Martha's Sabbath Lessons

13 MARTHA’S SABBATH LESSONS Dependence on the power of the Savior March 30, 1891 (Monday) Scripture: Colossians 2:10 “And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power.” Martha’s Thoughts: “Our redemption, justification, holiness peace comfort services, triumphs, spiritual advancements—our happiness in death resurrection and eternal glory is complete in the Lord Jesus Christ. There is a great work done for Christ and the most effectual way is for every man to build up in front of his own house. Do the work that is to be done in his own heart- in his own home. What a power words mighty spoken and duties discharged in the fear of God- All this can be blessed. As we go down from these ‘Communion Services—well may we ask ourselves who is able to meet these Christian obligations. Not one unless he is standing on the [illegible] – Ever leaning on Jesus and receiving help from him. The Devil is on the alert- It is in the little things we are the most apt to be overcome—when we are off our guard. It is the little foxes—the little sins we should set to watch.” Remember: “What a power words mighty spoken and duties discharged in the fear of God- All this can be blessed.” Submitted by: Grace E. Kohler