The Journals of Martha E. McMillan

Martha E. McMillan Journal 1894 June-September Transcribed and edited by Allison Jensen (2015) June June 7 th Thurs. Still cool but bright sunshine….Ollie is still with us. I will try to do the best I can….Our “Irish German,” whose name is Adam, has been busy hoeing and planting today. 8 th June Fri. A pleasant day. Much warmer….Homer, Wesley, Isaac, and Clayton are busy. Adam busy too. 9 th June Sat. Much warmer….Mr. Mc took Ollie home at noon. This eve after tea Mr. Mc and Fannie and Aunt Mary E. and Donald took Mrs. Carrie Roddarme(?) over to her home at the Springs. Clara took Uncle Joe home…still Homer and Wesley at C—but only made a very brief stay. Another busy week is ended. 10 th June Sabb. Warm….Mr. Morton’s subject: The story of the Prodigal Son. The joy of repentance—there was the joy of the men convert—the joy of the returning prodigal brings to the home and to the family and to the church—and lastly there is joy in heaven over his return. 11 th June Mon. Warm and clear….Clara and Paul at C—She and Uncle Joe took him to the Barbers and had his long beautiful curls cut off. This is the first time his hair has been cut. 16 th June Sat. A beautiful summer day. We read word from Fred that he will be in Springfield today. He has been in College at Monmouth last year. Commencement there Thursday. Near noon Mr. Mc left for Springfield….This eve Mr. and Mrs.—drove down with Mrs. Clarissa Katy Camel late of VA, a widow that Mr. Mc met on his travels yesterday eve—and made arrangements with to come and make her home with us. They came in and had tea with us. Mrs. Camel will not begin work until Monday. We are certainly thankful for this good angel a kind providence has sent to us in our great need of help. About eight o clock Mr. Mc returned bringing our two boys with him: Fred and Harlan. 17 th June Sabb. A beautiful day….Mr. McKenzie preached. His text, “If ye then be risen with Christ seek those things which are above.” Sermon very impressive….Many of us were here today and sat down to dinner together. We were all here: Mr. Mc, Fred, Harlan, Homer, Clara, 104