The Jamestown Journal, Volume 77, Numbers 17-52
PAGE FOUR THE JAMESTOWN JOURNAL Thursday April 29, 1954 CHURCH SERVICES JAMESTOWN FRIENDS CIIORCII Sunday, May 2, 1954 DeWJtl Foster, minister Tho church school convenes at 9;30 under the supervision of Thur man Tidd, The service of divine worship is nt 40‘3Q National Family Weew will be observed with sermon meditations on the theme: "Tho Church and the Home.” The, mid-week meeting for prayer and fellowship is at 8 o’clock Wed nesday evening. JAMESTOWN CHURCH OF CHRIST Howard McGinnis, minister 9:00 a.m. Bible School. 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship. 7:00 p.m, Young Peoples Meeting 8:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service, Wed, 8:00 p. m, Prayer Service, followed by Choir Practice, BOWERSVILLE METHODIST 10:00 A. M—Church School. 10:50 A, M.“ Worship Service 8:OT P. M,—Methodist Youth Fel lowship meeting in the church. Raymon Konkrlght, pastor 11:00 A. M.—Worship. 7:00 P. M,—M. Y. F. 7:30 P. M.—Couple Class meet. (Jamestown) NEW JASPER METHODIST CHURCH D. Merle Hill, pastor 10:00 a.m. Church School. 7:00 a.m. M.Y.F. Wednesday 8:00 p.m. Midweek Bible Study and Prayer Service. CHURCH OF CHRIST (Bowenviile) James M, Grange, pastor 10:00 A. M.—Bible School. 10:45 A. M.—Morning worship. 8:00 P. M.—Evening Evangelis tic Service. Monday; 8:00 P, M,—Monday, youth meet ing, JAMESTOWN UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10:00 ami,—Bible School 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service Guest Speaker —------—• ------------- JAMESTOWN FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Harry I. Arthur, pastor 10:00 a.m. Sunday School, 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. 7:00 p.m. Baptist Youth Fellow ship. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Choir Prac tice, NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Chauncey Emmet Moss- man, aka C. E. Mossman, aka C. Emmet Mossman, Deceased. Notice la hereby given that Nettie A. Mossman has been duly appoint ed as Administratrix of the estate of Chaynccy Emmet Mossman aka C. E. Mossman aka C. Mmmet Mossman deceased late of Ross Township, Oreene County, Ohio. Dated this 19th day of April, 1954. WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER Judge of the Probate Court, Oreene County, Ohio. JLUELLA HOW8ER j Chief Deputy Clerk. CLASSIFIED ADS. WANTED; riders to Dayton pre ferably NCR employes. 8:00 to 5:00 shift. Contact George Stephens, CedarvlUe 6-3971. New Trlbiptlc ointment for preven tion and treatment of mastitis. Stocked at Helfner’s Pharmacy. 4-22 4-29 FOR RENT: 5 room completely modern duplex on large farm on . Jackson Rd., Phone 7-4251. GRAPE GROVE CHURCH of CHRIST Paul E. Wiener, Pastor 10.00 A.M. — Bible School 11:00 A.M. ■— Worship Service 7:00 P.M, — Young People 8:00 P.M. — -Evangelistic Ser vice 7:30 P.M. — Wednesday - Mid week Bible Study and Pvayer Sea vice. BIDS The Trustees of Ross Twp, Greene County. Ohio, will receive bids for the followings 10,000 gallons more or less of R. T. 3 Tar Prime and R. T, 8 Tar Seal No. 6 Oravcl and No. 0 Gravel for covering material leveled and rolled. Bids for same will be opened May 29, 1954 at Ross Twp., House, Selma Pk. at 2 o'clock. Ross Twp. Trustees Carl McDorman, Clerk 4-29 5-6-13 4— 22-2ft—5—6; pQR SA l E; New modem 3 bed- j room ranch type-home with many extra features. 2 car garage. Near Xenia. Call 2-1154 THE METHODIST CHURCH (Jamestown) Elwood L. Rose, pastor 9:20 A. M.—The Story Hour for the kiddles. 9:30 A. M.—Church school. 10:30 A M. —Morning worship with nursery for toddlers. PAINTERSVILLE i dayman Konkrlght, pastor • 9:45 A- M.