The Gavelyte, July 1915
12 THE GAVELYTE "TH.E Kl D PARTY" Edito1'S Note- The follo wing letter was handed to ' 'The Gave- lyte:' for publication shortly the "Kid P;1r ty" held tr.e Sprmg Term of .school. · Dear Friend: _You rcmen1ber I told you about two month.; ago we \voro plan- ning to have a party. Well, laRt week Tuesday, we decided we would have i t at Helen's house that ni i;ht. CoUJ:se we did not let the boys know we Wt'!re gettin·; rea~y or .anythin~. Helen 'i:; papa came to town after us on a great ,big wagon, and, my, but i,,ye had fun try- . ing to keep s till i;o the boys wouldn't hear n·s, hut we g-ot out there a ll right. We were all so hungry i1fter ou1• r ide, we wanted some- thing to eat right away; so Holen ~;,i,id we mi.ll' hl ai:; well have it first· as last, and then, you know, if anybody sho uld happen along who had not been invited, and thot they'd like our eais, they wouldn't have a chance to got them, t hen, would they? . · , So they tQ!d UR •·n ~it down cl ose •o:;ethm\ go t.hey could pass thmgs to us eal\y. You Ollght to h1 been there' \Ve had the. be~t stuff' to eat! We had brnwn su'"ar and ,ielJy ~and\·1ii d1e:1, and animal cracker s, (my. but we we1·e tick!cd t.o _g-et them), . and cookies and orangeade, and big f; ' icks of eandv and ice-c1·cam cona.:;, all of them we could possibly eat ! B:1t some of the kids didn't have anv mannP,l'S at all! \Vhy they fo.,,sed for. the fr·~t ,rlass ot oran"eade, and Philip McCa .nn aiiked for ice-r.•·,-iim in th~ mi ddle of t he fi~.,;t course ! Then we went out in t he yar d. in t.he moonlhht , and played a whole Jo+, of nice ,·al'·er,. like dare-you -out. <'.at-and-mouse, hide-and~ seek, ,;tatue, poison, little Sally Walker. drop-the-handkerchief, and some of them got a great big board and played teeter-totter. . Then we went in the house again, and p layed school. The teach- er had an .awful time with some o:f the ~eholars. E t.helin<la Gobble- oyster and Philip McCann w ere the worstest ones. A litt le red- headed g-irl came in late and they hollered. out, "Red-head, red-head," right in school. That made her cr y, so they called her "pink-head," cause ·they said pink was stylish t his y ear. After while t eacher wanted to know if we didn't want to something·. So we aU sang "Tipperary," the new song the mus ic _te acher · gm;e U's wro~k befo1·e ,ast. We were set t.ling do,•:n to work, when t he door opene.d and st,; or eight honible lookin~ 11eople e1 1me i n at the door, who we t hot tramps at first, and some of t he got awful scared, but after \Vhile we found out they we1·e just .sonie of the boys come to break up our party. ·when we found that out., we went tin with our school, but it was ahout time for r ecess. At recc8s we .went· out do<>rs and found an au~omohile· out i~ front, so about fifteen or twenty of us got in and made the sho:fer (is .that the way you spell it?) take us a ride. Jt surely was a P a~k! While we had recess, the boys wi,nt and bunted for somethin~ to eat (course. that's ,vhat they came out for). But most of the eats were gone, and all they i;ot was what we :lidn't want . Most o:f u~ were ·µ;etfin11; s 1 eepy b v that tlme. we had heen there so long a1_1d p layed so hru·d, we we,·e t irro. But. we. thot we woul<l show thof;e boys we r.ould h1ive ;,, ;.;ood time by ourselves, so we played some more games, and didn't a~k them to at a ll, even i:f they did look like they wanted to awful ba<l. Then we thot we better go home,. or we wouldn't want to i•et up the next dav, ~o we all climh"d onto the big wagon again, and Helen's pa1m took_us b.lek home , We sure did have a dandy time, and hopP there'll be anot her party soon. Write and t ell me all about the good t imes vou girls have. . Your loving corn;;n, PEGGY. f
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