Martha's Sabbath Lessons

27 MARTHA’S SABBATH LESSONS Ditch digging – or how the water of life may be secured March 5, 1893 Scripture: II Kings 3:16-17 “And he said, Thus saith the Lord, Make this valley full of ditches. For thus saith the Lord, Ye shall not see wind, neither shall we see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, that ye may drink, both ye, and your cattle, and your beasts.” Martha’s Thoughts: “The subject of this text Ditch digging or how the water of life may be secured. How can a languishing heart be revived. In this text we have the mans side – or the nature of the work we have to do. Dig up the ditches – or open up the channels that the water of life may flow in. Our hearts need to be opened up – Open up the channels of your heart and the Lord will fill them. Open up the channels to receive the blessing and the blessing will come If you want a blessing prepare the way and the Lord will send it. The reason is that there is such a feeble flow of the grace and Spirit of God into our hearts is because our hearts are so full of the world of Selfishness and Sin that there is no room for the spirit to come in. The church is a valley which God directs us to make full of ditches. One channel which needs to be opened up is the channel of faith. Put Strong faith into a man and he is able to do anything. Another channel that is to be opened up is persevering work for Christ. Our Country is a valley which the Lord directs us to make full of ditches that his blessings may flow into upon our country. Lastly the encouragement. The valley shall be filled with water. When we obey God the blessing comes – We have hearts that are full of Sin – hard and filled with all evil – but when they are warmed & renewed by the power and Spirit of God then we can triumph over the world the flesh & the devil.” Remember: Open up the channels of your heart – faith, persevering work, obedience – and the Lord by His Spirit will fill them. Submitted by: Lynn A. Brock