The Jamestown Journal, Volume 77, Numbers 17-52
PAGE FOUR IMDM iM iM iMM illkltM iMMM Bowersville News MRS. CATHERINE HAUGHEY Correspondent THE JAMESTOWN JOURNAL Thursday, December 30, 1954 vmwic'cvm'csMvwKKWtPcwcieic’C! Mr. nnd Mrs. James O, Finley en tertained with n Christmas dinner the following guests, Mr. and Mrs Wayne Prnttcr and daughter, Mr, and Mrs, Paul Klontz, Mr. and Mrs, John Finley and son, Glen Finley, Miss Martha McHenry, Clarence Gifford, Miss ‘ Dorothy Matthews and John Pratter, nnd Cecil, Wayne, Ernest, Donnn and Marthn Finley. • I I On Chrlstmns Day Mr, and Mrs. Thurman Tldd and Donnie and Mrs, Mlldron. Hyden entertained with a turkey dinner at their home, Those present were Mr. and Mrs, Warren Tldd and family, Mr, nnd Mrs, Francis Tldd, Mrs , Sadie Smith, of Xenia, Mrs, Eva Tldd, of Bowersville nnd Gene Lewis. Additional supper guests were Mr, nnd Mrs. Arthur Faulkner and family, of Bowersville, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Earl Little. • • • Mr, nnd Mrs. Rnper Jones and Ronnie nnd Mrs. Lettie Jones attended a fnmily Christmas din ner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Evans, In Pleasant View. There were 29 members of the family present. Several from this community attended the funeral services for John Haughey, of Dayton, Monday. Mr. Hughey wns a brother of Mrs. Lulla Chltty of this place. • • • Mr, and Mrs. A. D. Cltty and sons, Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Bock were Christmas Eye dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Roy Lewis, of Knollwood. The. dinner honored the 20th wedd ing anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Chltty. D. A. R. TO MEET Mrs. J, H. Talbott will be hostess to members of the D, A. R. at her home, Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 4, for their regular meeting. Mrs- Clemens Entertains Young Adults Class Meets Mrs, LuTiliie Clemens, of Spring- field, was hostess to a party given In honor of Mrs. Mary. Blnegar, last Tuesday. Those present were Mrs. 'Blanche j Irwin, Mrs, Elva Burr, Miss Lucy' Smith, Mrs. J, H. Tnlbott. Mrs. Grace Davids, Mr, and Mrs, John Ferguson, Rev. and Mrs. Elwood Rose and Becky, Dr. and Mrs. Earl Stewart, of Columbus, Mrs. Ada Nell Duffy, Mrs. Ora Ramsey, Mrs. Kenneth Bacon, of Springfield, Mrs, Paul Clemens, Jr., and children, of South Solon. The Young Adults Class of the Grape Grove Church met a t the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wayne , Bradds December 27, A Christmas j gift exchange was held in addition to the regular business meeting, Paul Wiener, the instructor of the class, was presented a special gift Mr. and Mrs. James Ensign, of Springfield, arc announcing the birth of a son, Deo,, 23. This Is their third son, • • • Mr. and Mrs. George Schmidt (Madeline Harper), of Detroit, Mich., are announcing the birth of a daughter, Janell Ann, on Mon day, Dec., 20. • ■* • Mr. and Mrs. Russell Luse, are announcing the birth of a daughter, at Haines Hospital. Thursday. (ADVISORY COUNCIL Advisor Council No, 12 met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans for their annual Christmas turkey supper recently. The evening was spent having a social time and gift exchange. The Jan. meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wen dell Garvfnger, Those present were; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bingamon and son, Mr, MT. TABOR . . . LEKOY HOLUNOSWOUTH Correspondent t .... Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Haines spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hornell and family, of near New Burlington. Miss Kathryn Daines a student at Bathesda hospital school of nurs ing in Cincinnati spent Christmas and the weekend with her parents, and Mrs, Wendell Garringer, M?, by the members. The class project jar.d Mrs. Willard Haines, Mr. nnd of purchasing a 750-Watt slide and j Mrs. Howard Turner nnd family, Mr. film strip projector was passed upon, [and Mrs. Clayton Wiseman and The roster of officers for 1955 i n - 1family, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Eavers, eludes Wayne