The Jamestown Journal, Volume 77, Numbers 17-52

*■ ‘ The Jamestown Journal 77 T H Y E A R , N O . J 8 OES Inspection Held Saturday i .Approximately 135®members and guests attended the annual inspec­ tion of Jamestown Chapter No, Ml, Order of the Eastern, Star held Saturday evening, May 1, at the Masonic hall, with Mrs. Mary Sponsler of London, Deputy Grand Matron of the Kith district, the In­ specting officer. Mrs, Jane Mills, OedarvJUe. Grand Representative, to New Hampshire was presented by Mrs Helen Lang- don and Mrs Hern lee Haggard, conductress and associate eonduet- reas as were visiting matrons and patrons of other chapters and were welcomed by Worthy Matron,, Mrs Mary Jane Moore and Worthy Pa­ tron, Boyce Moore. Two candidate.*,,' *Paul Ln.ngd.on and Albert Liming were initiated with a most Impressive ritualistic ceremony. The Chapter received a fine rat­ ing from the Inspecting Officer for the Impresivc manner in which the work was given, and was commend­ ed for the many activities of the past year. Special music was provided by Mrs. Mury Alice Ward, vocalist, ac­ companied at the piano by Mrs. Erma Henry, Baskets of spring flowers wore used by the decorating committee in the chapter room. Refreshments o' dainty cookies, sherbert punch and salted nuts were served from a table centered .with, a beautiful arrange­ ment of spring blossoms. Preceding inspection, the Past Matrons were hostesses to a deli­ cious turkey dinner, served at Curley’s . restaurant. Their special guests were Mr. and Mrs. Sponsler, Mi-, and Mrs. «Boyee,Moore and the candidates and their wives. JAMESTOWN, OHIO, THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1954 Pre-School Clinic Set May 13 The Pre-School Clinic, for child­ ren starting to school this fall, will be held at the scliool Thursday, May 13 from' l ‘,00 to' 3:00 p.m. A doctor and nurse 'will be in attend­ ance, Uf1ebntjiiicV the dlftitc. Picnic Enjoyed By j t Scouts and Families ! i Tlie Cedarville Roadside Park was (lie scene, on Thursday, when the entire Cub Scout pack, and their, families gathered for a picnic to_ honor their Den Mothers of thei past two years. I During the business meeting new officers and committees were ap-j pointed: Committee chairman, ■ Walter Johnson; Cub Master J Clayton Smith, Committee members Clarence Cuvender, Reverend O. T ., Ayres Milton petllt, Reverend El- wood Rose, and (’leu Perkins, Den Mother:, and then- assistants are her ii.'islslant Mrs. Leland Smith, Mrs Neal Talbott and her assistant Clea Pei kings. Mrs. Clayton Smith" assisted by Mrs Clarence. Cavender and Mrs. Milton Pettit asisled by Mrs, Wesley Ogdin. „ | The Cub Scouts and their families I wish to thank. Mrs. Lawson Hold and j Mrs. Ronald Hyer and Mrs. Harry. C. Mossmnn for "a job well done"! as Den Mothers the past two years. * The newly appointed .committee, i Den mothers and assistants will j meet at the. Jamestown Methodist! Church on Thursday, May 6 to in-1 itiate a training and planning pro-j gram for the coming yenr^ Mr. I Thomas Glotfeltcr from Xenia will j help conduct the meeting. Flowers For Mother’s Students Listed On Honor Roll Mr. Chester S. Hutchison, Assist­ ant Dean of the Ohio State Univer­ sity College of Agriculture has an­ nounced the names of two local boys, Ed. R. Pickering, Jamestown, R. R, 2 and Jay M. Straycr of Bowersville as being on tlie honor roll of 200 students achieving high scholastic attainments (average 3.25 or better) during the winter term. lirthday Anniversaries Are Celebrated