The Gavelyte, July 1915
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 17 in attenclm1ce T\VO presidents of (;edarville collei;:-e. Dr. David Mc- Kinney, retiring· President and Prof. Wilbert R. McChcsncy Ph. D., in-;.; President, both held in high 1•ep:ard by the vraduatcs of Ccdarvmc. They rep1·e.senlecl ,these men, the success of the past and the hope of the future for our Alma Mater.· Dr. MdGnney, conserv- ative, wise in management of materials at hand, he.s made our past secn:·:e ;•nd soundly lai \ the founda:;ions of .future "uccess. Dr. },fo- Cher;ner, drenncr as Y·:ell as practj,_,a] builder, ~ our hoyJes for a more agg;resive future policy; these were amon<~· the interesting and significan~ cirnnnsbmcc~ before the eye of the thoug;htful on t11e oecasion of whkh we WJ'itc. And over all brooded the spi;·it of Ccdarville's :vxakeni,,p.; cnnsciousnes,: of destiny, the steady, ,J° rBn c,;tl1 ing of heart that tells of a doubtful crisis , of a life turning toward the tide, of an e;;,e openin:~ toward the light and to- ward tl1c morning- of .:,pportmrity. Jn our r.ars, friends of Cedarville, for our i11spiration ri11gs the great sentence of the poct- "Freo, right, and sane is thy will. And it will be base not io act at itr, bidding. Wherefore I crown and mitre thee lorrl over thy~elf."· PHILADELPHIAN INKLIKGS. The programs of the Philadelphian society this yeai: have proven conclusive!-; that Cedarville College and especially that part which wac1 wise enough to join the Philadelphialls is not lackin~ in .orators, debaters, declaimers and musicians, We, (in the editorial sense) have pairl to hem· productions of less t:uality than arc staged bi-weekly up in the Philadelphian Hall rit:ht under. the inspiring-( and some- times dirty) nose of "Billy" Shakespea1·e. -A good way to learn how to make money is to consult the Philo wcsi<lent, who will g-ladly explain thtlif plan upon application. It consists merely of keeping an eye on the members you wish to i;;pot, and if they bat an eyelash the wrong- way, fining them twenty-five centr; for misconduct. --Example of an extrno1·dinary coincidence: All the globes on the man~les and all the panes in the windows at the same time. -The Philadelphian Society has been blessed during the year with the best of aitici;, among the most no~able of · · ·h has lieen Rev. Ml'. Allen. May his tribe decrease! -T".c Philos have cured the flagrant flirting bc~ween the Presi- dent and Secretary by electinl{ a m:ilc Se~1·eta1:y, thus taking away a temptation to which even the. best pri>sid0nt may succumb. Cau- ticn1 Thfa i(lr:; is patented! All infringements rJroc1ccuted! · .....consolation (?) for later comm:s: If you're tardy your girl ii;; too, and the 011ly gallant act is to pay her fine whether you waited half an hour in 1he IJ'.<rlor or not. --'fo+ice! !! Anyone wishing to hear the most eminent corneth;t in his line eEst of 1}e RockieR, please attend one of the Philo pro- p-ams when Mr. McClure plays one of his inimitabie solos. · -The main trouble whh i\fr.. Duff's eriticism is that he is too modesi. -The Philo society has decided that the tremendous volume- of buRiness which it tranrnct,; is so extremi\ly impor•ant and of such vit:i.l moment that it will not brook r.on- T""'llhers in business me&t- ings. Strang·ers ! beware of infringing this rule or the wrath of ' j
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