Bradds, president;-Mr. and Mrs, Johnny Evans an d>Mr. and Mrs. Harry Daines. Roger Exline, vice-president Ruth [family, Sam Dean and tire host and Gorman, secretary-treasurer. T h e' hostess, Mr, and Mrs, Evans and January meeting will be at the j daughters, home of Mr. and Mrs. James Exltne Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jones nnd daughter, Janice and Misses Zorn !and Beulah Rose Jones, of Dayton, The V. ft. Navy keeps up-to-date , , . , .. _ .some 6,700 nautical charts and!were Sunday dinner guests of their A group of members of the J iqoo aeronautical charts, ’ Grove Church of Christ sang Carols I ..... ...................... - for the ladies of Shirks Rest Home, | publ!shos 8 milllon 0°P!(is » year Sunday evening. They also present ed each lady with a treat, In turn the ladies treated the carolers with! candy. nnd! Parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Jones, Miss Emma Parker, of Dayton, 'spent the weekend with Mr. nnd A LOT of folks won’t agree, but I suggest January 1 be moved' jup to become the day after Christ-j mas. My reasons are selfish, but I still think it is a good idea. Most working people hardly', haw time to get rested from. ("”• l.stmns when along comes Newj ’ <■s rod they get tired all over' \> t t 'l •■t ( I'v ' ■ ■ilf>,-ii 0 ,u;>-.v 1 ieVd to "• '■ of (he average house- j v oil the food ‘leftl i U, ■Otu-iolmns feast to, >! 1 i■» hug jowls and, J j,. ms served on Jan-/ In the Interim, she faces • ,v every time she opens Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson left] Tuesday for Pasadena, Calif., to attend the Rose Bowl game and the parade. "Buying power or nouriy earnings of U. S, workers may be expected to rise In the next decade or two to an average rate of 2.5 to 3 per cent a ypar If economic and other conditions remain favorable, says, a Twentieth Century Fund report.' Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Bower- master and family, of Reesvllle spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Raper Jones and Ronnie and Mrs. Lettie Jones. With The Sick i Home Craft Club Has Turkey Dinner The Home Craft Club met at the home of Mrs, Clarence Allen for a turkey dinner, Dec, 15. A delicious noon meal wns enjoyed and mem bers took part in group singing and readings pertaining to Christmas. The January meeting will be at the home of Mrs. June Allen. Those present were; Mrs. June Allen, Mrs. Ida Burton, Mrs. Evelyn Evans and daughters Mrs. Winifred Houpt and son, Mrs. Mary Garring er, Mrs. Barbara Garringer, Mrs. Mrs. Thomas Kepler fell Mon day afternoon and broke her hip. She is now in Greene Memorial hospital, Xenia. Charles Moorman arrived at^Lfva- * • ’ lly’s Nursing home Monday after Mr. and Mrs. Roger Firstine and [being in Greene Memorial Hospital family, of Port William entertained j for two weeks for treatment and with a Christmas dinner a t their >observation, home, on Sunday, i * * * Those present to enjoy the d c -! Wanda Jean and Roger Caiaway, . , , - -w . -aloe liclous dinner and gift exchange ; children of Mr. and Mrs. Harold j Leota Keach Mrs. Mary Bake! .M rs., January c le a ra n c e Sdle3 were Mrs. Eva Thomas, Reva and (Caraway are 111 at their home with Dorothy Bakei, Mis. 1 'i an b iq b a rg a in s for Herman Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Don- ! the mumps. . Mrs Ruth Smith, Mr* Mabelle Hu - . m ean Dig y aid Lemons, of Xenia. Mr. and Mrs. | * ’ * ! le- , M« : ®onnie M s ': eco n om y -m in d e d s h o p p e rs Marion Bales and family. Mr. and 1 Mr. James Huffman has returned j Helen Perslngcr and daughter, Mis . Mrs. William Bales and Delbert.jfrom Green Memorial Hospital fol- jEveln Pierson and^son^Mib. Ida. and Mr. and Mrs, Robert nnd daughters. Barnett i lowing surgery. Clemmer, Mrs. Janice Pltstlck, and . daughter, Mrs. Helen Leslie and ■ Christmas Eve dinner guests, of Mr. and Mrs. Traverse Pendry were; Mr. and Mrs. Nell Pendry and son, Mr. nnd Mrs. Roger Haughey and daughter, Mrs, Catherine Haughey and Miss Thelma straley, of Akron. Mr. and Mrs. David Boger and son, of Lancaster, were calling on friends in Bowersville, Monday, Wednesday afternoon nnd even ing guests of Mrs. Jones, were Mr. and Mrs. Dana Jones, of Dayton, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Willis Glass, of Jamestown. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Woods, of Silver Springs, Maryland, Is visit ing her mother, Mrs. Lulla Chltty nnd attended the funeral services of Mr. Haughey, Mrs. Mabel Chlnnock, of Springfield, also was a guest of Mrs, Chltty. BOWERSVILLE NEWS Mr, and Mrs. Benton Jasper nnd Helen, entertained to dinner, Chris tmas, Mr. and Mrs, Gionn Curtis and sons, Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarence Peterson and children, and P. F, Jasper, A family dinner was enjoyed at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Nell Pcrtdry and son, Christmas Day. The guests included Mr. nnd Mrs, George Gallngcr nnd sons, Mr, and Mrs, ’Wendell Arehart, Mr. and Mrs. William George and sons, Mrs. Catherine Haughey, William Gal lagher, Mr, and Mrs. Paul Gallagher and sons of Richmond, Ind,, nnd Mr, nnd Mrs. Roger Haughey and daughter. Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Benton Jasper and Helen, were Mr. and Mrs. Max Conklin, of Ver ona, Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Curtis nnd sons. Afternoon guests were Mrs Clarence Peterson and children. '* • « Mr. and Mrs, Paul Gallagher and sons returned to their home In .Richmond, Ind., Sunday, after spending two weeks a t the home of his sister, Mrs, Catherine Haughey, * -« *■ Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Stewart and Mrs. Ella Brakefield, entertained their children, Mr. and Mrs. Wen dell Stewart arid children, of Rich mond Indiana and Dr, and Mrs. Fred Little and children, of Ashland, and Mrs, Jennie Harness Chrlstmns Day, Mrs. Charles Day, who underwent json, Mrs. Thelma Gray and the hos-; surgery a t Greene Mcmoral, has re- tess, Mrs. Allen, turned ter her home here, | The group revealed their secret sisters with a gift exchange, ; Check the Ads in.. ThisNewspaper for Clean-up Specials ^OUR FAMILY'S BIGGEST ENTERTAINMENT VALUE . . SAVE MONEY! Qat ik il fa* a tuitaU f a * aloHf um IU f*** fawa\U* maf p i tta • • • > BOTH FOR THE PRICE SHOWN I M i M H M {□ American Girl...........................................$4.00 (□ American H o m e , 4. 90 (□ American Magazine ............. 5.30 Argosy (For Men) * ;Q Country Gentleman !□ Charm ;□ Children's Digest □ Christian Herald □ Collier’s □ Coronet . . . . i ....... . / □ Farm Journal &Fanner’s Wife □ Flower Grower.. » . » . . . . . , . . . *Q Household Magazine (□ Look ! □ McCall’s □ ModemRomances □ P a re n ts ’ M a g a z i n e , 4 ,25 r ( 3 P ho top lay * » « , , , , , „ , < * * , . » . 3 ,5 0 □ Popular Science....................................... 4.75 □ Redbook ........................ ........................ 4.75 □ Screen Stories......... ........................ 3.50 □ Town Journal ( P a t h f i n d e r ) , . , , 3.25 □ True Romance □ True Story: □ Woman's Home Companion NEWSPAPER AND MAGAZINES COME FOR ONE FUU YEAR ♦ t u t «i »M M * *« f « » • t f i • t i ♦ t » I m M 1H M l i H M • t *" i r- • • • • • • *• • • i M M H i i M l Prices on al l maga z i nes not l i sted upon request , ACT ROW! ALL O F F E R S A R E GUARANTEED!' Meat* allow 4 to I week* for fiftf copy if magazine to arrivo, I F I L L O U T C O U P O N ! M A I L T O D A Y I Check magazine desired and enefose with coupon, Gentlemen: I enclose 1 , . —... . Pfease send me the offer ch e cked , with a ye ar's subscription to your new spaper, fridfr*'................................ ............... .......... .....,■* S Tgm O * R .F.D .. POSTOfflCE— _ The Navy governs 6,700 natives on the Pacific Islands of Saipan* Mrs, Ralph Haines and Tinian and maintains a lepros- * . • • • arlum there, , Mr, and Mrs. Robert Borders and ------------------- --------------------------- isons Charles and Bruce and daugh- I ter, Becky, of Alpine, New Jersey, M a s k e d V i s i t o r t o ;Mr. and Mrs. Don Lange and daugh- A u t o S h 0 W 5 i *:cr’ Nancy Jo, of Youngstown, Mr. .'v j and Mrs. William Wilson and faul tily, of Sabina, Mr. and Mrs. Foster! (Hollingsworth, of Dayton, Mr. and \ Mrs. William Patterson, of Xenia, :Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kyle and Mr. and Mrs. Charles E, Kyle and dau g h te r, Melinda and son Larry, of ’near Xenia, were Christmas Day !supper guests in the home of Leroy iHollingsworth, a gift exchange was I greatly enjoyed. I • • • j Mr. and Mrs, Francis Jones and ’Miss Carolyn Jones and Mrs, Lenna j Jones spent- Christmas Day as 'guests of Mr, and Mrs. Jess Plcker- jlng and family, of Wilmington. • • • Mr, and Mrs. Moudy Barnett and Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Kyle and family attended a family dinner with Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Atkinson and family, of Xenia, Sunday. tw- - ..... - ■• ( Personally, if 1 can get through [to January 2 without giving in to (the temptation to gobble at some jtlmc or other, I think I’m starting: put a good year, one full of de-j termination and sure success. 1 Getting back on the track, tho, | let’s assume there were no lull! Ibetween Christmas and New Year, j [Department stores could hold their J tore-inventory clearances during, [the holiday shopping season, when ! (talks need all the bargains they > can get. The advantages .arc end -1 kess. But, no use to pursue the idea 1 (further, I guess, since the wife 1 (who is the practical type) won’t j let me forget there are some ex tra days to worry about. I can't convince her that you could give 4hem all to February without any one ever suspecting a thing, . And I think February can use [them. That phrase, "AH but Feb ruary, which has only . . has always made me feel sorry for Ipoor little February. A mysterious lady will be a visi tor at the Automobile Shows which will be held during this coming an nouncement season. She wifi be seen in New York, Chicago, Detroit and other centers where automotive displays are being held by car manufacturers and dealers. Her identity is undisclosed but she is known as "LADY LEATH ER.” She is interested in this fas- !(rinating material from many stand- j points and will have some pertinent (observations to make on the wide jlemployment genuine leather will ■have in the 1955 cars, I• Just to be consistent ahs, her- ; self, is clad in the latest fashions • in leather garments. Although at tractive and socially prominent sh« has chosen to remain anonymous nnd it is predicted that show visi t o r s will be cu r i o u s a s t o h e r identity. Mrs. .Pearl Storer spent the week- jend with Mr. and Mrs. Lelandi [Storer and Miss Shirley Storer, of [near Sabina. • • • Mrs, Maria Levallcy wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cultice and family, of Xenia, Mr. and Mrs. Char les Walton, Jr., and family, of Beavertown, and Robert Badgely and family, of Spring Valley, were Saturday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mi's. Roscoc Beal and Miss Beverly Beal. • • a Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Beal and family spent the Christmas week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Moore and family, of Con- neraville, Ind. Mr, nnd Mrs, Marlon Fife, of ; thank all those who sent her so tWilmington, spent Sunday with Mr, \ many Christmas cards during th e , and Mrs. Chelsea Stoops. Yuletide season. j • • • > Mr. and Mrs, Chedsca Stoops and 'Don Stoops spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs, Carroll Rudduck jnnd family, of Dayton. i • • • Miss Donna Bell Beal, who Is em ployed in Greenville South Carolina, Is spending the Christmas vacation ' with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, .Roscoe Beal. THREE SHORT RINGS By M aurice V incen t r■ F OR perhaps th* tenth time fa three hours the phone rang . . . ree shorts and a long, Mabel ectworth found the constant ring- ig a bit unnerving and had a dlf- cult time keeping herself from •ring the old fashioned phone oro the walL Th* phone was ringing again, dabel knew, from her own ex- lerienees, that women from all iver the neighborhood were pick- ng up receivers and listening eag- irly. She restrained herself, this iretty newcomer to the village, rom