The Jamestown Journal, Volume 77, Numbers 17-52

MT. TABOR . . . LEROY HOLLINGSWORTH CORRESPONDENT Mr. and Mrs, Jesse Pickering and family of Wilmington silent Satur­ day with Mrs, Lennu Jones, Thursday, May 6, 1954 THE JAMESTOWN JOURNAL PAGE THREE Mr. and Mrs. Robert Badglcy and fnmlly of Spring Valley, Mrs. Juan­ ita, Wnllace and daughter Sue Ann of Xenia spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Roseoe Beal. * * • Mr. and Mrs Ernest Deal and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wnlton, Jr. of Beaver- town. • 9 * Miss Sue Jarrell of Bloomington spent the wcekeiTil with Miss Caro­ lyn Jcun Jones. • • * Mr. and ’Mrs, Francis Jones and Miss Carolyn’ Jones were Sunday dinpertguesls of Mr, and Mrs. .Fred Powers of nenr Wilmington. • 4 « Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Kyle, Mr* and Mrs. Charles Eugene Kyle and Leroy Hollingsworth spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D, Forrest Strong of nenr New Holland. • * * Mr. Johnny Campbell of near Bowersville spent the weekend with Mr. Jimmy Driscoll. • * » Miss Karen Kay Howell of near New Burlington spent part of last week with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs.'Ralph Haines. * 9 • Mr. and Mrs. Lauris Murry and: family of near Bowersville were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, j Moudy Barnett. i * * V Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rice and family of Dayton called on Mr. and Mrs, D. A. Powers Tuesday evening. * ♦ • Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Rudduck and family of Dayton spent Sunday with Mrs. Rudduck’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chelsea Stoops. WITH THE SICK . . . Mrs. Dorn Oarrlngcr, who has been a patient at Fayette Memorial Hospital, returned to the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brcakfield on Fri­ day, Mrs. Garrlngers condition re­ mains the sainc, • ♦ • Mrs. Cecil Brown and infant daughter Cindy Lou are now at home, having returned from the Greene Memorial Hospital on Thurs­ day. • ft li »lr. W. B.’Lcach Is seriously ill at his hotrit on the PnlntcrsVlllc pike. • * * Mrs. Melvin Steiner suffered a fractured left arm Thursday even­ ing, Slit was treated a t Ilnlnes Hospital, BOWERSVILLE MRS. CATHERINE HAUGIIEY Correspondent Mr. and Mrs, Charles Glass and Mr. Ivan Gallagher of Sabina were dinner guests, Sunday of Mrs. Onn Smith and Mrs, Cora Sparks, Mrs. Sparks returned home with Mr. and Mrs. Glass after spending two Imonths with her daughter Mrs. •Smith. 1 » » j Mr. and Mrs, Robert T. Kirk nnd !Bobby and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Kirk | were dinner guests Sunday of Mr nnd Mrs, Vernon Homey, Louise and ' Charles Arthur, ! , I Mr. and Mrs. Nell Pcndry and ;David had as their dinner guests Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Lewis Thnne Ohilty and Roger, afternoon guests were Mr. nnd Mrs. Forest Fraley and daughter Brenda of Middle- town,. * • » Mrs. Paul Larrick and daughter Julia spent the weekend with her brother and family, Mr. nnd Mrs. Marion Maloney of Dayton. * * * i Mrs Paul Larrick and daughter j Julia spent Ilie weekend with her ' brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. .Marion Maloney of Dayton. ; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest MqChesney :and daughters of Columbus and iMr. and Mrs. Aubrey Woods were ‘guests Sunday of Mr. nnd Mrs :George Mcddock and Mnrgenc and !A-::c and Mrs. Paul Richardson. | A~2c Richardson Is homo on leave :from BIloxlo, Miss. He will repaid back to Mississippi the 12tli of May nnd Mrs. Richardson will accom­ pany him back and will reside with her husband while he is stationed in the States. R * * Mr. nnd Mrs, Dana Jones and Donn and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Post and Bobby of Dayton were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs, Raper Jones and Ronnie and Mrs. Celtic Jones. Afternoon guests were Mr. nnd Mrs. Marvin Brown and Mrs. Carl Brown and Debbie of Jeffersonville. | MOTHERS' DAY j On Mothers* Day which comes each i year Our thoughts turn toward our Mothers dear, And when we think how fine and wonderful are they It's very well to honor them, IBy wearing flowers on Mother's Day. | How much you raally care for them j You yet can let them know, !By thoughtful word, or kindly 'deed { Your gratitude may show, Don’t put things off we say For you too may use the white, i When you, wear flowers next J Mother’s Day. Roy Henderson, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. D. Chitty and