The Gavelyte, July 1915
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE tliesc term;., "tlio philosophy of c0lll'tsl1ip," "significa~t," um, /\oil," and "the Nel:n'.lar Hypothesis" never fail to cau,;e a ripple whenever they are mentioned. Our most recent a cqtti;;itinn is Miss Burns who wa,; just nr,ederl _to complete o,ir J?l'OUp at>out the table. _ It really is an .illustrious group: ,Mr. Elclcr, -thc busy tm<l efficiem; echtor of t.hii "Cedrus" ; ::\fr. Duff, Freshman cluss p·Tsidcn-t; and col- lege shark, who isn't sa.tisfied ,vith h, ss tban one h1;11clrcd per cent on tests, no mu,ttcr how d:;licult ; 1fr. ?.'!cClure, pr0f cs;;i'.n'."ll. .hor11-h~ow,,r, W(!man-haier, colle,,-c orator, ·basket-ball, ·Jiasr--b·,_1[, a nd t('nn;s-fiernl; Il-iiss Bums :mc. Jrfi:~s Gardiner , star forwar<l\l in the girl's ba<:1ket Im!!. team; Mii'.~ l-farri:1, ,,oted on Halowc'cn ➔ ht> TJret.tiest t~ii-1· i~ col- lc1~e; Mis·s WnJhcc, fmn r.d afar ·for· her clt·,1~11,~itkn whic.h has <:f!l'- j ainl )l ;;tood the test, when one consiclers tlic numerou~ r eferences to Aclnm~ .County :md .red hail' whir;h are mac1e in her prescn,~c; ari:i i\fiss Holliday, who js always 1·cady to laugh nt a joke on hcn1cif 01· othern. who liker: "a lot of evnyt.him~ to e.:it,' 'and who insists that we wait till Ahc folds up her napkin, for at Wf'stern they a lway:, ·had to wait on the faculty. Of coursP, v;e h aven't touched on. all om: numerous . and varied <:l1al':icteristics, r.or J-:ave we harl time to ie1 1 you of all our nle<tsa1,t days to~ether. and so you will just ·bavc to ch·op in and see us about 1neal time 11n cl we will g ive you a hearty W('lcome, A FOREWORD. Pres ident W. R. l\kChcsnc)', D. D. To all the renders of the Gav11l yte' and the fr.iends of Cf'danrille Colle~e. gi:eetings. The new du ties tendered •· me f,y the Board of Trui,tees at it!'; meetin_[r in the s prinir huve impr essed me with tbe 1·e- spollsibilit,v an ri oppo rt.un it ,v" of rhe pre~irlency of the college. The work of en)ar_i.;:ing th0: power arnl 11so,fulness of t he collf.',lre is before us and calli- fo1· the fulleRt c<.msecratwn and the best efforts we can put forth. The splendid spirit already shown bv this community and t.hc manifestly deep i.J'ltcre~t o.f the community tor the i::ucc.ess. of the new admini!>trn+ion gives us rc!!.SOn to bc!i<'vti that we shall h ave the hearty co-operaUon of i-he eommuni ty. The many well-wishe~ of the students a nd gradu ti.tCR of the colleJte. a.-r.<l the pledged \ovalty and (;o-ope1·ation o:f the faculty together with J:1 1 ~ e.xpr0sRcd confidence o:f the l3oard oi. Trustees an<l the congratu?ations re<'cived fro:m Ro many in our own chnrch anrl sister denominations iR n matter of profound rrratificaUon, bu·t i t _ shows not so m uch the intere!'t they and ym~ have in youl' new president as th, awl vour deeper interest in the welfare of Cedarville College, and it is this ~pirit for the college I like fo 1,ee and whir:h I pled,~e my u tmost not onhr to try to ret1:1, in hut to increase and widen. I have a faith burn of my ·work al".d be- irotten bv Rio, who guid(',s aU of our affair;; that Cedarville Cotle~e has a mi'1~hty fahu-e fo~ the gonrl of "!n:'Illlnity and '.·'-~ glorv of 'God. Let u;; ';hen give ourselws to the maki n,r o f th!'! college all that. it can and ought to be. To this end I ask t.he nnited ~nd conHnuous co- .operat.ion of the Board of Tru:-;tee~, 'faenltv, i;tudents, p:raduates , churches, a nd all other friends and to the S'lm\'\ ·encl. I pled_gc my most earnest endeavors, askin~ t he blessin~ of God upon us and all that we do :for the college. 5
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