The Jamestown Journal, Volume 77, Numbers 17-52
4? PAGE FOUR THE JAMESTOWN JOURNAL Thursday, May 8, 1,984 CHURCH SERVICES JAMESTOWN FRIENDS CIIUKCII' DeWItt Foster, minister j Sunday, May 9, 1954 : The churcn senool convenes a t, 9:30 undlcr tlie leadership ol j Thurman Tldtl. : The service of divine worship Is a t ' 10:30. In observance of Mother's 5 Day the sermon meditations will center about the subject: "The Woman thq Bible Calls Great." The mid-week meeting for prayer and Bible study will be held on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. J 8:90 P. M.—Monday, youth meet, jinn. JAMESTO?TN~UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10:00 ajn.—Bible School 11:00 ami.—Worship Service Quest Speaker JAMESTOWN FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Harry E. Artkn, pattw 10:00 a.m. Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. 7:00 p.m. Baptist Youth Fellow ship, 7:30 pjn. Wednesday Choir Prac tice. CLASSIFIED ADS. WANTED: riders to Dayton pre ferably NCR employes, 8:00 to 5:00 shift. Contact George Stephens, Cedarvtlle 8-3971. New Trlblotlc ointment for preven tion and treatment of mastitla. Stocked at Helfner's Pharmacy. 4-22 4-29 FOR RENT: 5 room completely modern duplex on large farm on Jackson Rd. Phone 7.4251. FOR SALE: New modern 3 bed room ranch type home with maihy extra features. 2 car garage, New; Xenia, Call 2-1154 PILGRIM HOLINESS CHURCH j IHHVERSVILLE, OHIO 10:00 it.m. Mother’s Day Sunday, School Rally, (flowers to be given)' 11:00 inn. Morning Worship. \ 7:15 p.m. Youth Service. ! 8:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service I 8:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer and, Praise Service. 1 OF JAMESTOWN CHURCH CHRIST Howard McGinnis, m inister 9:00 a.m. Bible School. 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship. 7:00 p.m. Young Peoples Meeting 8:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service. Wed. 8:00 p, m. Prayer Service, followed by Choir Practice. Chance make money every week mailing postcards. Work home spare time. Box 9 Watertown, Maas, 4 29 5 6-13-20- LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED POWER MOWERS OUR SPECIALTY O. F. Everhart Center St, Cedarvtlle, O., 6-2921 4-29 5-6 • FOR SALE White Rock Fries Harold Dobbins, CaU 6-4203 Chance make money every week mailing postcards. Work home spare time. Box 9 Watertown, Moss. 4-29 5-6-13-20-27 BOWERSVILLE METHODIST 10:00 A. M.—'Church School. 10:50 A. M.—Worship Service 8:90 P. M,—Methodist Youth Fel lowship meeting in the church. Raytnon Kankrleht, pastor 11:00 A. M,—Worship. 7-00 P. M.—M. Y. F 7:30 P. M.—Couple Class meet. — — •------------- (Jamestown) NEW JASPER METHODIST CHURCH B. Merle Hill, pastor 10:00 a.m. Church School. 7:00 a.m. M.Y.P. Wednesday 8:00 p.m. Midweek Bible Study and Prayer Service. THE METHODIST CHURCH (Jamestown) Elwood L. Rose, pastor 9:20 A. M. —The Story Hour for the kiddies. 9’30 A. M.—Church school, 10:30 A M. —Morning worship irith nursery for toddlers, ^VINTERSVILLE daymen Konkrlght, pastor 9:45 A. M.—-Worship service. 10:00 A. M,—-Church School. (Jamestown) Rev. Swain, pastor ZION BAPTIST CIUTRCI* 11:00 A, M.—Morr’ug war:hip. 7:30 P. M.—Evangelistic service. ROSS CHAPEL A.M.E. (Jamestown) Rev. W, Cassel Ayres, pastor 10:00 A, M,—Sunday school. 11:00 A, M.—Morning worship. GRAPE GROVE CHURCH of CHRIST Paul E. Wiener, Pastor 10.00 A.M. — Bibla School 11:00 A.M. — Worship Service 7:00 P.M. — Young People 8:00 P.M. — Evangelistic Ser vice 7:30 P.M. — Wednesday - Mid week Bible Study and Prayer Sew vice. birthdfiy, Mr. Huffman and his guests enjoyed a late afternoon • O O luncheon. Mrs. Lila Church spent last week in Dayton the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Mendenhall and Mr. and Mrs. Lew Haines. • O O Sunday evening supper guests of. '' * . !Help Wanted Female-Make $25.00 Mr. and Mrs. Ennis Stephens were' . . . , !L weekly ........ Spare Time, selling J Mr. and Mrs. Oarley Parsons o f 1 South Charleston, Mrs. Margaret Spracklin and Linda, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ycnger and Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Houston Evans and Mrs. Thelma Yenger of Dayton. • • • A-lc "and Mrs. Carl Pramer (Clarice Jean Stephens) are visit ing the latter’s mother, Mrs. Royj Stephens, E. Washington St., and * the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Prammer of Xenia for two weeks. They came from Brooks Air Force Base in Texas where Air man Pramer has been stattoned with Heudquarters Air Transportation Group. At the end of his furlough Airman Pramer will report on May, 20 to the 1703rd Air Traffic Sousd- EARRINOS. Write Kenroe Jew elry, Yorktown, Indiana. VEGETABLE PLANTS for sale at Albert Jories at west end of Chllli- cothe St., In Cedarvtlle 5-6-13 FOR SALE: DAVENPORT WITH SLIP COVER. Call RUSSELL MURRY. JA. 4-7241. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of W. A. Jacks, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Jessie Jacks aka Jessica Jacks has been duly appointed as Executrix of the estate of W. A, Jacks, deceased late of Silvercreek Township, Oreene County, Ohio. Dated this 22nd day of April, 1054, WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER Judge of the Probate Co.urt, Oreene County, Ohio. LUELLA HOW8ER Chief Deputy Clerk. 4-29 5-6-13 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Chauneey Emmet Moss- man, aka C. E, Mossman. aka C. Emmet Mossman, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Nettle A*. Mossman has been duly appoint ed as Administratrix of the estate of Chauneey Emmet Mossman aka C. E. Mossman aka C. Mmmct Mossman deceased late of Ross Township, Oreene County, Ohio. Dated this 19th day of April, 1954. WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER Judge of the Probate Court, Oreene County, Ohio. LUELLA"HOWSER Chlaf Deputy Clerk. . •4—22-29—5—6 FOR SALE; Cabbage plants 30c doz. Tomato plants 30c" doz. Potted tomato plants 5c cacn, fiOc dozen, Slushcr's Greenhouse. Mrs. Mvrtle Fenkcr, Operator. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS STATE OF OHIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Cotambus, Ohio April 30, 1954 Contract Sales , Legal Copy No. 54-214 UNIT PRICE CONTRACT w F-895 (!•) Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the State Highway Director of Ohio, at Columbus, Ohio, until 10:00 A. M., Ohio Standard Time, Tuesday, May 25, 1954, for improvement in: * Oreene County, Ohio, on Sections ORE -35—(0,13-9.45), U. S. Route j No. 35, In Beaver Creek and Xe/iia ITownships and the City of Xenia, . by grading, draining, paving with reinforced Portland ■Cement con- j Crete and constructing a steel beam bridge with concrete deck and con crete abutments (Span 72 feet, road way 58 feet plus 1 foot - 9 Inch safety curbs, including 4 foot med- ; lan), Bridge No. OR-35-20 over the ! Baltimore and Ohio'* Railroad; a continuous steel beam bridge with concrete deck and concrete sub- quallfied unskilled labor shall, inso far as possible be selected for this project. The attention of bidders is direct ed to the special provisions cover ing subletting or assigning the con tract, the use of domestic materials, selection of labor, hours of employ ment and condtiona of employment, The minimum wage to be paid to all labor employed on this