Mrs, O. T. Marshall and her twin brother, Mr. Claude Shelton, of Mlamfsville, were the honored f Paddy McCrary, 7, pins a Mother's Day orchid unht»(iwvtJier,J}nx, F’alkenburg The corsage, designed by .Afyi} Wayne.floWM styltcOtf the Florists' Telegraph Delivery Association whose’ members wire flowers throughout the world, is a joint gift from .Paddy and his five- yea r-oU! brother Kevin. Jinx, and her husband.iTwf ’McCrary, known ns "Tex and Jmx" on NBC radio and lelevision.iform one’of the best known husband and wife shows on the air. ^ f COMING EVENTS MAY It—Lions Club, Ladies Night j MAV 11—WSCS of the Jamestown Methodist Cfcwrcli will haws a s sfl day meeting at the church. j MAY 11—8:00 P, M. The American Legion AuUlisry will fcaM Wife regular meeting at the Legion Hall. f . MAY 12—Prc-school Clinic at Sltvcrcreefc School ft MAY 12—Discussion Group No. 12 of the Greene. County Farm Bsn i i Hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans, Dwyer ltd. MAY 13—Ladies Aid of the Church of Christ wlil hoM an nil day meet­ ing a t the church. ' MAY 13—7:30 Regular Meeting of the Order of Eastern Stair. MAY’ 13—7:30 Missionary Meeting of the Jameeiswn Friends Clnseh, Mrs. Jesse Hadley, hostess. ' ■ guests Sunday, at a birthday din-, Silver Booster Blub Meeting Held The 'Month of April ended, the 'school year for the Silver Booster Silver Booster Club Gives Awards Moornyn's second grade was. awarded the Panda Bear and Mrs, Lockwood's sixth grade was given If a cli/ld'hiis not been registered, parents are asked to plcnsc bring him or her to the clinic nnvwny ns registration enn he taken care, of at thnt time. T Sixty-four have been registered \ with the honor guests were Mr. and m isled us at niectlngs thru out the! Kmdcs haVe hnd the PlinHll to dntc and It Is felt thnt a few j Mrs, Paul Haynes of Fntasknla, Mrs. JTar grades have had the Panda at least children arc -not .registered. Any:Claude Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Del-, Mi,.. «tmitnei-mnn one mimic ~ne,« ,mc « n® . e year‘ ***** 1 ■ ! • oummennan, our music sm ith’s second grade won it for the balance of the school year at the net- a t the lmme of Mrs. M a r s h a l l s ] HuV- E1wood Rose was on hand daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and sto help us complete the year, which}*ho 0,1 P a rin g , 88 Perm»nent prop- Mrs. Lee. Bartley and David of he s$ ably helped us begin last fall. baVn,B tb* J**4 **fcnd®”ce Dayton. Those enjoying the day ' Wc L , , k a„ of our f(' t 8 ‘ vcr Soostcr Club meetings thru WP U1,,I1K 1111 01 our mistakes who(OUt thc yeivr, AU of thc flrtt two child who was born before or during bci* Shelton of Ml.amlsville, Scmnan n.nehee showed fho hoonfifni color, the year 194(1,are eligible for school j and Mrs, Robert Shelton of San ed sjjdCg 0f pictures* taken last next fall. IDiego, California, Mr. and Mrs. Spring — . Rodeo .summer during her lour of Europe, April meeting. Mrs. Cosgray and Mrs. Rccso each had it for one _______ (Verner Shelton of Trlnltv, Kentu- q)lp }nI(, J * eBcn n“a n Ior one C r h p(l „ U f! ekv, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Krcgory of u«m So . ? v tlr T n f r a ® ,™ ftnd ** °nC m°nth< ocncouieo r ,nclni).l(j M1, aml M,,. U(, ,' ' * f ° : Mra-Locltwood’sD,xth*rademon- a m . . rh-li ..ud -fins nf Aft rierllne Mr cmltllllcJ i,llt- " erc fianR py opolizcd the picture for four of the, A t S 0 t C h a r l e s t o n T ' Mirsli'ili Mr and Mrs Lee lbc fe’irI cllorus- .seven months during the year and. VI . u o o ji . .o . T. Marshall, Mr. and Mi.