Martha's Sabbath Lessons

2 do not have time to look up. Too often we allow the world to creep into our hearts and steal our affections from God. We have such an inordinate love for the world is why our soul cleaveth to the dust and because we neglect God. How can we be revived and lifted up above the world. This by Gods holy Spirit. What we need is the presence and power of the Spirit of God – This work is done by the means God has appointed – This P.M. I heard Clayton and Jasons [illegible] chapter reading. This Eve Clara and Clayton and Helen at the Young folks meeting – and at the hall to hear W. B. Stoddard. Irvin came back this Eve. This is Donalds birthday. He is one year old and we have never seen him. How long it seems. Why should Martha’s lessons be read? Though Martha lived from over 100 to 150 years apart in time from ours, Martha’s experience converges with ours in a common perspective. There are no accidents with God. These convergences make the work of transcribing her journals REAL, not just an activity; Martha was REAL, and her experiences were REAL and they can speak profoundly to us today. So, Martha’s faith and comfort have become an encouragement and a challenge to transcribers over these years as we have gotten to know Martha better through her words. In the 46 years of Martha’s Journals, there are several thousand Sundays. However, a number of the transcribers of Martha’s journals have selected some of their favorite Sunday journal entries for this compilation we are calling Martha’s Sabbath Lessons. “Martha’s thoughts” in each lesson are reproduced as she wrote them. The Martha McMillan Journals, their transcriptions, and family history resources are available online at Editors: Lynn A. Brock, University Archivist and Special Collections Librarian, Cedarville University Michelle Wood, Professor of English, Cedarville University