Martha's Sabbath Lessons

21 MARTHA’S SABBATH LESSONS All for the glory of God January 31, 1892 Scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:31 “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” Martha’s Thoughts: “This text teaches us that we are to carry our religion with us and be governed by it at our tables and wherever we are — The Subject is religion in our daily life There is nothing that is worth doing if not done to the glory of God and the interest of religion. The object for which we are to labor The Glory of God. If we fail in this no matter what else we do our life is a failure. If the leading object of our life should be the glory of God how often we would change our plans — and give up things in which we are now engaged. If this was the rule of our life — The Glory of God The world would soon be conquered for Christ — The secret of happiness is to be interested in helping others — If you feel cast down and discouraged go and do something for Some one quick. This rule extends to whatever you do or enjoyed — Whatever you can not commence and continue and finish to the glory of God is wrong — We ought to be concerned about the glory of God — at our tables — homes and at our firesides — both at home and away from home — One reason why we are not more successful in our Christian work is because we fail to work for his glory. We should be governed by this rule in our business and in the trials of life and in our prayers and devotions — young men and women starting out in the journey of life let the great question of life be in what way can I honor and glorify God most — let that determine your life’s work.” Remember: Every thought and action should serve the purpose of glorifying God and pointing others towards Him. Submitted by: Sarah Swanson