Martha's Sabbath Lessons

4 MARTHA’S SABBATH LESSONS The Soul’s rest November 23, 1884 Scripture: Psalm 116:7-9 “Return unto thy rest O my soul: for the Lord has dealt bountifully with thee.” Martha’s Thoughts: “What is the souls rest? God is the souls rest—In his word-in his promise-and in his blessings is the rest of the soul. If our heart is right with God—no matter what the storm and tempest is without within we are at rest—and peace. We have peace with God in His character and in the perfection of His attributes. No matter what the straits in which we are placed we have an all powerful Saviour to look to and depend upon for deliverance and guidance. We have rest also in the power and love of God. As a father pitieth his children so our heavenly father pitieth his loving and humble children— Christ is the rest of the soul in the hour of perplexity and adversity. The holy spirit is the rest of the soul. The children of God find rest in the religion of Jesus. The soul finds rest in the graces of the spirit and in the doctrines of religion. Heaven is also the final rest of the soul—there is here no perfect rest—but blessed be God there remaineth a rest for the people of God. ‘—in that glorious land beyond the river of death—’ " Remember: “God is the souls rest—In his word-in his promise-and in his blessings is the rest of the soul.” Submitted by: Grace E. Kohler