contract shall be in accordance with the "Schedule of Prevailing Hourly Wage Rates Ascertained and Deter mined by Tlie Department of Indus trial Relations applicable to State Highway Department Improvements In accordance with Sections 4115.03 (17-3), 4115.04 (17-4), 4115,05 <17- 4a), 4115.00 (17-5) and 4115.07 (17- 5a) of the Revised Code of Ohio.” The bidder must submit with his bid n certified check In the amount of $10,000.00. Plans and specifications are on file In the department of highways and the office of the division deputy director. The director reserves the right to reject any and all bids. S, O. LINZELL, State Highway Director May 6-13 . -------- ■ NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Nora Ballard, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that W. H. Gordon has been duly appointed as Administrator of the estate of Nora Ballard, deceased late of Jamestown Village, Oreene County, Ohio. Dated this 26th day of April. 1054, WILLIAM B; McCALLT8TER Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. LUELLA HOWSER Chief Deputy Clerk. 5-6-13-20 j tlons to said Inventory must file l them at least five days prior to the day set for hearing, Olven under my hand and seal of said Court, tills 27th day of April 1054. WILLIAM B, MCCALISTER Judge of tlie Probate Court, Oreene County, Ohio. LUELLA HOWSER, Chief Deputy Clerk May 6 BIDS The Trustees of Ross Twp, Greene County, Ohio, will receive bids for the following, 10,000 gallons more or less of R. T, 3 Tar Prime and R. T. 8 Tar Seal No. 6 Oravel and No. 9 Oravel for covering material leveled and rolled ori Spahr and Watkins roads, Bids for same will be opened May 29, 1054 at Ross Twp., House, Selma Pk. at 2 o’clock. Ross Township Trustees Carl McDorman, Clerk 4-29 5-6-13 CARD OF TnANKS I wish to thank my neighbors and friends for the flowers and cards sent to me at the death of my mother. Your sympathy nnd kind ness appreciated. EARL OIBBS Joseph Swigart Conducts Meeting Mr, Joaeph Swigart, president, wm in charge of the business meeting when tlie Keystone Clam of the Jamestown Friend* Church met Fri day evening with Mr, and Mra, Willis Ooodbar of near New Jaaper, Preceding the business meeting Mra, Joseph Swigart led the Devotional Service. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Tidd, who were recently married, were pleas antly surprised when members of the class had a shower for them during the social hour. Mr, and Mra. Tldd also received a lovely wedding gift from the Keystone clam. A dessert course was served to the guests by Mr. and Mr#. Ooodbar. Enjoying the evening with the. hgst and hostess and Mr. and Mrs. Tldd were Mr, Richard Knlck, Mra. Warren Tldd, Mr, and Mrs.®Arthur Faulkner and children, Mr. and Mrs. /Joseph Swigart, Mr. and Mrs. James Knisley and daughter, Reverend and Mrs. DeWItt Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan McDowell and daugh ter, Mrs. Mildred Hyden, Mr. and rs. Jesse Hadley and children, Mlm Ruth Ooodbar, Mr. Fred Lewis, Mlm Hazel Chaffin, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Caraway and children, Mrs. Eva i Tldd and Mr. Melvin Miller. and Mr, Clarence Kraner of Col umbus. Early Sunday Mr, and Mrs, * ron at Brookley AF Base. Mobile, Charles Kraner motored to Cincin- structure (Spans two (2) at 55 feet, Ala., from where he-wlll be sent to nati to meet the lattcrs mother and roadway 58 feet plus 1 foot - 0 Panama. ; sister, Mrs. Lem Oren of Unlontown, , lnch safety surbs,_ Grinding 4 foot Alabama and Mrs. Fred Brooks of Meridian, Mississippi who will be their house guests for several days. