The Gavelyte, July 1915

6 THE GAVELYTE The Gavelyte PUBLISHED BY THE Students of Cedarville College, Cedarville, Ohio. Entered a;; Second Cl-tss Mail ]\fatter, in the Post Office at Cedar- ville, Ohio, January 6, 100/1, under the act ol March 3,187\l. All correspondence to "The GAVELYTE' '· ,-Office on N. i\'iain St., Cedarville, Ohio. Subscription Re<te 75c per year-Smg·le Copies, lOc. STAFF v..·. D. Sterr.-tt, 'V'i.. . . . ................... . .Editor-in-Chief ............Business Mgr. and Treas. R. Cecil Burn$, '16................................. A WORD FOR THE NEW PRESIDEXT. (By John J. ·wilson, Class of 1903.). 'l'he life of every institution is divided into epochs. These m·,? Repn.rated one from another bv · peculiar charnc•eristic,; manife,;ted in the life of the institution or by the names of the men whose hands havE' heen the P.:uirling fnw•es. By the selection of Dr. Mcchesney a.~ Prc~ident (;f Cedarvtlle Collevc. whn can rnt l·elieve that " new epoch in 1-h,. life of thiil -school has been ushered in? I trnst that nothim! I shall. sav mav he interpreted as derogatory to the work of Dr. )IcKinne:v who has inst Ja;d dmvn tlw ma-r,tT,1 which ·l,c \vore in a most wo,.'hv m~nnr>r for more than two decades. He did his ·work well. · vVc feel sure that none trnr'ler the s11rnc circumstances cotJ]d have dm1e hetter. I am sure, too, that he will be the first to agree with me that the teleci ion of s1wh a mnn as h~.. ~ heen named for his successor augurs well fo:r the futu-re of the college. The ability of Professor McChesney all aclmnvledge; his integ- -..i+v n'lne c~n 011eR+ion: while his interest in the work of the coller:-0- has been evinced by personal sacrifices well· known to u/\ all. H<' lias "lost hi~ life" in the servil'.e of Cedarville Colle)"e to find it now, we trust and pray, in a new, a bii~er, ~.nd better institui ion, there r"nderin 1c a g-rea+er service than :tn'.I.. of which she has yet been cap- able. · nut it is not the p,u-pose of thi~ article to J·ender fulso"'l.c pri,ise to the new President for he needs not that I should laud him. 'fhe real desi•~n i,; to make an appl'al, especial])! to the Alumni of the collcg-e, for a loyal support to him now in the very beg·inning of hifl administration. I am not pleading- for anything material such. as the g·ift of money or the raising of an endowment althoug-h these needs mE!.y be ~'l·eat. I feel ~ure the president would prefer a sup- port less material just now. It has heen rny privilege to meet hill' face to face recently, and l lmo\\' how keenly he feel~- the bul'den of