The Gavelyte, July 1915
'! CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 11 shall feel deeply offended if any one of vou, being permitted, shall fail to return to us ·with .inst Huch another wesf.age next summer. Miss Hazel Lowry, Latin teacher of the high school training class, :ert, Monday tl1e 10th, for lJ-n auto•nobi!e triµ to v;rginia. :Mis'l J.ow: ::t will have an o·.,ting cnv'ah!C' for ib bem1~ifrl scenery. Arno,w; tl1ose who 11xpect to rer;eir"' th 8btc-- :Provisional Hi th ,<lchod Certifkate at the end of the si>,,n;1er tr-rm m.·0: Mr. Cecil Burns, lWr. I'ht~·L-y F. Bird and Mr, Fred P.-.rd. This certificate ren- ders the ht1klcr di.:;il>k to teach in an)? !Jtg'.1 school of the state without furfl~m· exrnn;na' i0n. , Mr. Fred Bird '10, former principal or the hii;h ischool at Jame•1- town, has ;:icccpt rd ,a similar position at P;,ta;;]rnln. Hi~ new position i,c; more ad\!,rnta ':<' both f;rnmcially and otherwise. The many points of historic and present-day interest and beau- tiful nature ne:,r Ccdarvilln have bee11 favorite attractions for summer school ~tudcnts. Both our own ciiffs 11J1.d Clifton and the bnautiful Neff Park at Yellow SJ)rings have heen the scenes of stu- dent picnics while the Whitelaw Reid homes .ead, Wilberforce, Antioch Chautauqua and Xenia have all been centers of interest. Professor Alberta Creswell attended the N11.tio11al C. R <'onven- t ion at Chicago as a pai•t of her summer "acat.ion. Mr. Cecil Burn~ has been elect;,d to the principalship · of the North ·Royalton high Echool, ·near Cleveland. He will take up his Y:ork t!!e1e in the early part of September. PUY YOUR FURNITURE IN XENIA AT ADAIR'S Xenia, = White Star \Ve a.1,• nble 10 snll 1ir, per oel'lt hwer th11,,, 111-. city sturn,, because our nmt. fl,1,cl (,lh,,r <·xpens»s· so much 1,,,,._ Our Motor Truck will de!ivP.r your good~ I he same dity purchased. = = Ohio Pearl Laundry All WORK GUARANTEED Robe·rt Dixon, Agt.
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