The Gavelyte, July 1915
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE :·r>'.,n<m.siliili~y that has been placed upon hl.rn . He realizes the uossi- hilities that may be ahea,1 of the institution and also the impossi- Hii':ies. What he ""ou1d rather know than anything else is tl:iat the heaL of every graduate of the college is with him in the work he i.s underlakin;.;. ,vould it not be a i;plendid thing to convey to him eithc- in per.o,on or by letter, if we hav_e · not already done· ;;o, cx- p;_J,:;sions of our good,. ishes? Let us make him know that.our sy,n- path~::s are with him; our p1·ayers core for him; /1,:nd that our i,1y1~:ty s:1all never wr•.·c:·, cvc11 trough it c~nnot alway~ be manifc~tcd in a material 11rnnner as we s1,ou.1d like. Have you never ;;h1r'ocl upon a new work wi~h a feelin.2: o:f --:1:eat 1:n,ponsibility a~·d prr.bahl,• some misg-iviw',; ~,8 to tl1e outc.on1c ' ' n :we you not t'~en valued words of enenura'.;'.cmcnt from friends~ Have you not e::perience<l theiI' ntimula';ing and rcassurin~ effects., S!1all we not give ·tti him w::om we have reason to love that which is so 1 -c1pfo 1 'o :rn '!, That is the best (''ip!·esrion of lov::dty wc could possibly make a·. this HmP.. I am (:l'rtain this spirit of sympathy pe1·mcate~ the whole Alumni body. I hope we shall not fail to ex- pre;;r. it. . It was my plea~urc to be at C'.Jd:1.1:villc durin<>; the- C01~nnenee- rn.ent season. I rc,iofrc that l was lhere. 'I'',e happv spirit manifest rimong the st.udrnts when they learn.->d of their br.loved professor's p~omotion was ::;,,fficicnt to gladden the hear:: o::' anyone who loves the c,>llcge. . The · royal n:mner in which the. people of the· community re- reive,: the :.,nrnn:ncernent on commencement day was not only an honor to the man but a portent of new in~e1·est iu the college. Cer- f ;;,inly ou~ Alma -:\-Ta;er is now entcrinR" upon a field of greater use- fulne~s aiul into an era of add9d prestige. YOU CAN GET a better fit in ready clothes today than in made to measure. We have the best of everythin~ that men wear at pi;ices as low a~ quality allows. AComplete· Stock of Summer Furnishings Come and see us. You'll like the way we take care of you. C. A. Weaver 7 Opposite Court Ho~se Xenia, Ohio.
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