Cedarville College from 1953-1973: A Tribute to Pres. James T. Jeremiah

President Jeremiah's service to the Lord has included not only his involvement with the college but also various other ac- tivities, such as the Ohio Independent Baptist Council and the Baptist Mid-Missions Council. He presently serves on the G.A.R.B. Council of Eighteen. Speaking in numerous churches throughout the year affords Dr. Jeremiah an opportunity to preach, as does his daily radio broadcast, "Campus Challenge," taped at home in a room which he designed for this purpose . ''We salute you not on– ly because you are one of us but also because you are a devoted servant of religion and education, re– solute, gentle, and one who quietly exemplifies your faith and purpose." Dr. Wesley, president of Central ,State College, up– on con£erring on Dr. Jeremiah the Doctor of Di– ·vinity degree in 1961. ./