Martha's Sabbath Lessons

22 MARTHA’S SABBATH LESSONS Be strong and very courageous February 14, 1892 Scripture: Joshua 1:7 “Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper withersoever thou goest.” Martha’s Thoughts: “Subject of the text is the conditions of success in the warfare of life- What God directs us to do- Notice the important work we are to do- We are to lead Gods people out of the wilderness into the heavenly caravan. To do this the conditions of our success is courage- and strength- to have this we must exercise the Christian Graces- When God commands us to be strong he means for us to have all these graces in active exercise to be led by the Spirit- If we have this power we are able to do whatever work God appoints- To be strong we must use the power of prayer. The strength of the Christian lies in prayer- the strength of the home of the church and of the nation depends or lies in prayer and in godly living. We are to go forward in the name of the Lord- we are to lean on his arm and look to him for success. Faith is a power that lays hold on God and lifts us above the world and makes us strong in every Christian grace- We need not fear but go forward in our work for 'Christ strengthening us we can do all things’- We have a terrible struggle and fight against indwelling sin and against an evil heart and corrupt and evil desires and appetite and we often feel like we are driven back- but God says unto us be strong in the Lord and go forward- and call in the reserved forces- Look- and see that ‘the mountain is full of horses and chariots of fire’ God has placed great responsibilities in our keeping- we need Christs strength in this we need the spirit of obedience- for if we are successful we need do as the Lord directs- for if we follow his directions we can not but be successful-“ Remember: God gives Christians work to do, and in God’s strength and power, Christians can complete the work God asks us to do. Submitted by: Michelle Wood