The Jamestown Journal, Volume 77, Numbers 17-52
PAGE EIGHT THE JAMESTOWN JOURNAL THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1954 0 CHURCH SERVICES JAMESTOWN FRIENDS CHURCH Gene E Lewis, Pastor 9:30 A. M. — Church School. 10:30 A. M, — Morning worship. 7:30 P.M. — Wednesday: Mid week Bible Study JAMESTOWN CHURCH OF CHRIST Howard McGinnis, Pastor 0:30 a. m. Bible school. 10:30 n,in. Morning Worship. 7:00 p. m. Young Peoples Meeting, 8:00 p, m. Evangelistic Service. 8:00 p. m. Wed., prayer service followed by choir practice. JAMESTOWN METHODIST CHURCH Elwnod Rose, Pastor 0:20 A. M.—The Story Hour for the kiddles. 0:30 A. M.—Church school. 10:30 A M .--M orn ing worship ivlth nursery for toddlers. JAMESTOWN PENETECOSTAL CHURCH OF CHRIST M. C. Scott, Pastor 10:00 M.—Sunday school. 12:00 to 12:30 brond-ost over sta- don WCHO, Washli^ton C. H. 7:30 P. M. — Wednesday prayer meeting. JAMESTOWN UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH H. C. Haines, Pastor 10:00 a. m. Sunday School 11:00 a. m. Church Service 7:30 Youth Fellowship Meet ing. CHURCR OF CHRIST (llowersville) James M. Grange, Pastor 10;00 A, M.---Bible School. 10:45 A. M--Morning worship. 8:00 P. M.—Evening Evangelis tic Service 8:00 P. M.~Monday, youth meet ing. 8:00 p. m. Wed., prayer meeting. JAMESTOWN FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Harry E. Arthur, Pastor 10:00 n.m. Sunday School. li:Q0 n.m. Morning Worship. 7:00 p.m. Baptist Youth Fellow ship. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Choir Prac- ' tlce. j PILGRIM HOLINESS CHURCH \ BOWERSVILLE, OinO John Minsker, pastor 10:00 a. m,—Sunday School. 11:00 a. m.—Morning Worship, 7:15 p. m.—Pilgrim Youth Serv-: ice, : 8:00 p. m.—Evangelistic Service.] 8:00 p. m.--Wednesday Prayer and Praise Service. BOWERSVILLE METHODIST Raymon Konkriglit, Pastor 10:00 n.m. Church school 10:50 a.m. Worship service 7:00 p.m. M. Y. F. 8:00 p.m, Wed., choir practice — - - - ' NEW JASPER METHODIST CHURCH i Franklin Cooley, Faster 10:00 a.m, Church School, 7:00 a.m, M.Y.F. Wednesday 8:00 p.m. Midweek Bible Study and Prayer Service. THE METHODIST CHURCH [ PAINTERSVILLE Raymon Konkriglit, Pastor 0:45 A, M.—Worship service, I i0:00 A. M.- Churcli School. i (Jamestown) j Rev, Swain, pastor « .- — i GRAPE GROVE CHURCH OF CHRIST Paul E. Wiener, Pastor 10:00 A. M. — Bible school 11:00 A. M. — Lord's Table 7:00 P. M. — Group Meetings 8:00 P. M, — Evening Service Wednesday, 8:00 P. M., Mltl-wcek service. H e lp F ig h t TB Buy Christmas Seals LAFF OF THE WEEK C L A S S I F I E D A D V E R T I S I N G WANTED—House in the country with or without acreage. Re ferences, Phone 2-2478 after 5 p.m. 4W-U-18-25 & 12-2-9 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Anna M. Davis, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that James R, Davis has been duly appointed as Administrator of the estate o f Anna M, Davis, deceased late of James town Village, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 19th day of November, 1954. William B. McCaUlster Judge of Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. 11-25; 12-2-9 “ Confidentially—this stuff may also be taken Internally. THE BAFFLES By Mahoney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Harrison Jacks, Deceased, Notice is hereby given that Mae Antram has been duly appointed ns Administratrix With the Will an nexed of the estate of Harrison Jacks, deceased late of Silvercreek Township, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 19th day of Novem ber, 1954. William B. McCalllster Judge of Probate Court Greene County, Ohio. 11-25; 12-29 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Ida M. Fields, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Dora L, Fields has been duly appointed as Executor of the estate of Ida M, Fields, deceased late of James town Village, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 19th day of November, !Bond Sales Increase j An Incrcnse of nearly 17 per cent ; Jn October purchases of Series Ei land H Savings Bonds by Ohioans,’ brought the state to 80 per cent o f ' (its 1954 quota accomplished, Hon.:-! Frank L, Johnson, Chairman, :| Greene County Savings Bonds Coni-p. mlttec, reported today. Sales in j Greene County for October were J $79,477, and coinpuro to E and Hj investment of $120,303 for the same month n year ago. j Ohio’s share of the national quota j of $5.3 billion dollars Is $343,400,000 j In E and II Bonds, Chairman John- Ison said, The October Increase in the- state compares to a 4 per cent national gain. Cumulative total for j 10 months in the state shows $274,971,122 Invested in the two] bonds, and this Includes the $26,097,-} 471 purchased during October. State; sales of the two bonds n year ngo t state goal, The Northeast Area ! (Cleveland: had 92,1 per cent sold ’ and the Northwest Area (Toledo) ! had 84,8 per cent sold. Standings} of the other three arens were: North • Centra] (Caton) 77,3 Southern! (Cincinnati) 69; and Central (Col umbus) 60.3. The nation, state, j areas, and counties should have sold j 82.5 per cent by October 31 to, keep abreast of quota requirements, j were $22,310,640, j Ohioans must invest approxl-jl mately 35 million monthly in the j two bonds during November and December if the state meets Its responsibility to the national quota. At the end of October, only two of the five state