„ Lee Thc club d(,cidcd in lts d|SCusolon1nrE thf, nrmld nf . . . . . . : . . . Morsliotl :mrt fnmllv. M r. and M rs/ .► ... . ..... . . . . are tn t proUu possessors Of it, after Many from nil rounding on hnnd, Community Saddle Club, Inc., will ’ sponsor thc Second Annual S p rin g IfS jk S p fllitQ Rodeo a t the club's arena on Stale! ^ ^ ^ Route 70, South Charleston-Spring- p« n ■ field pike, nt the Fred Hays farm, j 1 IS y D 3 l! _ _ A rip-roaring affair is planned.' Wwln<.Mhv m .nin„ Anru 28 po5nted by tIlcir President. M rs /ntlcndancc award’ for thc"coming with nil the excitement of the o ld ',, . . . ‘ ‘ . ' , _ Delbert Fowler and three members’ * l,hder way next fall before j gradc and Miss Toisnd's third grade making any definite decisions con-]cach cnJoycd it for a month dur. coming (lie dub for another year. Ai ing the vcar. Another painting will joint committee made up of three »bc purchMCd from one of our local members from the Ross P.T.A. a p - jartists this fall to be used as an • I flip {"Mill #<f Tlnti 1 #iiifl 9 . iVCHT® If LI1C flrsb Alld GCCOlld ^FlidCS West. Among the many features will ^ from thc Bilver CUlb ^ sUlI wish to have a Panda Bear It be bronc riding, bull riders. cnIfi l ,,,l0’r J w idciu or B mi p?ln,<cl by its mcsklent, Mrs. Co.rlwn, ^ purchased for them. If they , , , , , ' ’ 1 ‘ W * ' Dr)1 l’lekering, will plan the joint rocep- ci,OWBomcu ,|n(r ctoe th_t wlll u_ 2 defrated the Flaming Arrows of .,ftM fnr lh. nn,t c"** wm "* roping and steer decorating. Feats of horsemanship and roping, ns well ns show classes, ponler, and conte'jts will round out a full program. A real cowboy clown will keep the children entertained and will double In the dangerous assignment of protecting riders who have been unfortunate enough to s lose llielr scat on a bull or a bronc. According to Marjorie Oberly secretary of the event, a real pony- gentle, well broken, and pretty ns n picture will be awarded to some lucky boy or girl during thc day. Local and area participants are i rchotil hour, Den 1. tion for the teachers and scliool ■ secured Follmvirte fhe bail eurne D,<n 1 1Wfiollht' ' ,lcxl Scpt' \ Tho silver Boosters thank the T (mowing the ball game Dm 1 I t was noted thnt a most proajior- ’ teachers and students for helntnv m,s nntI «)fneninl year hnd been en- Bet their Barents end fri.nrt«Pnt* , r, Mi.i. Neal failwtt. asf.lsted by*joyed by thc club, thanks to the Mr.*, Ronald llycr, nt a wetner nbilily of ijcojile In the school dls- r-act at (lie home of Mra Hyer. trict U) work together. Club present were Igury, one hit of unfinished business fitlli get their parents and friends out for meetings the contest was most exciting thru out the yesr. Cflrynlit, Jeff Rowers, Denny Lov- 111, Garry Tnlboft, Johnny Evnu* and Vernon Hyer. Handy Smith, Keith Cavcndt-r, goes on, namely tho subscription selling for thc Jamestown Journal Titere are still a few solicitors who llorion Auxiliary v?s;ts OSSO Homo 1 , 11111 . 