Ronnie spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ebcr Coyle of Wash­ ington C. H. * * * Mrs. George Shirk remains in >* Iseriouscondition at her home here ! ». . ; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jacobs ofg near Yeiiow Springs and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mathews were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Jacobs. f «. » * : Mr.and Mrs. L. T. Chitty and 1Roger visited Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Woods and on Friday evening the Chittys were | guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sipe and family of near Ccdarvllle. • * te j Mrs, A. C. Ellis was honored on her 82nd birthday last Wednesday whan her family come. In to enjoy a covered dish dinner with her. Those present were Mrs. Dick Dclt- rich, Mrs, Richard Wells and son of Dayton,Eveningguests were Mr. and Mrs. E,. B. Kills'and daughter Jenny of Xenia. <• I *» t> i Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mason, Gary land Deanna were Sunday dinner, !guests of her brother Mr, and Mrs., ; Herbert Anson nnd family of Cln- ; clnnati. ! 1 < I A * ♦ Mr, nnd Mrs. D. A.Oliver of Jamestown had as their suppe , guests Sunday evening Mr. nnd Mrs ; Herbert Hargrave. I ANSWERS: 1. Jim Greengrass. s 2. Marty Marlon, ‘ three errors, j Juno 10, 1040. 3. Bemjh. 4. All j play second base with exception of I Regalado, who a Is third baseman. 1 5. Cardinnls-Browns, 6. Charley i Robertson, April 30, 1022, If you j had a score of more than 20, send ! you name In to ’Quiz Editor", The [Sporting News, 2018 Washington •Ave., St. Louis, Mo„ and you’ll get !a free copy of the National Baseball iWeekly. _ • - ------- Glass Meets At Church of Christ Members of Loyal Sons and Daughters class of the Jamestown Church of Christ met Monday even­ ing at the church for their regular business and social meeting. Vice-president Virgil Frost con­ ducted the business session which was followed by a program in keep­ ing with Mother’s Day, with Mrs, Emerson Doster and Mrs. Charles Leach taking part. Refreshments of cake, fruit salad, coffee and tea were served during the social hour by the hosts, Mr, and Mrs. Chester Bryan, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Emer­ son Doster and Mr. nnd Mrs. Virgil Frost, The next meeting date Is July 3. May Time .Theme Of Garden Show "May Time" was the theme when the Vcrda-Ja Garden Club held a flower show at the Jamestown Me­ thodist Church Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Glenn Smith of Washington Court House judged the floral ar­ rangements as follows: First class - Literary composition depicting book title. 1st place won by Multiflora Gardeners, 2nd place won by Verda- Ja Garden Club and 3rd place won by the Jamestown Garden Club. Second Class — New Look ar­ rangement. The Verda-Ja Garden Club won the awards for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th places, Third Class - Say it With Flowers (Mothers Day arrangements in Goblets. 1st and 2nd places were won by the Jamestown Garden Club, 3rd and 4tn places were won by the Verda-Ja Garden Club. . Fourth Class - Study In Black and Pink. 1st place won by the James­ town Garden,Club; 2nd place won by the Multiflora Gardeners and 3rd and 4th place won by. Verda-Ja Garden 'Club. Fifth Class - Coffee Time (Cream pitcher for coffee table) 1st place won by Multiflora Gardeners, 2nd and 3rd place won by the Verda-Ja Garden Club and 4th place by the Multiflora Gardeners. Sixth Class - Sweet Girl Graduat­ es (Corsages lor’ Graduates) Again the Verda-Ja* Garden Club received all four awards. Refreshments were served by the club to members and visitors, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scltoffer of Detroit and Mrs. James Ross of Dayton were Tucsdny evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Hell, Mr, and Mrs. Scltoffer were guests of Mrs, Hell’s daughter, Mrs. Ross, j for several days the past week. !