treasurer SPRINGFIELD NATIONAL BARGAIN DAYS FOR) USEDCARBUYERS f & Bj 1940 V-8 Ford Tudor Radio & Heater—A Bargain! $195.00 jxi 1948 Dodge Custom 4-door — Radio & H e a le r — Good Transportation. $595.00 1948 Buick Super Sedanette—Radio & Heater $795.00 1949 V-8 Ford Club Coupe R & H - Lots of Pep! $495.00 1952 Dodge Vg -Ton Panel — Heater — Fine For Farm Use $1295.00 1953 Dodge Coronet S ed an -R ad io— Heater— Low Mil­ age • $2395.00 1952 Dodge B3KA 153 2% Ton— Excellent Condition— Heater $1395.00 1949 Dodge 3-4 Ton Pickup—Heater $795.00 STOKES MOTOR CO. S. Main St. Cedarvllle, Olilu Phone 6-4021 FARM LOAN ASSOCIATION 59.1 M. Si M. Blilding, Springfield, Ohio LOANS ! FAMOUS CHEAP STORE ,’g Spring merchandise now on display. Girls’ dresses, slips and jackets. Boys’ suits, coats and caps. !k Ladies’ nylon and rayon hose. j|| Boys’ and Girls’ anklets. Boys’ white dress shirts with boW ties. * FAMOUS CHEAP STORE WE DELIVER j '0m>0-jf # 0 '0*& * .0 ,0 '.0 '# '0 :* ‘* ,* 0*0L'0'j0rt0i0t0*m*0L,0*0zm0k0i*~i J XENIA, OHIO Check With A Specialized Financial Inititution P E O P L E S Building & Savings Co. 11 Green St. Since 1885 Xenia; O. Lowell Fess L ang s C h e v ro le t Sa les HOG BOXES We Are Now Taking Orders and Building HOG BOXES & FEED RACKS $52.50 6 x 7 Box on ly ....................... . . Our 8 x 7 Box is Semi-A Type Oak runners & floor - Hardwood Frame • Metal Top TOP OPENS FOR INSPECTION * We also build • 7 x 14 and an 8 x 18 house on Orders Only L R. JACOBS Phone 7-9321 Your Present State Senator Republican Candidate For SECOND TERM Ten Years A Member Of The State Legislature and Former Chairman Of The Greene County Be|iublieati Central And Executive Committees. j* During his years of-service in the State Leg­ islature, SENATOR FESS’has been, particu­ larly active on behalf of AGRICULTURE and CONSERVATION, the TEACHERS and PUBLIC SCHOOLS as well as VETERANS’ AFFAIRS. EXPERIENCED AND QUALIFIED" Political Adv.