The Gavelyte, July 1915

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 19 knowr, how old. Then we all turned our attentions to the glorious repast \,-hieh was a veritable assembly of good thin!!;S. as appealing to our appe- tites as Ihc beauties of nature were to our ll€'sthetic senses. At length we issued :forth from the s\,lvian retreat and resumed our jc-urmiy- --this time toward Clifton, one 0.1' our flot1rishing subt1rbs, there to he delightfully entertained by the "Mirth Makers" from one of ou· sistec- C'olleges. Truly we 1-'.'<l a feast d reason and flow of the ,:oul. And, a,ltho' the fat weather wa;, undoubtedly hard on the hot folbi, we felt that this was truly a red-letter day in our gay young lives and one of the many things which _;:;hn,l] endear us to c,ur "Denr Old Cedarville." LOCAL HrT8. Tiirdie (playinf~ three dcep)-Come, "Rabe," you've lost your \1rifr. Yon h:ul hctter hurry. Mis~ Lunn-~Yes. he has. That ou!"!ht to bring him. B.-Wcll, well, I didn't think you would own up to it. .i.lHss L.---Tg1'.eRs I have but I didn't intc"d to. "Really, F,ula," said Josh, in corn,idcrn.h!c agitation, "I am very ~r-~1•v T lost mv ],cad and lrisRcd vou. I did"'~ thirl, what I was <loin., ~ · __; IAill It is a sort of temporary insanity in our fa•nily." · f}'.,..,, · - - "\Vf'1L ,To8h,--, replied the fo.i>: one, "if yon cvo· -feel , . more such· attacks corning- on, you lwd bPtter c11,nc ri~ht here ' ere your infirmity fr known and \\'e will takr can, of you." Mr. \'i!ieele,-, iG vc:-:-v much in dt,maml a'; ,v · .er to2sts ~ or 1,,, is an expcl.'t at bui 1 dinv: ·fires. "Dave" lias h'ld the experience· righ Townsley Club Item~. ' ~ If ~-ou want r·ood thin;,·s to 0at .and nlen!;v of assistan.ce in en~- r: in:,: them, corne to 1frs. To-wnsl~y's "star" lv,a1·ding hou~e. ~ "Patty" Harris-Is it a fnct, }fr_ N[a'.1::iffy, that you arc en- gaged? · "Mac"-O;i,!v at meal time. For Real Estate TnveAtmcnts see "Mac." • Wan'.ed-A priva'.e Recre'.~.ry by the above na,_~ed. Mrs. Tov,rn;;ley (solil9quizinn· very rlejr,dcdly)--lt is a good thinf!: that school closes next week 01· Mr. Lytle a'l.d Mr. M.uha:ITy would ev.t u~ o"' of hou.9' and home. Question-How can one eat more when one is clear full'! Answered by Gypsie--------Get up and run arnund th~ table three- timP~. Que1;tion-Why does .Mi~;; Lunn feed "Babe?" _,, nswerwl hv the whole cla$s-Becansc :ne i2 $0 "little." "Prof. Allen· (in School ;\fana(;ement )-What ,vould you do if a pupil went to sleep during a rP.eibtion. Mr. Uillinr;r 0 '! "Josh" (waking- up on heal'ing his munc called-"Why-A-A-A- we!l-a-a-a-a-n-n-d-d." Prof. Allen-"! am s01T~' that I disturbed you, :Vlr. Billing-,;." Miss Lunn (in domestic scicncc)-"No,v g-irls, I will show yo1.1. how to mr.l-;G coffee. First, kt t 1 1e y;atcr rome to the boiling point.' ' :.\Liss vVilson-Whc11 it begin~ to boil ],ow do YW' keep it from scorching?" Miss L.-"Just keep stirring it." .,.---i-t, There was a young student named ~NMte, (1 And the wa~' he would ffo-t waR a fright_. Not content with a few,