•—— •— ------—— ———— ,— OLDMILL NOW OPEN Sundays 12 noon to 8 P.M. 11 A.M* to Midnite CLOSED MONDAYS Family Night Observed at Church The ladles of th e ,Missionary Soci­ ety of the “ Jamestown Baptist Church observed family night with a covered dish supper at the Church April 30. After" a devotional period led by Mrs. Mabclle Hurley, a business meting was conducted by Mrs Bern­ ard Kneclit, After tire routine busi­ ness fyad been taken care of an election of officers was held, The following officers were elected to serve a term of two years. Mr. Mabelle Hurley, president; Mrs. Martha Jones, Vice-president of Missions; Mrs. Helen Langdon, Mrs. Harry Arthur, Vlcc-Pre3l- Vlce President of Christian Service; dent of Christian Training; Mrs, Leila Ellison, Vice-President of Mis­ sionary Stewardship; Mrs. Eloisc Robison, Secretary, Mrs. Mary Ro­ bison, Treasurer and Mrs. Cleo Oarrlngcr, pianist. In addition to the aforementioned, the following members and their families were also present Mrs. Llnnle Knox, Mrs. Ward Little, Mrs. Homer Persingcr, Mrs. Nora Powers and Mrs. MUo Cooper. FUDGES HOSTESSES .. , ......... Mr. and Mrs'. Myron Fudge were hosts to Discussion Group No. 1 of the Greene County Farm Bureau Monday evening, May 3, The group chairman presided at the business meeting. Mr. Ray Garrlnger led the group in a spiritual discussion of the topic "What can we do about our rural schools." A social hour was enjoyed and at the close of the evening refresh­ ments were served to the following members Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gar-, ringer, Mr, Ben Beard, Mrs. Ida Clemmer, Mrs. Mabelle Hurley, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gray, Mr. Henry Heath, Mr. and Mrs, Elden Heinz, Mr. and Mrs. Hcber Keach and Charles, Mr, and Mrs. David Leslie and David Bryon, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pickering, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Spracklin and grand daughter Mary Kathleen. i SLUSHER’S GREENHOUSE Myrtle Fenkcr, Operator MOTHER’S DAY FLOWERS VEGETABLE PLANTS FLOWER PLANTS South of Jamestown on Jasper Road PAINTERSVILLE Mrs. Elden Heins Correspondent Miss Geraldine. Pickering, daugh­ ter of Mr, and Mrs. Howard Pick­ ering, underwent emergency sur­ gery Sunday night a t McClellan Respite l in Xenia. YELLOWSPRINGSNEWS w. s. c. §. The W,*8. C. s; will have a Mother and Daughter Reception a t the Me­ thodist Church May 6 ijt 8 ujn, * * » WOMENS ASSOCIATION The Womens Association of the Presbyterian. Church will meet May 13 at the home of Mrs, David Kirk­ patrick, President St. Mrs. Walter Knecht will beasslsttng hostess. De­ votions wlH”be led by Mrs, Charley Mellingcr followed by a book review of "Within These Borders" to be given by Mrs. William Laming. • * t WESTMINSTER GROUP May 11 the Westminster Group of the Presbyterian Church will meet at the home of Mrs. A. C. Swlnncr- ton, Orion Rd., assisting hostesses will be Miss Mabel .Weiss and Mrs. Buckley Rude, Mrs, Adeline Bassett will lead the* devotions followed by a talk on the,"Gray Ladles" given by Mrs, Arthur Bahnr. A * • DAYTON ANTIQUE SHOW The Dayton Spring Antique Show will be held in Memorial Hall, May 8, 9, 10. There will be displays of genuine antiques in furniture, glass, china, silver, brass, jewelry, lamps, prints etc. All antiques are for sale, the Admission Is 50c. * A • LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL Dan Klips reported forty boys were out for Little League Baseball last Saturday at the rear of the Elementary school. There was only time for a little batting. I t looks as if there .would be even more boys out in the* next few weeks. A A A' P. W. WEISS FOOD MARKET Due to the fire that wrecked the P. W. Weiss Food Market "Sunday the store will operate for the pres­ ent from Diehls former Meat Mar­ ket on Xenia Avei* ■ * PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Elden Bayer, Cen­ ter College St. accompanied by their daughter Pat and Don O’Oara visit­ ed Ohio University at Athens, Ohio Sunday April 25. Pat will enter Ohio University In the fall to study Jour­ nalism. • A A Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Oster, W. N, College St. returned home April 29 from Lakcworth. Florida where they spent the winter, A A A Dr. and Mrs, Harry N. Williams, Xenia Ave„ left-May 5 for a weeks motor trip through Michigan. They will stop In Holland to see the tulips and then on through cherry blossom land to Elk Lake. BPW Club Entertains Senior Girls Senior Olrls of Central, St. Brlgid and Wilson High Schools were guests at an annual meeting of the Educational and Vocations Committee of the Business and Pro­ fessional Womans Club of Xenia, which was held at Geycr’s Restaur­ ant in Xenia on Thursday evening. A musical skit under the direction of Mrs. Donald Dallas was presented by the Club Chorus, with Miss Mil­ dred Mason as accompanist a t the organ. Miss Mason rendered several songs, some of which the members and guests joined In cn the chorus. After the musical program, a pan­ el comprised of four co-eds from Antioch College, with Mrs. Patricia Couillard, associate personnel Di­ rector of Antioch College as