Cedarville College Bulletin, October 1915
Reading of the action of the Board of Trustees by the President, Mr. James H. Creswell, Cedarville, Ohio. Inauguration of the President by the Rev. David McKinney, D. D., LL. D., First President of Cedarville College. The Inaugural prayer by the Rev. James Lyqns Chesnut, D. D., the representative· of the General Synod of the Reformed Presbytrian Church of North America. Charge to the President by the Rev. David McKinney, D. D., LL. D. Inaugural address by the President, the Rev, Wilbert Renwick McChesney, Ph.. D., D.D. Address to the President on behalf of the College, by the Dean, the Rev. Leroy Allen, Ph. B. Announcements. Ue<larville's A College, by the congregation, led by the students, Ceda1;ville's a college in a grand old State, Builded by the hands of a Ruling Fate, Guiding eager students through the open gate Of dear old Cedarville. Fitting them for champions of the truth and right, Arming them completely for the coming fight, Leading them to victory over wrong and might, At dear old Cedarville. Chorus: Senior, Freshman, Soph., and Junior, too, Join your hearts and efforts, and in everything you do, "Onward! Upward!" be your motto still, Follow close the leading of your dear old Cedarville. Cedarville's a college full of joy and song, Work combined with pleasure through the whole day long. Happi11ess and gladness e'er to her. belong, To dear old Cedarville. Harmony and unity do there prevail, Bitter strife and enmity shall ne'er assail; In all that's great and. glorious, she cannot faH, Not dear old Cedw:ville. Cedarville's a college that shall ever stand, Shedding light and glory over all,the land, Reaching out to every one a helping hand, From dear old Cedarville. Many be the victories that are in her way, Many be the triumphs of the coming day, . Many be the students who shall always say, "Our dear old Cedarville!" Benediction by the Rev. Henry Cooper Foster, D. D., Pastor of the Presbyterian Church, Clifton, Ohio.
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