Cedarville College Bulletin, October 1915
12 CEDARVILLE COLLEGE BULLETIN ALUMNI PRESENT · The largest body of Alumni by far that ever returned to the College for any event was present at the inaugumtion of its second President. Considerably over one-third of the total number of graduates attended the exercises. Eve1·y class, except two, and these very small classes, was represented. Several classe,; were 1·eprosented by more than half their membership. Those who attended were as follows: Rev. J. W. Bickett, D. D., '97; Prof. C. C. Morton, '97; Rev.. r. Alvin Orr, '97; Mary Little, '99; Mrs. Thomas R. Turner, '99; Mrs. Alfred E. Swaby, '00; Mrs. Oscar Smith, '01; D1·. ,J. Cecil George, '01; Elkana E. Finney, '01; Mrs. W. W. Creswell, '02; :Mrs. F. A. Jurkat, '03; I,ulu Henderson, '03; Mrs. Karlh Bull, '03; Rev. ,John J. Wilson, '03; Prof. S. C. Wright, '03; Frank S. Bird, '04; Joseph A. Finney, '06; M1·s. David C.. Bickett, '06; Mrs. J. Car 1 Marshall, '07; L. T. Mar.iliall, '07; Ina M. Murdock, '07; Caroline Finney, '08; Florence Russell, '08; Bessie Sterrett, '08; Leroy Henderson, '08; J. Lloyd Confarr, '09; Mrs. J. Lloyd Confan-, '09; Julia Harbison, '09; Mrs. Leo Anderson, '09; llfrs. Emest B. McClellan, '09; Mrs. Ada Clow, '10; Fred Bird, '10; Prof. Alberta Creswell, '10; Howard C. Creswell, '10; S. Franklin Creswell, '10: Ruth A. Flatter, '10; Howard M. Harhison. '10; Della lVI. McCann, 'lO: Mrs. Joseph A., Finney, '10; J. Kenneth Williamson, '10; Josephine Orr, '11; Prof. F. M. Reynolds, 'l1; Martha M. Andcr- ;,nn, '12: S. Arthur Dean. '12; Ila M. Ramsey, '12; \V. Ream Shi·oades, '12; :.\fary L. Cooper, 'l3; Raymond T. Williamson, '13; J. Earl Mc- Clellan, '13: Mrs. J. Earl McClellan, '14; R. Bruce Anderson, '14; Hazel V. Lowry, '14; Helen P. Oglesbee, '14; Edna Stormont, '14; Harn' F. Bird, '15; Inez F,, Conner, '15: Helen Creswell, '15; J. Roscoe McCor 0 kell, 'lii; Wilmah Spencer, 'lii. Congratulatory me;;sag-es were received from the following Alumni, w:10 could not be present: Rev. Clarence K Young. Ph. D., '00, Rox- bury, Boston, Mas_s.; John 0. Stewart, 'll, :-.Tew Phibdeh1hia, Pa.; J?ev. Wm. R. Graham, '05, Rockville, InJ.: Isabelle lVL Wintei•. '99; M1·. am! Mrs. P. D. Dixon, '12, Tuha, Okla.; Rev. a1~il ~-T•,,. 'R.. W. Ustick, Sidney, Ohio; Rev, R. n. Wilson, '01. and Mrs. R. B. Wilson, '00, Hillsboro, Ill.: Prof. J. R. Harper, '00, Wilmette. Tll.: Rev. NL G. Hanna, '0li, and Mrs. :\I. G. Hanlla, '06, Seaton, UL: Rev. William Hawtho!'ne, '09, Philadelphia, Pa.; Mary B. Ervin, '02, Chicago, TIJ.; R.ev. R. C. Galbreath, '01, Union, I\". Y.; Rev. Walter A. Condon, '00, Trenton. Ohio; Grace Morton, ' U, New Kensington. Pa.; Rev. Walter P. Harriman, '12; Industry, Pa.; Rev. Homer McMillan, D. D.. '97, Atlanta, Ga.; Rev. W. W. Iliffe, '00, Brooklin~. Tlfass.; Bertha I. Anderson. '13, East Lihel't:v. Ohi.o: Re1r. Thomas R. Turner, '99, Dra- vosburg, Pa.; E. A.. Elder, M. D., '98, Pueblo, Colo. Congratulatory letters and teleg,1·ams were received from many others, among whom were the following: Rev. J... A: Benson. Clay Center, Kan.; Rev. 0. H. Milligan, Avalon. Pa.; lVfrs. • Canie Patton Giffen, New Athens, Ohio; Rev. James Y. Boice. D. D., PhiladP-lphia, Pa.; Mr. Wm. G. Savage; Philadelnhia, Pa.; Rev. R. W. Chesnut, Delanson, N. Y.; Martha Vaug-han, Wampum, Pa.; ;\fr_ and Mrs. ,T. (;_ Barber, Cedarville. Ohio; Rohe1·t :t\L Conley, Pittsburgh. Pa.; F;arah and Ed. l\foCown, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Rev. W. H. Gailey, Philad,,\phia, Pa.: A. W. Paul, Coulterville. Ill.: Merald Jobe, Wooster. Ohio; Rev. William Patterson, Marissa, Ill.; Rev. Themas Watters, D. D., Pitts- burgh. Pa.; :\frs. Grace R. Alexander, Oberlin. Ohio; Rev. Georve M. Rourke. Spring-field, Ohio: Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Palmer, Wooster, Ohio; Rev. Alexander Savag-e, New Galilee, Pa.; Rev. ,J; H, Kendall, D. D., Tarentum. Pa.: Rev. S. M. Ram::,ey. Los Amreles. Cal.: Harriet L. Ritchie, New Yotk, N. Y.; Rev. J. Cmwford Mackey, Ph. D.. D. D., Ashlp,nd, Ohio; Rev. Robert Watson, D. D., New York,. N. Y.; Mrs.
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