mo­ derator, was held. A discussion of "Relations of Jobs to Business." was given. A highlight of the meeting was the awarding of a scholarship. The recipient of the award was Miss Dora Jeanette Wilson, daughter of Mr. "and Mrs. Ora Wilson of Xenia. She Is enrolled at Webber College, Babson Park, Florida, for the fall term. i At Mr. Mrs. Bert Pierson of Xenia spent Friday and Saturday with their son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Burch Pierson, • • • Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Heinz at­ tended Rural Life Sunday services sponsored by the Granges of the county at Trinity Reformed Church, Fairborn, on Sunday evening. Mr. Rnd Mrs, .Henry McMillian of Wilmington were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Linton, • * • Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Ledbetter moved this week to Xenia from an apartment over the Paintersville Store. *» ♦ * Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pickering and family were .dinner gueets Sun­ day of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Faulk­ ner and family. * A A Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hoyle of Beavertown were Sunda'y guests of the former’s mother, Mrs. Marie Hoyle. A A « . Ronnie Jones spent Friday and Saturday with grandparents. BUY A NEW CHEVROLET— TODAY’S BEST BUY IN. PERFORMANCE! HOME LOANS Cheek With A Specialized Financial Institution P EOP L E S compression Mr. and Mrs. Burch Pierson. AAA The Win A Couple Sunday school class met In the church basement Sunday evening. Hosts were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jordon, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Howell, Mr. and Mr*. Harold Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Heinz. A A A The Loyal Couples Sunday School Class will meet In the church base­ ment Sunday evening. The MYF will also meet a t the church Sunday evening. AAA Mrs, Howard Pickering and Mrs. Marlin Heinz will be hostesses to the Women’s Society of Christian Service of the'Paintersville Metho­ dist Church In the church parlors Thursday evening of this week, AAA Preaching services will be held ■at Paintersville Methodist Church Sunday a t 0:45 a.m. with the pastor, Rev. Raymond Konkrlght in charge. Sunday School at '10:30 a.m. AAA Final plans are* being made for the Annual Dally Bible School for children In this community to be held a t Bowersville Methodist Church beginning Monday, May 31. Children from Paintersville, Me­ thodist Church and Pilgrim Holiness Church, Bowersviflc and any other children who arc interested may at* tend. Mrs. oylse Lynn of Indiana will serve ns director again this yeat. Building & Savings Co. 11 Green St. S in c e 1885 X en ia* O , t OF ANY LEADING LOW-PRICED CAR FLOWERS FOR MOTHER ... . POTTED AZALEAS . MUMS CALCEOLARIA GLOXINIAS VIOLETS PETUNIAS GERANIUMS TUBEROUS BEGONIAS MIXED POTS . BEDDING PLANTS VEGETABLE PLANTS .f ’ **’ STICKLEY’S FLOWERLAND East of Jamestown on Route 734 s .Phone 4-3311 A MYF Holds . Swimming Party The Junior High Group of the Methodist Youth Fellowship, with their teacher Mrs, Elwood Rose and guests, enjoyed a swimming party at the ’Y" in Springfield on Wednesday evening April 28, Those attending were Ruth Ann Brown* Trdne Weller, Patty Pollock, Stephen Powers, Joyce Anri Mosman, Tommy1 Pollock* Ernest Shlnkle, Denny McClelland, Phillip Reid. Winnie Oshner, Dickie Jtyika, Patty Moritz, Rita Pickering. Ronald Mossman, Darrell SwcarlngcnJ Lohr Pickering* Pat Phipps, Joyce Corbett, and Dick Reese. Mrs. Regina Reid and Mrs. Phyllis Powers assisted Mrs, Rose In chaperoning the young people. TRY IT AND YOU’l l T ill US THAT YOU 0ET INK BUST OF AU S-KRFORMANCK, KCO0OMY, PRICK The modern trend In engine design is to highpr and higher compression. That’s to wring more work out o f less gas. Chevrolet gives you the highest compression o f any leading low-priced car. Come in, get the farts and a demonstration. W e ’re sure you'll tell us that Chevrolet Out-performs and out-saVes Its field! Only d M v r a f o t In Ihn low-prk* fhU gWm you off ihmm"BnitBuy” valum . M M S T (R fliMSSiO lf M U R • M M B T IM R il • n sm t t i i i p i i t i T V • ifa i RR R ffM C fioR « i i | , I s a r iy r u i i e u s s • m u m e m io x - u k h r m m Cfcevidet .4 , ft $ I 4 t • <t* » City Property or Farms Let Us Bell Yeur Real Estate Courteous, Efficient Real Ratals and Auctioneering Service ■V/z% Farm Loans C. E. T<ONG —Renltor™ nuHics • Office 4-7111 - -Res. 4-7991 M* limestone S i, lim m tm m . O, » ' t* ■' ' , ; "* '.rf* <*,