The Gavelyte, July 1915

We lJnve Sold Good FOOT\VEAR for 15 Years Qt~.:Ji ty Alway s the Best. FRAZER'S SHOE STORE 1 XENIA, OHIO. / The N agley Studio Picture Framing Kodaks and Photo Supplies Cedarville, OhJo. SANITARY SERVICE We wish toannoun.;e that we have dispensed with Gl"sses a:1d Dishes and will use only P apir Cups and Dishes at our fountain. This equipment meets ahso- lulely and satisfactorily th~ universal demnnd for a sanitary dish that can be Ul)ed and thrown away. Our pricas remain the san1e. RICHARDS DRUG STORE "The Best is None to Good for the Sick" Cedarville, Oh i•