Cedarville College Bulletin, October 1915

10 CEDARVlLLE COLLEGE BULLETIN to another, the anniversary of whtise death comes around this year for the third time, I am debtor. "To God, in whose faith I have been :eaised, in whose power I work, and for whose sake I pledge my life, I pay my tribute." Then followed the inaugural address, which i:s given in full on suc- ceeding pages. .I:' oUowmg the inaugural address, the Dean, Rev. Lel"Oy Allen, Ph. B., gave a short. address, in which he paid high tributes to Dr. lVIcChes- ney, pledged the love and co-operation of faculty and students, and closed with the words, "And as you follow Christ, so we will follow you." Immediately at the close of the Dean's address, little Jean Morton stepped forward and presented D1·. l'IIcChesney with a floral tribute of white roses from the faculty. The College students sang their song to Dr. McChesney, which had been composed for the occasion by Mr. Bradford, '19, and ended it with a rousing cheer for the new Presi- dent. During the song the ushers presented Dr. Mcchesney with the gifts of flowers from the classes: roses from the seniors, carnations from the juniors, yellow chrysanthemums from the sophomores, and white chrysanthemums, in a tall flower basket, from the freshmen. The college song, 'Cedarville's a College/' sung· by congregation and students, and the benediction, offe1·ed by Rev. Henry Cooper Foster, D. D., pastor of the Presbyterian Church, Clifton, Ohio, closed the exercises. INSTITUTI0:'11S REPRESEN'l'ED The following representatives of other colleges, univel'sities and theological · seminaries were present and pr'esented the greetings of their institutions: Rev. John Knox Montgomery, D. D., President of Muskingum Col- lege, New Concord, Ohio. Rev. W. 0. Thompson, D. D., LL. D., President of Ohio State Uni- versity, Columbus, Ohio. Rev. Walter Gillan Clippinger, D. D., President of Otterbein Uni- versity, Westerville, Ohio. Edgar Ewing Brandon, Univ. D., Vice President and Dean of Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. · · Rev. Hemy J. Christman, D. D., President o:f the Central Theo- logical Seminary, Dayton, Ohio. J. Edwin Jay, A. M., President of Wilmington College, Wilmington, Ohio. ' William Emory Smyser, :r,r. A., Registrar and Professor of English in Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio. Rev. Joseph Kyle, D. D., LL. D.,.. Presi<lent of the Xenia Theological Seminary, Xenia, Ohio. .J. H. Dickason, A. M., Professor of Latin and Principal of the Academy and Summer School of the College of Wooster, Wooster, Ohio. . Rev._Robert Henry Hume, D. D., Springfield, Ohio, Alumnus and member of the Senate of Monmouth College, Monmouth, lll. Rev. W. S. Scarborough, D. D., President of Wilberforce University, Wilberfo1·ce, Ohio. Rev. William Pollock .Johnson, D. D., LL. D., President Emeritgs of Geneva College, Beaver Falls, Pa.