—Worship service. i0:00 A, M.—Church School. (Jamestown) Rev. Swain, pastor ZION BAPTIST CHURCH 11:00 A. M.—Morning worship. 7:30 P. M.—Evangelistic service. ROSS CHAPEL A.M.B. (Jamestown) Rev. W. Cassel Ayres, pastor 10:00 A, M.—Sunday school. 11:00 A. M.—Morning worship. . *-----------«_----------- PENETF.COBTAL C. •* G- Rev. F , C. Scott, pastor (Jamestown) 10:00 / , M.—Sunday school. 12:00 to 12:30 bron^-nst over sta-1 don WCHO, Waihl -don C H <41- ( 7:30 P. M. —Wednesday prayer | meeting. l Friday: 7:30 P. M.— Young people meet* 7:30 P.M .--Wednesday, Bible PILGRIM HOLINESS CHURCH BOWERSVILLE Rev. O. M. Awe, pastor 10:00 a.m. Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship........ 7:15 p.m. Pilgrim Youth Service. 8:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service. 8:00 p.m. Wed. Praer and Praise Service. Mother's Day will be a special Sunday School Rally Day. May 19, Annual Church Election Meeting May 21, Washington C, H. Zone Rally to be held nt the Wil liamsport Pilgrim Holiness Church. NOTICE*OF APPOINTMENT Estate of W. A. Jacks, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that,Jessie Jacks aka Jessica Jacks has been duly appointed as Executrix of the estate of W. A. Jacks, deceased late of Sllvercreek Township, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 22nd day of April, 1954. WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. LUELLA HOWSER Chief Deputy Clerk. 4-29 5-6-13 PERSONALS. . . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen and Mr. and Mrs. John Bales were Sat urday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Beason at Xenia.' • • • Mrs, Eugene Craddock, daughter Tonya and' son Dale of Cuyahoga- Falls, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Swearingen from Monday [until Friday evening. , « • • Mrs. William Bethel and Clark visited Sun. with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark and Mrs, Minnie Scott at Chilli- cothe. Mr. "Fred and Charles Clark are brothers of Mrs, Bethel and Mrs. Scott a sister. • * * Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Lucas of Springfield were Sunday guests of Mrs. Robert Lucas. Chance make money every week mailing postcards. Work home spare time. Box 9~, Watertown, Mass. 4 29 5 6-13-20- BULLETIN The names of several Antioch Col lege students were ordered stricken from the registration lists by the Board of Elections today. Challenges were filed against 54 Antioch stu dents and Yellow Springs regist rants. Of the 54, ten were found to be legally registered. On motion of Prof, John Sparks, Election Board member and Antioch teacher, the challenged registrants were divided Into eight categories. At*press time, the Election Board was wrestling with the problem offered by* Ihe cases of the remain ing voters in the various "cate gories” proposed by Prof. Sparks, and the matter has been referred to I Attorney General C. Win. O’Neill. Number Seven of the M. E. Church at a lovely party at the former's home on South Church J Street, Friday evening. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED POWER MOWERS OUR SPECIALTY O. F, Everhart Center^ St. CedarvlUe, O., 6-2921 4-29 5-6 FOR SALE White Rock Fries Harold Dobbins, Call 6-4203 Chance make money every week mailing postcards. Work home spare time. Box 9 Watertown, Mass. 4-29 5-6-13-20-27 Turning Back the * Hands of Time FROM OUR ISSUE OF April 27, 1939 Mrs. Olln Hay entertained the Missionary Society of tho Church of Christ at the parsonage, Thursday afternoon. Mcsdtttnes M. A. Oliver, C. E. Thuma, C. T. Walker, Walter Boyer and A. D. Ritenour enter tained members of the Class BIRTH OF BABY’ . . . . ., ......... Mr. and Mr ,% Cecil Brown, 8. Church St., are announcing the birth of a daughter, Satuj^lny at Greene Memorial Hospitul. The baby who is their third child and first daughter has been named Cindy Lou. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hoover, E, Xenia St., are tho mater nal grandparents and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brown, Bowcrsvlllc arc the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Custer of Bowcrsvlllc spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bogard. Davd Swearingen spent last week end with his sister, Mrs. Eugene Craddock and family at Cuyohaga Falls. ♦ * • Mrs. Mildred Whittington of Washington Court House was a Sat urday evening guest of Mrs. William Bethel and Clark. • * O Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glass and son Donald, grandson Richard Jones of Hamilton and Mrs. Ida Bryan were Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs, Carl Funderburg at Springfield. • • » Mrs. Robert Haggard and Mr. and Mrs, Bernard Knechfc visited Sun day with Mrs. Knecht's mother, Mrs. Hattie Kuhn, of Moundsville, West Virginia. Sunday evening guests of Mrs. Ida Bryan were Mr. and Mrs. Claude Loveless and Mr. and Mrs. John Loveless and son of Xenia. * * * Attorney and Mrs. Virgil Cameron, of Columbus, were Saturday guests of Reverend and Mrs. DeWitt Fos ter. Mr. Cameron Is Mrs. Foster’s brother. 8 9 9 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pickering and three daughters of Nashville, Tennessee were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Irons and family from Friday until Monday, Addi tional guests at the Iron’s home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pickering and family,‘Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pickering and family, Mr. and and Mrs. James Wilson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold K. Pickering and Susan and Max Moore. * • • Mr. and Mrs. William Collins of Rapidan, Virginia spent a few days ' the past week with Mrs. Collins’) mother, Mrs, W. C. St. John, • 9 9 | Mr*. Ada Neil Duffy is spending j thb ^weekend with* her nephew Mr.] Howard Neil and Mrs. Nell and, family. i . . . | Mr, and Mrs. Charles Pickering, and daughters of Nashville, Term-! essee and Carol and Kathy Irons' were dinner guests Saturday of Mr. - and Mrs. Donald Pickering and ( family and Mrs, Laura Pickering. ; For A SAFE FUTURE Save Now At Cedarville Federal Savings & Loan ; Association 2l/ i Earnings-Insured —OUR 59TH YEAR— Fred M. Lewis Purchases Bull Fred M, Lewis, W, Washington | St. Jamestown, Ohio, has recently ! purchased tho registered BroWn Swiss bull, Little Bus Jim 110578 S from Roland Arrington, Brookvilie [ Ohio, according to a report from! Fred S. Idtse, Secretary of the. Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders’ As sociation, Beloit, Wisconsin. Tile Ladles Aid of the Jamestown j Frlomls Church, met at the homo of Mrs, Mary Fletcher on April 20,! Tho business meeting was In charge ! of the president Mrs, Helen Hclfner with Mrs. Fletcher leading the de votional period. The next meeting will bo held, at the home of Mrs. Foster Jcnks, May 18. Mrs. Fletcher served a desert course to her guests following the meeting. Farm Group Meets With McVeys Mr. and Mrs. Charles McVey Bowersvllle , were hosts, Tuesday evening April 20 to Discussion Group No. 4 of the Greene County Farm Bureau. The meeting was opened with a devotional period conducted by Mr. McVey. The chairman, Charles Leach, presided during the business