Martha's Sabbath Lessons

6 MARTHA’S SABBATH LESSONS Workers God seeks August 7, 1887 Scripture: 1 Samuel 17:45 “Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied.” Martha’s Thoughts: “We have here a striking picture of the great irrepressible conflict that is going on between light and darkness and right and wrong. Wherein lies the power of the church of the living God. It consists in the loyalty of its members. What we need to make us courageous and victorious and invincible is to be called and consecrated to the work of the Lord. What we need to overcome and triumph in the conflict is greater resting and trusting in the all powerful one. In proportion to our nearness to God will be our triumph and success The power and presence of God was in David’s sling and in Moses rod. The power of the church lies in the use of the simple means that God has prepared. Conformity to the world always cripples the church. The power of the church also lies in the direct personal effort of its members when God needs some important work to be done he does not go out among the idlers or loafers but he goes to those who are actively engaged and interested in their work. When he wanted a man to lead the children of Israel across or out of Egypt he chose Moses who was keeping his father in laws sheep. When he wanted a Prophet to take the place of Elijah he sent found him plowing with five yoke of Oxen. When Jesus called his disciples he found them busy fishing upon the coasts of Galilee Now if we are to be called to an important place let us be faithful let us be busy let us do good as we have opportunity. Faithfulness makes life grand in any department in this Christians field.” Remember: What we need to make us courageous and victorious and invincible is to be called and consecrated to the work of the Lord. Submitted by: Amy Plank