Martha's Sabbath Lessons

14 MARTHA’S SABBATH LESSONS The Christians experience in the voyage of life April 19, 1891 Scripture: Mark 6:50 “For they all saw him, and were troubled. And immediately he talked with them, and saith unto them, Be of good cheer: It is I; be not afraid.” Martha’s Thoughts: “The experience of most of us is like that of the disciples when crossing the Sea of Galilee but the question for us to decide is not wheather [sic] we will meet storms and hardships but to decide what is duty—to know what the Lord would have us to do. When the Lord calls us to do a certain work it is not safe for us to refuse or object. While the disciples experienced trouble and difficulty—Yet they had much to comfort them. Jesus drew near after their long watching and waiting and made himself known in the darkness of the night—and delivered them out of their troubles—So he does with his children to day.” Remember: Jesus delivers all His followers from trouble and draws near to comfort us. Submitted by: Grace E. Kohler