1 ; « . . . g , Glen George Jr., Paul Reid, and 1,nvc not y rt turned !n * rcw)rt-| ^ Dickie Brown, of Den 2 were cn- W,H yoU p1pn,w CPt v°,,r f^'cltlng Th« AthCiHcAh tegfon AUxiilar# trrtalned nt a barbecue n t thc tJonc tim1 t,,m in,° Mrs-WUhs Olsss Land their families went to Harrison expected to 'include7 Connlo"' and j home of the Den Mother, Mrs. Law-! n* “ °n ”* pos;',lb,C? MfVR!1li,no »* m fo ttaw B at the 0 8 A SO Home 'ra n Reid. Cub LaMhr Smith wos1” ^ , Rlc'lorol,s,y to our-Sunday afternoon with provision | conducting our "clean up" campaign \ fot*« Covered dish supper. Tfti Jotif- Bruce Howerton, of Cedarvlllo and Dennis Tidd of Jamestown, 4 -H Club Holds Meeting ' The Jamestowh Junior Farmer 4H Club .held their meeting, Wed­ nesday April 28 at thc home of Biii and Cy Morman. . The business meeting was In charge of the president. Ford Pick­ ering. It was decided that each dub member wpuld hava 5 safaiy acts or deeds .complete^ befoic tho next meeting, , Wc discussed the Roberts rule, of Order. For recreation it was de­ cided to go on a swimming party soon, „■ The next 'meeting will be .held, Wednesday, May 12 a t 7 •p.rri, at Millers on .the Jahtestowfi-Xenia Pike, *.r * ‘ • * * I' * : | t * i1 . ill and unable to attend the meet- j ing. :(next Sept, since house cleaning has, teen bovs living in cottage B are precedent a t the present. Only by Jsponsored by the local Auxiliary and ; having our parents take our local > ro remembered on special days. , pnner can wo hope to reach them] Ail bovs who had had birthdays j with our Booster Club notices and since the first of the year received birthday gifts from the Ladles of Births At Haines Hospital Mr, and Mrs. Jay Rccd of South ■nows. The Club receives one foliar Solon, R. R. 1 re parents of a daugh- • for each new subscription and ter Gloria Gail, born Thursday a t fifty cents for each renewal handed ttn Jrtne*Yffv<;»Alfr<v1 : • v . . Haines'Hospital. ♦ * * Mr.' and Mrs. Jahics Piatt, New Burlington R. R, 1, arc announcing the birth of a son, Danny Leo, nt liaincs Hospital ori Thursday, Donna Rne i*s *tl*e name of the Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hpifricr daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Don- and family- of Ada, Ohio, Mr. and the Auxiliary Enjoying the a’ftemoon With the in to them, Mrs. Willis Glass, Mrs.]boys were MrswRaIph Gels, Mrs. Max Jcnks, and Mrs, Clyde Toland are the committee who are working very hard ori this campaign for thp Sliver Boosters. Won’t you see them today’? Russell Eavers, Mr. arid Mrs. Her*’ nwn Haller, Mr. and Mrs. William Ewing, Mrs, Inez Merritt, Mff,- John stanforth, Mr. and M ii, Ver­ non Stafford, Mrs, Leila Ellison, Mf, and Mrs,. George ' Moaoron, ........... .... .......... .. w n w , Mrs, Kenneth Ritenour and dsUilt* ald Gates, Xenia, R. R,5, a t HainesMrs. Jack ' 1 ^ 0 0 ^ 1 1 ^ * 7 ^ 8 ^ , I M” ' “H<,w*rd Hospital on Sunday. IMrs. Helen Hoifner, Mr. and Mrs. Turner *nd ch,Wp«n , * * * IMax Reifner and Joy, Mr. and Mrs. “ *’ r~ # Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Combs, <Robert HcifnCr and family, Sarah Sunday evening guests of Mr, and . .....- -........ . - ....... ^trs, Karl Robinson were Mr. and ' R ' 1 ^ aHnounoine , an«l fDoulse Skyles enjoyed a picnic Mrs. John Ferguson, Mr, And Mrs. . °f ft> <3r.ant.j dinner at Bryan Strttc Park on Sun* Myron Fudge and Mr, and Mrs. at Haines Hospital on Monday, t i (lay, Murr^ * w Silver Boosters Extend Thanks TM Silver Boosters wound up the school yesr with 385 members,' a record breaker membership, even tho |t wss 6 chert of its gosl. The program committee not only plan­ ned programs which drew record tweaking attendance to meetings but also added almost seventy four dollars to the treasury with Its cake walk and minstrel show. The food committee under the direct­ ion of the Ways and Means Com­ mittee netted seventy one dollars with two candy sales and the Ath­ letic banquet which Is not aimed to make money but to pay expen­ ses and honor the team. The Ways and Means