Martha's Sabbath Lessons

18 MARTHA’S SABBATH LESSONS Preparing the way January 3, 1892 Scripture: Mark 1:3 “The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.” Martha’s Thoughts: “The Jews were watching and waiting for the Saviour to appear – John the baptist was sent before to get the world ready for his coming. Our work is similar to John the baptist our mission is to prepare the way for the coming of Christ. The subject of the text is Our years work- Our lifes work- The Lord appoints you and me to do this work. Christ will never come to any heart or home or community until the way is prepared- We are sent to tell all around us and everywhere that the Saviour is coming and to get ready. We need hearts full of love for sinners and for the Saviour to do this. We need to lay one hand on Jesus and the other on the [sinner] and beg the sinner to be reconciled. To do this we need to love the Saviour with a pure heart fervently- Let us get the way ready- for the Saviour wants to come into our homes to bless them There are selfishness and estrangement in our hearts and home- let us seek to have this removed that the Saviour may come. Christ will not come to any heart or home or community until the way is ready. What is the work that is to be done- We are to tell people of their sins- and to tell them to repent. When the Saviour is about to appear in any place- he sends a preacher before to tell them of their sins and to be ready for his coming. We are also to tell the world plainly about the coming of Christ- and about his life and death- and like when the baptist tell them to ‘Behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world.’ We are to prepare the way of the Lord by living Godly lives- Nothing can do so much to make people love us- as by cultivating and manifesting a spirit of kindness of sympathy and love. And this is what we are to do this year for Jesus. If the Saviour does not come this year to our heart and home and to the world around us it is because we have not done our duty- because we have not prepared the way and made ready for his coming.” Remember: Jesus is coming again! A Christian’s duty is to preach this message to sinners so that sinners can be reconciled to Christ and be ready for His return. Submitted by: Michelle Wood