session. “The Future of the Family Size Farm”, the subject for discussion was led by Ed Harnman, discussion leader with all members taking part During the social hour that fol lowed the hostk served a dessert course to Mr. and Mrs, Charles Leach. Mr. and1Mrs. Wilbur Beard, Mr. and Mrs. John Ohltty, Mr. and Mra. Ed Harnman and Eleanor, Mr. ntid Mrs. Ray McDonald, Mr, and Mrs. Russell Mills, Mr. and Mrs, Della Seaman, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Shaw and Mrs. Mabel Chlnnock a gest of the group. JUTSBJjSy FlORHIp! O-00R ENAMU; ,cCRuisr.Re«*V ' tMtuaVASA.’ HERE’S GOOD NEWS FOR YOU MOORE’S GREENHOUSE IS FILLED WITH PLANTS AGAIN Although we’ll be changing the name we hope you’ll come in and let us show you tliat there is no change in good service and quality plants. Now Ready for Sale MOTHER’S DAY PLANTS — CORSAGES ’ BEDDING PLANTS — VEGETABLE PLANTS STICKLEY’S FLOWERLAND (FORMERLY MOORE'S GREENHOUSE H R 1 JAMESTOWN, OHIO Phone 4-9311 MYRONR. FUDGE lasts laager and looks better * m on floors and steps TRY THIS NEW CHEVROLET AND Y O U ’LL TELL US IT 0 outperforms! out-saves! REPUBLICAN Candidate For Greene County COMMISSIONER May 4 Election Your Support Appreciated FOl. AdV. AND IT ’S THE lowest-priced line ! GET THE BEST OF ALL 3 — PERFORMANCE/ ECONOMY, PRICK OnlynChmvrolot givot you ail those "Bait Buy” vahat We’re so sure of what you'll find that we welcome any test or any c6mporison you care to make! Come in for the fact* and figures. Take a demonstration drive. That’s the easy way to prove for yourself that Chevrolet gives you the best o f all 3 «s-perfor|nance, economy, price! Highest Compression Few er—You get finer performance end Important gas savings with the highest compression'power of any leading low-priced earl Fisher Body Quality—You get smarter styling-greater comfort, safety, qualify—with this only low-priced car with Fisher Body. Safety Plata Gloss—No other low-priced ear gives you the finer visibility of safely plat* glass all around In sedans and coupes! „ Biggest Brakes—Smoother, safer stops with lets pedal pressure! t That’s what Chevrolet gives you with the largest brakes kt its field. fam ed Knee-Aclion Ride—Chevrolet gives you the only Unitized The new 1954 "Two-Ten" 4 Door Sedan Knee-Action on any low-priced car—one big reason for Ihat finer blg-car ridel Full-length Box-OMer Frame—Only Chevrolet In the low-price Held gives you Ihe extra strength en d greater protection of 0 Mf-hngth box-girder frame! Coma In now, and prow it for yovrsedfl Longs Chevrolet Sales PITTSBURGH FLORHIM n O M [HAMEL Paint wood, concrete or metal, inside or outside with this smooth-flow ing, tough, durable Floor Enamel. It cover* old paint with a tingle coat. More economical to use because it spreads farther and lasts longer, AC SERVICE CO. B U C K E Y E WOODWORKING CO CABINETS And FORMICA LUMBER — MILL WORK ROOFING — SIDING IMPROVEMENT LOANS 158 Monroe Phone' 2093 . Xenia, Ohio For th e Best In s ta lla t ion OF CARPET — LINOLEUM ASPHALT AND RUBBER TILE WALL TILE — VENETIAN BLINDS Call D a w n & D e t t y Co . Phone Xenia 2-5231 "3001 A DA IR ’S THE LEADING HOME FURNISHER FOR OVER 60 YEARS VOTEFOR HILL FOR STATE SENATOR ton F U R N I T U R E C AR P E T S A P P L I AN C E S 98-24 N. Det. et, Xenia, O. REPUBLICAN YOUR District Deserves • A Sober And Religious Senator • An Experienced Tested Public Official • A True Citizen And Family Man • A Senator Guided By High Standard* • A Senator True To HU Conviction* • A Senator Not Obligated To Any Interest* XWINSTONW. HILL PRIMARY — MAY 4th 1654
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