Committee had Its big­ gest year with a food sale, turkey raffle, Jack’s Xylophone Band, Baby contest and the sola of bro­ oms, By the way, Mra. Frank Jones has about o n e , dozen brooms In case some of. yoti still .like to have one. 8ilvem*ek School Is richer by four Westtnghouse Water Coolers, an additional, oil*painting, a panda bear, enough dlshee, enabling the serving of a banquet of. 200, without borrowing, and ten boys and girls having been given special art les­ sons, In all it totaled the coopera­ tive earnings and expenditure' of approximately eleven hundred dol­ lars. A great deal of pleasure was ., gained through the co­ operation of each and every one of you during the school year. T h e, Stiver Boosters soy "Many thanks % you all”. Men In Semrice . Army PvtHKmer P. >8tacjf> Ehgpp pdrents Hvs In Jamestown, -vOliiilo, recently spent a seven-day riot and recuperation leave lii Hakata, J a ­ pan. . Story, who arrived overseas lost July, is normaUy ataUonM In Korea. as aejeep driver with th e 78th En- glnaer Field Mathtenanag Company. He shteted the ’Jinny in February 1888, completed basic training at overseas last July. Ingenlty an^ *an eye for color have provided the 38th Infantry Regiment with an unuaal motor office thanks to the efforts of Army Sergeant First Class Harry Rose or Xenia, Ohio. Rose, the regiment's .motor ser­ geant, has his office In a tent equip, ped and decorated with discarded equipment that he has aecumu- j lated. I A blue stairwell leads Into a tent ] whose foundations go three feet ! Into the ground. Over the doorway j Is an awning made of a piece of culvert casting, also painted blue. A yellow tire placed inside a fence of white chain acts as the Dental Survey Sought At Jamestown, The State Department of Health hits been requested by the local Health Department at Greene Mem­ orial Hospital to send a dental trail­ er to Silvercreck school for a survey of school 'children there,’ It was an­ nounced today by Dr. Gordon E. Savage, county health commissioner. Tho local department is Inter­ ested in obtaining such a survey because of the presence of natural fluorides In Jamestown's water sup­ ply to tlie extent of one part per million, tho concentration recom­ mended for the prevention of dental decay, Dr. Savaga continued. " A statistical outline of the re­ sults of this survey was given, which denoted that only 45 percent of 162 native-born children examined had experienced dental decay, rou­ ghly half of what officials would expect to find in non fluoride areas. The survey also showed that the decayed, missing and filled rate for each youngster of the group of 162 was only 2.2 percent, a distinct advantage when compared to 8.0 decayed, missing and filled teeth found in communities with-no’fluo­ ride in the water supply, The rate of the entire school, 617 pupils, was only 4.5 percent, Dr. Savage re­ marked. In addition, he said, 91 of the pupils had no decay In their six- year molar teeth and only seven had experienced decay in their In­ cisor teeth. Mottling' of .the enam­ el was found Jn 2 percent of the children examined,,Dr. Savage .re­ ported. This mottling was of the mildest degree .'and In jno way ob-. jectlonable, he said. , X>r* Savage ali» remarked that it'w as Interesting to note that of the 617 pupils examined only 76 percent' had dental ' defects,' a con­ siderably' lower 'pritxhtage than found' In' cotnhhinltiea with non- fluorldated ‘water 'supplies, even though such tester' had not been used since birth. TEN CENTS