areas were selling | theirproportionate shares of the : Advertise With BookMatches See DAN SUTTLES 14 N Limestone St. Y OU may look for new moves In the next Congress to protect the United States Civil Service Commission in administering the civil service law strictly on a merit basis without regard to politics, insofar as career employees of the Federal Government are con cerned. The City of Washington and Its environs, spreading over into Maryland and Virginia, are "up In arms" against the edicts of the Elsenhower administration. The first act of the administration a "reduction in force" of federal employees was a blow at not only the federal employees, but to busi ness In the Washington metropoli tan area generally. As a result, for the first time in more than 15 years, there are "for rent" signs and "for sale" signs up and down almost every street in Washing ton and in the towns of Alexandria and Arlington, Virginia, and in Silver Spring, Bcthcsda, Chevy Chase and Hyattsvlllo and other nearby towns in Maryland. Mer chants have suffered a severe blow in a loss of business as a result. However, the second blow came when the President vetoed a gen eral pay raise bill passed by the Congress, om the theoretical ground that no accompanying tax increase had been made by the Congress to offset the employee pay increase. The Federal em ployees had hardly recovered from tho smart of this set-back when an entirely new procedure went into effect, which if carried out may wreck the entire procedure of the C ivil. Service Commission, This action, emanating from the White House, sets up tho Republi can National Committee as the agency to fill federal patronage, by-passing tho Civil Service Com mission. In other words, the Civil Service Commission Is to be run on a non-partisan basis, so long as all job applicants arc Re publicans, and the merit system is to be tho solo criterion for a Job, so long ns the applicants have a suitable GOP endorsement. . Tho now personnel procurement procedure will affect every civil service grade from top to bottom not only in Washington, but throughout tho country, and will apply to nil such agencies ns the Tennessee Valley Authority and tho Foreign Operations Adminis tration and other independent gov ernment agencies, from which po litical pntronngc is barred by statute. Tho order, sent out to top governmental ohVcInls on White House stationery, .makes tho GOP national committee the major ro- crulltng ngency for the federal service, directs federal agencies to report job vacancies to that committee, and to make sure that those agencies do not by any "in advertence” revert to the merit system, orders tho agencies to make weekly and monthly reports to the GOP national Committee on how their job vacancies are being flllcd. As a matter of fact, however the Administration per sists In making unctuous promises to protect tho service, while wrecking its principles in practice. President Elsenhower, In a recent news conference defended the ac tion on tho grounds the program Is merely to procure the best pos sible men and women for the fed eral service." ■ UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY Full or part time men needed at once to take orders for Ohio’s largest selling liquid fertilizer. Big demand created by heavy advertising schedule and guarantee of profits to farmer. Little traveling —- home nights but car is essential. If $100 or more per week interests you, then write Immediately to: "Na- Churs", P. O. Box 500CS, Marion, Ohio. 11-11-18-25 I0YLAND NOW OPE Hundreds t Hundreds . . . Trains, Trucks, Dolls, Bikes, Trikes, Balls! Use Our Convenient Layaway & Easy Terms ! "HOME OWNED” BY GUY BAGGETT " 30 IV. MAIN ST. PHONE 2-3431 XENIA, O > v v j « . -this w h k r t j1 ' V V q t n o t e o o n / W e n C f r • AUD u s e r s OF LU BR IC AN TS a l ik e < _____ A Z j W v TOH1&LASTDOLLAR, HE PACKAGEO HIS PRODUCT iH SALVAGED OTSTER CANS, and PEDDLED IT FROMSHOP Tt>SHOP IN A HAND CART. o ver themonths ,M achinists ANDHARNESSMAKERS, ONE BY ONE. AGREED ID SAMPLE _ *EVEREST'S POLLY"} | .*?• •**!■ * '*• . .Ik warSrtk*, ? i ?• ' W* OkrittBM transfers. Tw ii(f« ; *»*Uf« la lVi U «l««. laililil, S .a t M , l i r E V C H areas , altera, tlf ■ ' * *« •1 I' * p»«tra, la AU - D U E T LAN E BUREAU , n< 1 M*. M ai- I'** SlaUaa, N i t T .rk l|, ff, T. tall - winter fashion « S ° J 5 . a U l U a n a l .1 ,lea, If# asIra, N t i l l m r l Q il li t H axtra. * A sign at Delake, Oregon, along , U. S. Highway 101, advertises the : D. River, running 400 feet from <Devil's Lake to tbs Pacific Ocean as the "world’s shortest river." Com p le te M o tor Overhau l 24-Hr. Wrecker Service Front End A lignm en t M o to r T un e -U p Jim Church ’s G a rag e Phone 4-7921 Jastn., O. HOT IDEA If your sales have cooled off— J warm up to the Buying Pi*’ Ho ♦Hrough regular Advertising in ThisNewspaper CheckWMi A Speclollnd Financial IntfMtrtkM PEOPLES Building & Savings Co. 11 Green S t. Since lftSK X en ia , O . are warranted In writing and the yea r ’s best va lues THE RED TAG MEANS 6 WAYS BETTER 1» Thoroughly Inspected 2, Reconditioned fof Safety 3. Reconditioned for Performance 4* Reconditioned fdr Value 5. Honestly Described 6, Warranted inWriting Soldonly by an autharhtd ^ C H E V R O L E T / j Lang XENIA, OHIO Chevrolet Sales PHONE 2-3557
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