Martha's Sabbath Lessons

28 MARTHA’S SABBATH LESSONS Drawing near to God March 19, 1893 Scripture: Genesis 35:1-2 “And God said unto Jacob. Arise go up to Bethel and dwell there: and make there an altar unto God, that appeared unto thee when thou fleddest from the face of Esau thy brother. Then Jacob said unto his household, and to all that were with him Put away the strange gods that are among you, and be clean, and change your garments.” Martha’s Thoughts: “The subject of the text. Drawing near to God. What is our duty. Go up to Bethel or to the house of God. What was Bethel to Jacob. It was at Bethel where Jacob met with God and where he saw the ladder that reached from earth to heaven. It was at Bethel where he had such a glorious Communion Season with God – It was at Bethel where he vowed to give God the tenth. When God Says unto us go up to Bethel It means to go up and pay our vows. It is in the house of God where we find the Lord Jesus where we meet God and see heaven open. We are to make Bethel or the house of God our home. Love its sermons its people its principles – its service. Build there an alter [sic] and serve God. Sometimes we neglect the prayer meeting and the business meeting of the church and leave it to others to do. When we do this Christ is displeased and says arise and go to Bethel. The Saviour calls us to active Service. If we Serve Christ it will cost us something but it will cost us a great deal more if we do not serve him. The preparation for this duty. Put away the strange Gods. Be clean and change your garments. Put away the world – and your want of love and charity for others. Every fault or sin we indulge in is a strange God. We are to purify our hearts and lives. To be clean and change our garments is to have pure hearts and characters To change our garments is have a pure life and behavior Cease to do evil – learn to do well.” Remember: If we serve Christ it will cost us something, but it will cost us a great deal more if we do not serve him. Submitted by: Lynn A. Brock