PER COPY Mother of Local Merchant Succumbs Services for Mrs. Mary Gibbs, 72, wife of Joseph E. Gibbs, of Blanchester and mother of Earl Gibbs of Jamestown, were held Mon­ day at 2 p. m, at Eiohelberger Fun -^ oral Homo in Blanchester, with In­ terment at Goshen, O. Mrs. Qlbbs, whose son operates Gibbs Hardware and Implement Co., died Thursday night in Braden­ ton, Fla., after suffering a paralytic stroke, Mr, and Mrs, Gibbs had been In Florida for the winter, Other survivors are a son, Ralph of Sabina; three grandchildren, a sister and a brother. Weather Prediction By Roy Fields Roy Fields, whose habitation is in the Selma area, comes, up with some bad news for gardeners: especially Bowersville Resident Dies Suddenly James Lawson King, 72, retired fanner, died sudenly at his home near Bowersville Sunday at 11 a.m. Death resulted from a heart attack according to Coroner H. C. Schick, who was called to the King home. The son of William and Elizabeth Conner King, Mr. King was bom in Floyd County, Va., May 24, 1881. He was a member of a Christian Church in West Virginia. Survivors Include his widow, Mra. Nancy Elizabeth Mize King; five children, Joseph W., Sabina, Route 1; Charles King, Mrs. Mlnnlebelle Ward and Mrs. Eva McGowan. Rarden Route 1, and Mra. Mamie Lee McDonald, Flint. Mich.; 45 grandchildren and 14 great-grand­ children. Funeral services were held Wed­ nesday at 2 p.m. at Harmon Church Chapel !h Harmon, O. Rev. Fred Dunn officiated and burial was in the church ceremony. Loren Ritenour Buried Sunday Loren Ritenouf, 69, Fayette Coun­ ty fanner, died at his hrfme an Jamestown Rd„ three miles west of Jeffersonville, Friday at. J am , In falling licalth six months, he hod been critically ill two weeks. Born in Jefferson Twp., Fayette County, Mr. Ritcnuor had passed his entire life in that community. He was a member of Jeffersonville when Ahc warm weather gave them > Methodist Church, Knights of Py- the Itch to get out and dig and plant thins Lodge and Marshall Grange things. Roy says there will be some,very bad weather for growing things in In Jeffersonville, Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Frances Ritenour; three sons, John May, and 'he predicts, that stuff, 0f Xenia; Carroll, near Jefferson- planted much before the first of vllle, and Doriald, Pittsburgh, Pa.; June will be In foj tough sledding, | two step-sons, George W. MUrphy Around the.mlddle of May he cays ; and Elwood C, Murphy, Springfield; there will be weather that soft Ja brother, Dr. A, D, Ritenour* James- stuff like beans and tomatoes Just! town; a sister*, Mrs, J. E, White, can’t take. Then from tho 24tli j Washington C. H„ and nine grand- to the 28th, he looks for a freeze: children. with the poslbility of snow, "I hate s Funeral services were held at motor EcrgeanVs emblem. Inside ]to see folks plant a lot of beans and -s Jeffersonville Methodist Church tomatoes and theri lose them,’’ lie. Sunday’ a t 2 p. m.( with burial In the tent, the pink silver foil usually j found wrapped around the Army’s ] truck heaters line the walls, acting j not only os decoration but also asi reflective sheeting that helps to] keep Sergeant Rose worm. j The Ingenious motor sergeant’s parents. Mr, and Mrs, E.6, Rose, live in Xenia, Falrvlew Cemetery, near Jefferson­ ville, Memorial services were con­ ducted by thc K, of P, Lodge there Saturday a t 8 p. m. Turning1Back Hands of “Pappy” Time MAT 4, 1838 Atendlng the May Festival pro­ gram a t the firs t Methodist Church In Xenia Friday evening were