going to the phone and giving hem all something to thing about, Ihe would like to say: "Why don't rott women all mind your own justness, instead of listening in on your neighbors?” But, of course, she didn't . pelng a well bred girl, • When Mebel had called her toother In Chicago, homesick tor m big town after three months the quiet village, her mother d said: "Why did you let Fred [buy * home in such a horribly [small town?” (This had embar rassed Mabel, hearing her moth- ;er's blunt tones over the party line, [but It had given her a curious sat isfaction also. Mabcd dM find It difficult to feel at home In Harrison, Fred, her husband, was a traveling man and left her to her own devices a great •doaL (Dire# shorts and a long. There It lifted the receiver, She distinctly) heard a variety of "dlcka” on the line. Hello there,” said a hearty male voice, ‘I s this Mrs, Mabel Wen worth?” Mabel didn't recognize th* vote*, "This is Bob Wilson a t radio sta tion In WBCJ In Burlington, Mra.l Wentworth. We've made this call, in tha interests of the Pur* Food Hour, sponsored by Al'a Potato Chips.” , “It you can answer correctly, . . this one question , , . we will send | you a brand new automatic washer >{ as our first prize, Ready, Mrs,; j Mr. and Mrs. D, A. Powers spent Christmas Day with Mrs, Ella Mor ris and family, of near Sabina. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for the cards and flowers and for their many acts of kindness during tlie illness nnd death of Edgar Davis. The Relatives CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my many friends and relatives for the beautiful cards and gifts of flowers, cakes, fruit etc sent to me at Christmas, They were greatly appreciated. Sincerely Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the Ladles Aid Society, all the churches, neighbors and friends for their kindness, the lovely gifts, and the candy and fruit given to Us during the Chris tmas holidays, Ladles At Shirks Rest Home, VERNARD THEATRE Navy personnel and the Navy’s, There are more than 225 des- contraetors produce more than i,0G0 inventions for patent each year. troyer-type warships now on ar'lvc duty In the I L 8, Navy, goes again! What could b« to Interesting that would make decent women listen to someone discuss a coming party, th* latest doings a t tha church ha zaar, or iV«t worts, personal bust nets, trial* and triumphs of good friands and neighbors? Two longs and a short. The con stant ringing! The temptation w it almost over- powering, bare in the quiet bouse, to pick up the phone and listen in, qulstly and breathlessly. I t mutt b* interesting. Thre* ahortii arid two longs! It was her number tbit time, Mabel to to# phone oartfully and Wentworth? Remember, We are on th* air I” Mabel bald her breath and eould feel numerous other breaths, up and down the party line, being held and sustained. "Hsrs’s the question , , . WHO WAS THE FIRST POSTMASTER IN HARRISON? You have exactly ten seconds, by our automatic timer, Think hard, Mrs, Want- worth . , , WHO WAS HARRI SON'S FIRST POSTMASTER?” Mabel knew she was sunk, She hadn’t troubled herself to look up local history. Of court* aha didn't know who the first postmsster was. She barely knew her neighbors. And tha could use a new washer to nicely! Mabel was about to give her re grets when a nice voice cut to sweetly, (The voice even sounded like MabeD* i "The answer,” said the sweet voice, " It Hiram Jones!” j T hat is absolutely correct!” said th* announcer, ConjpatuMttona, , . the washer is yoursI" After the announcer hung up Mabel dung to the phone, dazed. Then the sweet voice continued, 'W* girls stick together , . , Hi ram Jones was my great grand father!” Thar* was th* sound of much laughter along th* party Una, Mabel tall a glow around her h ea rt "Glad to have you aboard,” said anothat; woman's vole* In a most friendly ton*, Th* vote* was young ta d aU y * SAT., JAN. 1 “Masacre Canyon” With Phil Carey and Audrey Totter SUN., JAN. 2 “Her 12Men” With Greer Garson WED., JAN. 5 “ChinaVenture” | y L KIDS * * 4
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