Martha's Sabbath Lessons

16 MARTHA’S SABBATH LESSONS The Cause of Christians September 20, 1891 Scripture: Psalm 74:22 “Arise, O God, plead thine own cause: Remember how the foolish man reproacheth thee daily.” Martha’s Thoughts “The subject is the Christians concern for the cause of God. What is the cause of God & Christianity? Morality and every careful calling is the cause of God. If our calling is honorable and right it is the cause of God and we can go to him with all assurance and ask him to plead and bless and advance his own cause –– Their [sic] is no way we can honor God so much as by exercising patience and Christian resignation and strong faith under sore affliction. One way God pleads his own cause is by raising up witnesses to work for him.” Remember: The cause of God involves moral living, obeying His commandments, and resting in His assurance. Submitted by: Sarah Swanson