The Jamestown Journal, Volume 77, Numbers 17-52

Thursday, December 30, 1954 THE JAMESTOWN JOURNAL PAGE THREE SOCIETY NEWS m The Christmas Holidays were a time of joyous meet­ ing, exchanging of gifts and the scene of many family din­ ners. Some went away to spend the holidays with others. While guests traveled to this Community to be with their family or friends. l Mr. and Mrs. Earl Houser and! Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Talbott sons entertained with a family din-[and Mrs. Etta Talbott had ns their nor nt their home, Christmas Day. Christmas Day dinner guests, Mr. The guest list Included Mr. and:and Mrs. Max Jcnks and family, Mrs. Hnny Allen, Donnie Vom Mr, and Mrs, Geno Talbott and Brown, of Washington C. H., Mr. daughter, of Xenia, Mr. and Mrs, and Mrs. Edward Allen, of Colum- . Dan Talbott, Noah Lemnster, Ron- bus, Mr. and Mrs Robert Hoyo nnd'nic McFarland, Gnry Rogers, Ches family, Mr. and Mrs. Avon Molden,tcr GrooniB, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph and children, of Xenia, Mr. and Talbott and family, Mrs. Arthur Houser, Miss Jean • Sheley, and Oscar Allen. > | Mr. and Mrs. Willis Goodbar and * * * i family and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ford Mr. and Mrs. Charier. Reach, Sr.,;were Christmas day guests of Cnm- ■spont Christmas Eve and Chrlstmns;Pron Goodbar and daughter, Ruth, Day with Mrs. G. H, Dench and | Jonnne, of Bellcfontnlnc. 1 * * | Mr and Mrs, Edwin Klontz and * * <Mr, and Mrs. Paul Klontz spent Christmas Day guests of Mr. and; Christmas wlth Mr nnd Mrs RJoh Mrs, Charles Leach. Jr., and fnmlly, rlI.ti shellenbargcr of Enon. were Mrs, Atcr Arnold, of Jefferson­ ville, and Miss Bernice Arnold, of • • • Orlando, Fin, Mr, and Mrs. Brooks Reeder and children, Barbara and Jim, of Blr- * * mingham, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pettit and j jviyCrs and family, of Cleveland, Family entertained with a family j C A Pau!lln) nnd Miss Harriet Christmas dinner at their home j Recderj 0f Columbus, were Chrls- Sunday. Those present were Mr. and tmas weekcnd guests o[ Mr and Mrs, Charles Kramer and son. of Youngstown, Mr. nnd Mrs. Lowell Kramer and children, of Springfield, Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard Leach and son, and Mrs. Richard Pettit, Ad­ ditional supper guests were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Howell and children, of St. Marys. * « • Christmas Day Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Jones were Mr, and Mrs. Byron Ellars and family, of Washington, Mr, and Mrs. Allen Ellars, .and Mrs. Dorothy Shoemaker and children. Christmas Eve dinner guests of/ Mr. and Mrs, William Mllstead Christmas Day dinner guests of Mrs. C. E. Thuma were Mr. and Mrs, Frank Shoemaker and daugh­ ters, of Monticello, 111., Mr. and Mrs, Willard Thuma and sons, Mrs. Lil­ lian Falstreau, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Frame, of Wapakoneta. Christmas day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Glass were Mr. and Mrs, R. J. Ertglcrt, of Cincin­ nati, Robert Thomas, of Miami, Fla., Mr, and Mrs. John Stanforth, of Fairborn, Mr. and Mrs, Roger Dean Glass and family, of Colum­ bus, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Glass, of Jeffersonville, Terry Lynn Kramer, or Youngstown and Henry Thomas, Mrs. Charles Reeder. Mr, and Mrs. Newman Tarter, of Xenia, Mr, and Mrs. Donald Binga- tnon and son, and Pvt. Charles Tar­ ter, of Fort Bliss, Texas, were Christmas Day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Eavers. • • • Mr, and Mrs. George Ensign spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl McDorman, Mr, and Mrs, Ennis Stephens en­ tertained with a Christmas supper, Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs, Hus- Stephcns and family, Mrs. Thelma ton Evans, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Yenger, of Dayton, Mr, and Mrs. Dick Yenger and sons, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Evans and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans nnd family. Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson spent Christmas ith their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. nnd Mrs, Wil­ liam Malone and son, of Columbus Dr, nnd Mrs, R. L-. Haines and Martha, were Mr, and Mrs. Paul Dcn-nls and fnmlly, Dr. and Mrs. Russel! Haines and family and Mrs, Hattie Wilson. Mr. and Mrs, Wayne Iiourt and son. Mr nnd Mrs Robert Ballard *and were Christmas guests of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Lumpkins, of Xenia. 9 • 9 Mrs, Arthur Geary spent Chris tmas Day with Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Geary and family, of Sabina •. • • Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Klontz and family, of Mlnmlsburg, Mr. and Mrs, •Mr, and Mrs. Paul Klontz were Sun Stanley Hctzlcr, Jr, and son, were Christmas Day dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Hctzlcr, Si;. duy cyening supper guests of Mrs. Wilma Klontz and family, of Spring’ field, I Christinas Day dinner guests of) Ml'' linri M,‘s* 00,1 Jrvlng, of Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Llllich and fami­ ly, of Cedarvllle. were, Mr. and Mrs, Dick Gray, Mr, and Mrs. Hubert Fields, of Mlnmlsburg, Mr, and Mrs. Don Barley, Mr, nnd Mrs, Wuync Perslngcr and family, Mr, and Mrs, Russell Hughes, Mr. and Mrs, Bill Evans and daughters, Mr, and Mrs. David Leslie and son, Mrs. Ida Hughes and Miss Lavlna Penson. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Baldwin and family, of Cedarvllle enter­ tained the following guests to din­ ner, Xmas Day, Mr. and Mrs. Char­ les Reed, of near Springfield, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brown and N. W, Prowant. Sunday Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Fowler and family were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Johnson, Frank Johnson and chil­ dren, of Wilmington, and Earl John­ son, of Sabina. Additional afternoon guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fow­ ler, of New Jasper. Mr, and Mrs, Fields and sorts en­ tertained with a Christmas dinner at their home, Saturday, Guests present were Mrs. Sam Carpenter, of Bowersvlllc, Mr. and Mrs, D. L. Fields, Miss Hannah Fields, and Mr. and Mrs. George Lcffcl, of MiI° Cooper. Additional supper Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Howard W, iquests were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Joy, or Detroit, Mich,, Mr. and , Savage nnd daughter, Debbie, of Mrs, Raymond Humphrey, of Dele-' Dayton, ware, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hamilton,} . . . Mr. nnd Mrs. David Fisher, of W il-: mlngton, Mr. nnd Mrs, Horace Mil-[ Christmas supper guests of Mr. chncr, of Spring Valley, Mr, and and Mrs. Earl Gnx*rlnger and Janet Mrs, Dennis Humphrey, Mr. and !were; Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Garrin- Mrs, Eugene Humphrey and family, jger and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Russell of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard t Hughes and family, Miss Lavina Humphrey and family, of Covington, <Penson, Mr, and Mrs. Willard Gnr- Ky„ were dinner guests Sunday of fringer and family, Mr, and Mrs. Mr. ond Mrs. O. E. Humphrey when jGail Garringer and son. they entertained with a Christmas i . . . party. ! . * * j Mr, and Mrs. Gayle Bryan and {family entertained with a dinner, Mrs. O. E. Reeves and Robert were < Christinas, the following guests, Christmas Day dinner guests ofjM*" and Mrs. Norman Stump and Mr, nnd Mrs. E. J. Stedem a n d , family, or Detroit, Mich,, Mr. nnd family of Columbus. ;Lebanon, Mr. nnd Mrs, Kenneth [Mrs, Paul Jcnks and family, of * * jJcnks, Mr, nnd Mrs, Arthur Jcnks Dr. nnd Mrs. A. D, Rltenour visit-! the 44th wedding anniversary of ed with their son-in-law nnd' °nd Harry Jcnks, nil of Xenia, daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Price Cnlfcc,! This dinner was also In honor of Jr., and family, of Beckley, W, Vn., Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jenks. over Christmas, • ♦ i $ 9 0 Mrs. Ida