Mrs, M, H, Klatt, Mra. A, D. Ritenour and Mrs. C. T, Walker, The regular meeting of the Geo­ rge Slagle Chapter of the D, A, R. was a t the home of Mrs, Neal Hunter (Tuesday afternoon, Mrs, A. H. Durham of Dayton, State Vice Regent of the D.A.R, was the guest speaker, * • * « 1 flllvercreek emerged victorious with a high score of 58 to 42 In a track meet with Bryan High School' at Yellow Springs, Friday afternoon. • « . • m- The boys of the Jamestown Voca­ tional Department, with their teach­ er, Mr, C. E. Pickering, had a one day tour visiting places of Interest In Xenia and Springfield.' * >•* * * Mr, and Mra. Dehnar Matthews of Hew Jasper are announcing the birth of a daughter, Nancy Lee, on Friday evening. •0- Mies' Elisabeth Cornwall of Spring- field, Orand Matron of the 18th District awarded an "excellent" to the Jamestown Order of Eastern Star when she inapicted ths local chapter. Attend Funeral Mr, Ronald Hyer and his father Mr. Arthur Hyer, of Greenfield a t­ tended the funeral of the tatters brother, Mr, W. H. Hyer, in Wea- vcrvllle, North Carolina on Monday, May 3, said. Asked on what he based hls predic­ tion, Roy said, "Oh I watch things and when they come out a certain way, the weather will be like I said, just see If I don't hit It." Well there you have it, and per­ haps Roy knows What lie is talking about, • • Mrs. Willard Haines Hostess To Club "Actual Planting" was the topic, Farm Discussion under discusion when members of P . . . . . M o n t e the Verda-Ja Garden Club met at U rO lip IfIBBIS the home of Mrs, Wlllafd Haines ori Discussion Group ’No. 2 of the Monday evening Oreene County Farm Bureau met The business meeting was in Tuesday pvcnlnB April 27 at the charge of the president Mrs. Boyce ibomc of Mr- and Mrs*Eari At ey‘ Moore. A paper entitled "Planting 1' ,lfecllrlB was opened with a and Care of Annuals" wes read by{dcvottlona! sfrvicp ,cd by Mr8‘ Mrs. Clayton Wiseman. Final plans ]Bpahr- During the buslneas seslon were made for the- flower show!f Hlce*8 ™rc e,pctcd fp* the “ “ “ which was held at’.thc Methodist ,lsCftI ypar 115 ” *' ’Clarence Mott, President, Mr, Earl Alley, Vice-President, Mrs. G. M. Church on May 4,- The following members answered -; , . . , _____ roll call, ^Mm Boyce Moore, I ^ / Mrs. WillardRaines, Mrs. Elwood, ..future of the Family Farm"' Rose, Mrs Donald Pickering, Mrs. i ^ lntroduccd for discussion Norman L nton, Mrs. Frank Jones , prcscnt ,eadcr, Mr. Grover Mrs. Paul Dennis, Mrs. RUssell • Murry, Mrs, Ted Hell, Mrs. William] po„owl thc busiucss nieeMng Ewing, Mrs l ^ c r Ritermur, Mrs.] rcfroshmcn^ woro to th# Donald Matthews, ’Mrs. Dale Attey, fo„ owl mCmbcra Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Clayton Wiseman and Mrs. Arthur BfthmS( Mr Rnd Mrs, Mark Max Helfner. Mr, and Mrs: Gerald Bock, Mr, and Mrs. A. D, Chitty and Ronnie and Mr, and Mrs. Vernon Robinson and Miss Pamela Slethem attend­ ed the a t the fairgrounds in Washington C.:H, Sunday afternoon, The races were sponsored by the Lions Club and the concessions were in charge of the Boy Scouts of Washington xl. H. Blngamon, Mr. Herman Brickie, Mr, and Mrs. Bernard Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hctzler, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Jenks, Mr. and Mra, O. T, Marshall, Mr, -and Mrs. Clarence Mott, Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Smith, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Spahr, Mr. and Mrs. Delma ThoimS, Mr. and Mrs. Grpvcr Tobin, arid Mr, and Mrs. Roscoe Turner,