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Blanche V. Doster, De ceased. Notice is hereby given that Emer son Doster has been duly appointed as Administratrix 'of the estate of Blanche V. Dost*:, deceased late of Silvercreek Township, Oreene Coun ty, Ohio. Dated tills 30th day or April, 1054. WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER Judge of the Probate Court, Oreene qounty, Ohio. LUELLA HOWSER Chief Deputy Clerk 5-6-13-20 Mrs. Margaret Spradlin and daughter Linda are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Houston Evans. They recently returned tto the States after visiting thirteen months with Mrs. Spradlin’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Heinrich Dunkel, noon, in Darmstadt, Germany. ] - , - . . , I Mr, and Mrs. Ellis Gordon and Mr. and Mrs. Opal Harblnson o f‘jane Anne were Sunday afternoon Bowersville accompanied by Mr. nnd1guests of Mrs, Florence Dennis and Mrs. Arch Peralnger of West Xenia Kenneth of Fairborn. median), Bridge No. GR-35-23 over iTjlttle Beaver Creek.: a continuous :steel beam bridge with concrete deck and concrete abutments Mr, and Mrs, Theodore Hell visit ed Mr, and Mrs. William Irvin and family of Springfield Sunday after- St. made a business trip to Bluff- jton, Ind„ Thursday, April 29. J Mr. and Mrs. James Leach and (children of St. Paris visited the former's mother, Mrs. Flossie Leach, j Sunday. They also called on Mr. and PENETECOSTAL C. ol C Rev. M C. Scott, pastor (Jamestown) 10:00 / . M.—Sunday school. 12:00 to 12:30 broo^-ast over sta- Mrs. Willis Ooodbar and family, don WCHO, Washl; *ton C. H. dl- . . . -7:30 P. M. —Wednesday prayer meeting. Friday: and piers (Spans 40 feet -50 feet - 40 feet, rondway 98 feet, Including 26 foot median), Bridge No, GR-35-45 over Beaver Creek; and a continuous steel beam bridge with concrete deck arid concrete substructure (Spans 68 feet - 85 feet - 68 feet, roadwav two (2) at 30 .feet plus 1 foot - 9 Inch safety curbs), Bridge No, GR-35-G1 over Little Miami River. Width: Pave ment variable - Roadwav variable. F. H, Clark and son: Length: 62,643.70 feet or 9.951 miles. Mrs. Minnie Frye spent Monday with her sister, Mra, Julia Gordon. • • O Mr, and Mrs. Paul apd grandson Mike spent SUn- "The date set for completion of this day afternoon Indian Lake? at their cottage at Mr, and Mrs. Houston Evans ; A man should work, do his best, had as their Sunday dinner guesta, lay up something for the future, and M.—Young people meet- Mr* "n<1 Mre- JohnnI Evans and help his fellowmen when he can 7:30 '1:30 P.M. —Wednesday, CHURCH OF CHRIST (Bowersville) James M, Grange, pastor 10:00 A. M.—Bible School. 10.45 A. M.—Morning worship. 8:00 P, M.—Evening Evangells tic Service. Afonday: PERSONALS. . . The Misses Sarah and Louise Skyles aud Mrs. Helen Hcifner at- Bjbiel family of Briggsdale, Mr. and M rs/ ' Galey Parsons of South Charleston, Mr. and Mrs. BlUy Evans and j daughters and Mrs, Margaret* Spradlin and daughter. • • • Sunday dinner gueata of Mr, and Mra. Olennie Jenks were Mr, and- Mrs, Jay Hamer and Sarah Louise j of near Xenia, j Sherrell Dean McWamee of J Springfield visited hit grandparente; tended the Inspection of the P y th -'w r, and Mre, J. H, Talbott from’ lan fiPl’es fit- the Mt. Sterling Tern- Wednesday until 8unday, Mre, Eloise pie a t Mt, Sterling on Thursday j McNamee of Springfield was an ad- evtnl:.b'. idltional guest on Friday, Huffman,: Mrs. Hazel McKUlIp of Spring-: were! f Mr, and Mrs Arthur Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Mossman field was the guest of Mra. Anna! and family and George Frame call-iBurton from Friday until Sunday.! cd on Afr Ro s Huffman and daugh*r Additional guesta of Mra. Burton w ter Carol, Sunday afternoon to ’ Saturday night and Sundav help M- Huffman celebrate his’, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Kraner and Mrs. HERE’S GOOD NEWS FOR YOU MOORE’S GREENHOUSE IS FILLED work shall be as set forth In the bidding proposal.” Ohio State Employment Service M 8. Jefferson Street Dayton 2, Ohio. will fumiah the successful bidder a: Abraham Lincoln, employment list fronf which FAMOUS CHEAP STORE Spring merchandise now on display. Girls' dresses, slips and jackets. Boys’ suits, coots and caps. Ladies' nylon and rayon hose. Boys’ and Girls' anklets. Boys' white dress shirts with how ties, FAMOUS CHEAP STORE XENIA, OHIO WE DELIVER Notice On Filing Inventory General Code, Sec. 10509-69 No. 7291, Doc. 15, .Page 421, Filed April 27. 1954. The State of Ohio, Oreene County. Probate Court To George Jacks, R. No. 2, Wilmington, Ohio; Bert E. Jacks, R. No. 2. Cednrvllle, Ohio; Howard A, Jacks, R. No. 1 James town, Ohio; Phyllis J. Gross, Queens Avc., Dayton, Ohio; Donald ! . Jacks, R. No, 2, Jamestown, Ohio, and Robert O. Jacks, R- No 2, Jamestown. Ohio, You arc hereby notified that on the 27th day of April A. D. 1954. an Inventory and Appraisement of the estate of • A Jacks, deceased, late of Sllve week Township in said County, was filed* in this Court* E l d Inventory „nd Will be for hearing before this Court on the 17th day of May, 1954. a t 10:00 o'clock, A. M. Any person desiring to file excep- For A i SAFE FUME | Save Mow At ! Cedarville Federal | Savings & Loan j Association ! 2 y 2 Earnings-Insured —OUR S9TH YEAR— ! FARMERS BE PREPARED Finance the Purchase of Your Farm or Your Short Term Farm Mortgage Loan the FEDERAL LAND BANK WAY. Lowest Interest — Longer Term— Pay Any Day and Lower a the Interest • - Small Semi-Annual Payments — 4 percent Interest or. Future Payment Funds — No Renewal Fees If Depression Strikes, Be SAFE SURE SECURE Write or Call EARL SKILLINGS, Secretary-Treasurer i SPRINGFIELD NATIONAL FARM LOAN ASSOCIATION 203 New Zimmerman Building, Springfield, Ohio. HOGS , CATTLE CALVES and SHEEP NO COMMISSION FREE TRUCKING Kirk's Slock Yards CALL FOR DAIRY MARKET Washington, C. H.t O. Phone: 2590 BARGAIN DAYS FO ff) 'USEDCARBUYERS} IFF H06 BOXES WITH PLANTS AGAIN A**’ "* --h '-e’U be changing the name we hope yean eeme in and let "<< show you that there Is no change In geed servtef*aad gnaltty plants, '■* *"•■ n r * Now Ready for Sale MOTHER’S DAY PLANTS — CORSAGES VEGETABLE PLANTS f r *. We Are Now Taking Orders and Building * HOG BOXES & FEED RACKS $ 52.50 6 x 7 Box o n ly ........................... Our 9 x 7 Box is Semi-A Twp* Oak runners 4k floor - Hardwood Frame - Metal Top TOP OPENS FOR INSPECTION We alto btiiitf a 7 * 14 and an 6 x 19 house M Order* Only " L .R .M M . Phene 7.9321 B U C K E Y E j WOODWORKING CO. | CABINETS Arid FORMICA j LUMBER — MILL WORK ROOFING — SIDING IMPROVEMENT LOANS 158 Mraree Phene MW Rents, Ohta ADAIR'S THEXEADING HOME FURNISHER FOR OVER 60 YEARS FOR F U R N I T UR E C AR P E T S A P P L I AN C E S *-M N. Dot st In k 1948 Dodge Custom 4-door ~ Radio & Heater Good Transportation* $595.00 1948 Buick Super Sedanette—Radio Sc Heater $795.00 1949 V-8 Ford Club Coupe R A H - Lots of Pep! $495.00 1952 Dodge yj-Ton Panel —» Heater — Fine For Farm Use $1295.00 1953 Dodge Coronet Sedan—Radio-—Heater—Low Mil- age $2395.00 1952 Dodge B3KA 153 2*/% Ton—Excellent Condition— Heater $1395.00 1949 Dodge 3-4 Ton Pickup—Heater $795,00 STOKES MOTOR CO. S. Main St, CsdiWUle, Ohio Phone 8-4821 For the Best Installation OF CARPET — LINOLEUM ASPHALT AND RUBBER TILE WALL TILE — VENETIAN BLINDS Call Dam n & D e tty Go* Phona Xania 2-5231
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