Burton entertained with Christmas Day dinner quests of ja family dinner a t her home on Dr, nnd Mrs, J. E. Syfrcd, were Miss | Sunday the following guests; Mr. Florence Syfred, of Youngstown | and Mrs, Arthur Allen, Sr., and Misses Jane and Eva Syfred, of near j family, Miss Kay Talbott, Mr. and Sabina, W, A. Syfred and Miss ,Mrs. Arthur Allen, Jr., Mr. and Naomi Syfred, of Sabina, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Flaugher en­ tertained to a turkey dinner, Christ: mas Day, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mrs. EJdcn Burton and family, of Wilmington, John Rhonemus, of Leescreek, and Homer Harford, Mr. and Mrs, Richard Newman Flaugher and family, of Springfield, Iand family, Mr, and Mrs, Emil Mr. and Mrs, Denver Bloom and family and Mr. and Mrs, Harold Flaugher and family, and A. A. Richard Flaugher, of San Ysldo, Calif. Christmas guests of Mr, nnd Mrs. Browii and Karen, Mr, and Mrs. Richard Brown and Mr, and Mrs. Charles Ames spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Winkler, of Dayton. * * 9 Friday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Boyttel were Denny Christmas Eve guests of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Fowler were Mr. and Mrs, Franklin Fowler and daughter, Mr. and Mrs William Fowler and chil­ dren. of Xenia, Mr and Mrs. Clar­ ence Fowler and son, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Fowler and family. 9 9 9 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ridgeway nnd sons, of Canal Winchester, and Miss-Lclia Mills, of Leesburg, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Devoe. * * • Christmas Day dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Faulkner were, Mr. and Mrs. Elden Heinz and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Faulkner and family of Bowersvlllc, and Mr. and Mrs, Virgil Faulkner and son, of Xenia. South Bend, Ind„ spent lost weekend with Mrs, George Sanders. • • • Mr. nnd Mrs. Ralph Ross spent Christmas with Mr. nnd Mrs. Donald Chancy nnd fnmlly, of Vandalin. • • • Mrs, O. B. Goodfellow, of Highs- plrc, Is spending the winter with Mrs. George Sanders. * * » Kent Smith returned to Chicago after spending the holidays with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Smith nnd son. • » • Mr. and Mrs. Bm Evans and fam­ ily, Mrs. Lulu Perslnger were Fri­ day evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Persinger. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jones, of Xenia, were the weekend guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orphal Bryan. Mrs. Grace Davids and Miss Lucy Smith spent the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Riggs, of Dayton, Mrs. James Todd and son, of Fairborn were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bingamon and son. • • • Mrs. Jenny Bowles and Mrs. Dur- zulla German were Saturday even­ ing supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Bowers and family. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McPher­ son and family called on Mr. and Mrs. Terry Griffith and family, of Folson, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Orphal Bryan and son entertained Saturday evening the following guests, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sprinkle and daughter, Ellen, Mr. and Mrs, Richard Newell and daughter, Vickie, Mrs, Florence Turner, Mrs. Catherine Haggard Mr. And Mrs. Donald Jones, of Xenia, • • ■ Dr. and Mrs, Gary Galscr and family, of Bloomington, Ind., Mr, and Mrs. Allen Loos and Christie, of Springfield, Mr, and Mrs. Clay­ ton Wiseman and family were Christmas Day guests of Mrs, Rob­ ert Nelson and Pauline, of Ccdar- vllle. Mrs. Hulda Hite, of Bowersvllle, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Fields, Mr. j Mr and Mrs, George Fury, Of Selma and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Armcnt, Jr., and daughter, of _ , , . i Cedarvllle, were Christmas Eve and Mrs Lawrence Knlsley and son,, Qf Mr< and Mrs, Rlchard of Lynchburg nnd Fred Lewis wer°!Arment e f Saturday dinner guests of Mr, and ’ Mrs. Floyd Chaffin and Hazel. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Garringer and Ruth has as their Christmas even- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Goodbar ln(J dlnner gueatSf &Ir< Rnd Mra. nnd Phyllis Ann, Mr, and Mrs. John ‘Robert Garringer and daughters, Blankenship and family, Pearl Wil- nnd Dick Garringeri 11s and sons, of Cincinnati, were; Saturday dinner guests of Mr, and , • * • Mrs. Joseph Willis. j Mr. and Mrs, Robert Fudge and (family spent Christmas with her , „ * * * , j parents, Mr, and Mrs. Clark Mc- Chiistmas Day dinner guests of , . . Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wilt wqre M r.jCa,hl’ °* * « * * » * » . and Mrs. Leroy Wilt and family, j and Mrs AJbert MoebuS( of Mr. and Mrs. Glen George and jBoweRjv and Mr and Mrg Harry family, and Mr, and Mrs, Hollis dlner ftt the Gol. Provens and family, of Columbus. den ^ ^ Lebanon> Sund, yi <jhc • * • dinner was In honor of the birth- Christmas Day dinner guests of , day of Mrs, Faulkner, After the Mrs, William Bethel and Clark were dinner they toured the southern Christmas Day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Talbott and Mrs. Eloise McNamecc and Shcrill nnd Ned Talbott, were Mr. and Mrs. C, N. Talbott and family, Max Allen, Bill Leis, of Columbus, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Alden Johnston and daughter, Sue. • * • Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Chaffin and daughter, Joyce, of Springfield, were Sunday evening guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Chaf­ fin and Hazel. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Smith and fam­ ily. of near Eleazcr entertained Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Bowers and family, Thursday evening. Mrs, Pearl Cook was a guest of Mrs. Sam Whited and family, of Springfield, over the Christmas holi­ days. • • • Robert Ford attended the party given by the Molding Dept., of Mor­ ris Bean Co., in Yellow Springs, Thursday. Pvt, and Mrs, Elden Reed, of Bow- etsville, and Paul Hargrave, of Day- ton. part Of Ohld, * •* * •* ’ Saturday eveftlBg guests of Mr, Jthe following guests Christmas Day: ItttgftttfW ktcttttnww ctkW tMW * and Mrg Robcrt, uabb and family, of D C p C n N A I Q jWilmington, Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth i C n O l f l iM L O • • ■ .jHorney and family, of Washington H’<Mr- and Mrs, Earl Ellis, and . . . „ ,. . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ellis and fam- Mr, and Mrs. Harold Chaffin and t ..... „ .... Marallnda and Lester Dunn spent ■ 1 0 cn a' Christmas with Mrs, Chaffin's mother, Mrs, Bessie Decker, of Anderson, Ind, Roy Swanoy and family were Mr, Lewis, of St„ Louis, Mo., and Sun- nnd Mrs, Richard Warmann, of St. J day afternoon guests were Mr, and Louis Mo., Mr. and Mrs, Robert Ellis j Mrs, Arthur Pickering' and Dick and family, Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Mr. and Mrs. Blii Riser and family, Swanoy and children, Mr. and Mrs. jof Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. Gene WilHird Swaney and family of Flax and daughters, of Cedarvllle, Xenia, and Mr, and Mrs. William and Mr. and Mrs, Carrol Gray and Jones and daughter, son, Mftralinda and Lester Dunn are now making their home with Mr, and Mrs, Harold Chaffin. Christmas Eve guests of Mr, and Mrs. Paul Garringer and Ruth were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Langdon and family. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Haller were Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, C. K. O’Brien, of Xenia, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jones and family, of Westchester were Thurs­ day and Friday guests Of her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Glass, Mrs. Robert Ford and Erie spent Thursday evening with Mrs. William Patrick and family. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Cushwa were Mr. and Mrs, Wal­ ter Glass and daughters, Jane and Barbara and Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Sexton and daughter Sandra and son, Marlin Ray, of Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pent and Mr, and Mrs, Ralph Taylor entertained the following guests Christens Day; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur English and Larry Jones, Mr. and Mrs. John Fent and daughter, Brenda, ML and Mrs. Charles Ekrley and son, Kirt, of Baltimore, Maryland, Mr, and Mrs, Clyde Toland nnd son, Carl, and Mr, and Mrs, Ottis Earley, Miss Ethel Jane Tajbott, Miss Pauline Talbott and Lewis Talbott, of Waynedale, Ind., spent from Saturday evening to Monday with their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, J, H. Talbott, and their brother, Ned Talbott. Mrs. Zelma Fulk, of Dayton, spent the Christmas holidays with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Fulk and fam­ ily. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen, Jr., spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Page and fam­ ily, of Springfield. • • • Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Garman, of Detroit, Mich., Were guests of Mrs. Durzilla Gar- man and Mrs. Jenny Bowles. • • • Mr. and Mrs, George Ensign spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ensign and daughters, of Springfield. • • • Mr, and Mrs. Harry Vannorsdall, of Wilmington and Misses Susan and Mary Fralick, of Yellow Springs were Christmas Day guests of Mr, and Mrs, Frank Glass, Mr, and Mrs, H, N, Grice and Harriet, Miss Janet Alspaugh, of Xenia, Bob Grice were Sunday guests of Mrs, Etta Grice and Lenna Grice, of Greenfield. • • • Mr, and Mrs, Raymond Gustin spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Pickens and family, of South Solon, Dr. and Mrs, Paul Kaase and children, Jill and Jon, of Cleveland, spent the Christmas holidays with her mother and grandfather, Mrs, Robert Lucas and Jesse Brown. ■ A • Those enjoying a covered dish supper and gift exchange were Mr. and Mrs, Junior Kirk and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Denneth Mangan and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Smith and sons, • • • Mr. and Mrs, Delbert Fowler and family entertained with a Christmas party a t their home, Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fudge and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Atley and family and Grady Raanlc spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs Myron Fudge, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Huffman and daughter, Sue of Cedarvllle, visited Sunday evening, with Mrs, Ruth Jolley, a t Shirks Rest Home, ML and Mrs. Merle Geary and Jimmy, of Dayton, and Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Geary of Sabina, were guests of Mrs. Arthuh Geary, on Christmas Ere, was a dinner guest Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Hite. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Hite were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Bittner, of Yellow Spri­ ngs. • • • Mr. and Mrs, M. A. Oliver spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Everhart and family, of Vandalla, Mrs, Lena Hite spent Christmas Day with her son,Mr, Russell Hite Mrs, Hite nnd family,of Columbus, • • • Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Brown and family and Mr. nnd Mrs. Harold Hoover enjoyed Christmas dinner rtm the home of Mrs. Frank Weaver, of Xcnln, Saturday. • • • Miss Luclla Houser called on Mr. and Mrs. Steven Whitten, of Frankfort, Sunday. • flt « Miss Carolyn Bittner, of yellow Springs, is visiting a few days this week with Miss Dottle Hite. • • • ? Mrs. Hersel Long and deughters. were visitors of Mrs. Emma Long, at Shirks Rest Home, Sunday. • * • Mrs. J. Harry Nagley. of Xenia, was a Christmas Day dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Braden Smith. 9 9 9 Paul Schultz left Monday for a Visit with his grandparents and his father, Harold Schultz, of near Hillards. » » • Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bowers and daughter, Florence, of Xenia, were guests Christmas of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Bowers and family. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hackney, .of Wilmington, were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bingamon and son. 9 0 9 Dr. and Mrs. Norman Linton and family spent Christmas with her mother Mrs. Glen Compton, of Dayton. • • * Miss Janet Alspugh, of Xenia, was a Christmas day guest of Mr. and Mrs. H, N. Grice and family. " " M n M M M N M N W Sunday afternoon guests ol Mrs, Arthur Geary were Mrs. John Wall­ ace and Ann, and Mrs. Phil Rector of near Xenia. • • .9 Mr, and Mrs, Raymond McPher­ son and family* visited with Mrs. James Gelnger, of' Hillsboro, Sun, 9 9 m Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kramer and son, Mr, and Mrs. Milton Pettit and son, visited with Mr. nnd Mrs, Ralph Meyer nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Burris, of Cincinnati Tuesday evening. • • • Mr, and Mrs. Charles Smith nnd family and Mr. nnd Mrs, Russell Eavers were Sunday evening guests of Mr, and Mrs. Howard Turner and fnmlly. • • e Miss Harriet Grice a student at the Cnpltal Beauty Culture School, Columbus, is home for the holidays. • * • Mrs. Glen Hite and Mr. and Mrs. Marion Hite and Dottle, were /Friday evening guests of Mrs. Hulda Hite of Bowersvllle, • •. • Mr. and Mrs. Howard Turner and family and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Glass and family spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Patch, of Milcdgvllle. • • » Mr, and Mrs. Haxy Bartley, of Dayton, called on Mrs. Sally Shing- ley at Shirks Rest Home, Sunday. • • • Miss Ercil Moore spent the Chris­ tmas holidays with Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Smith and son. Mrs. Mary Taylor Stevenson, of New York and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hibbard visited with Mrs. Mary Taylor at Shirks Rest Home, Sun­ day. f"I REMEMBER” BY THE OLD TIMERS From Mra. Bertha Mathla, Ther­ mopolls, Wyoming: I remember my mother telling about tomatoes ■he had in the yard for flowers and her father cautioning not to eat them for they were poison. They called them "love apples,” And, she said, they wore straight heavy shoes and had to place them in opposite position each night to put on the next day so they would wear evenly, But, I remember best, when we. caught the "itch" In school and! my mother dug poke root to make! a strong tea to bathe us in, then ahe mixed sulphur and lard to put, on afterwards to stop the awful pain from the tea, It was bad enough,: but we didn’t dare get close to; the stove at school because the sulphur smelled so bad, That was in Missouri, • • • From Mra, Georgia C, McCsl- loch, Sonoma, California! Who can remember the wonderful old-fash-! loncd bathing suits with full skirt and blouse and long black stock­ ings, bloomers and frilled c a p - back In the IBM’s and DO’a, I can, and wore them many time* whllo bathing at beautiful Plsmo Beach, California; enjoying camp life there In the summers—we would have our swim and then back to camp with suits heavy with sand and salt water. It was fun, and so different than the brief suits of today—^which look as if they hava come to stay, (Scni M i i t l t i t l m l« this eulnmn U T in O ti Timer, CnmmnnUy Pres* S«rv( ton, Frankfart, K entackr.) ^WnltyiAJL . Wa. te n i t sal ta m i l U , IS, IS, M,l to, IS, «e. «S, 44, 44, 44, M . felts 111 Cag-slseva styls, 4-14 ria . ss-la. , t Ns, IBS Oas t a i l apraa wltk mas sslsr Srnnsfsrs, All laalrsillans, •SOS SS# far JEACN Srsss psMsra, Mg Isr aask NasSlswark sa tlsra , Is AIM, B U T LAMS BUREAU, Bax (W, M nSlj • n M h n BiaUsa, Naw T ark IS, N. Y, TBs asw FALL-WINTER FASHION BOOK wltk s ta r ts sf tll l llM t l stylos, tag sx lra i NstSIswark QaiSs ssg sxlrav — S P E C I A L - NEW YEAR’S EVE SKATING PARTY Skate The Old Year Out and The New Year In TWO BIG SKATES 8:00 P. M. To 11:00 P. M. 11:30 P. M. To ? ? ? FUN AND FAVORS FOR EVERYONE r CONTESTS AND RACES FRIDAY NIGHT, DECEMBER 31 ROLLER HAVEN 3-C Highway x/% Mile West Washington C. H.