The Journals of Martha E. McMillan

June 28 th Thurs. Our “Irish German Adam”—left this morning….I have been in bed most of the day. June 29 th Fri. Warm. Mr. Mc here and there around home all day….I am not feeling well this Eve. July July 1 st Sabbath A very warm day. Clara reached home last evening after eleven. Mr. Morton’s text “For David after he had served his own generation, by the will of God, fell on—“ This is David’s epitaph: This is the Christian’s epitaph….We must minister to the temporal and spiritual wants of our fallen man. We must be in earnest…we should strive to help men and women to a higher and a better life. July 2 nd Mon. This afternoon Fred told us all good bye and Mr. Mc took him to Springfield—he expects to go on the…train to Monmouth—to get ready for his “work.” I certainly feel lonely these days with Fannie and Fred both gone—but will have to take my life as if they were here. July 5 th Thurs. A lively day—indeed….This Eve as we came home we drove through the cemetery. How sad and lovely that silent city appeared. I felt so sad and…. I could hardly “see” the “triumph”—or the “victory,” and yet I know that when “God calls our loved ones” they yet live on earth as well as in heaven—“They live on earth in thought and deed.” –“They live forever more.” July 15 th Sabb. Not excessively warm….Mr. Morton’s text “And Moses called unto Joshua, and said unto him in the sight of all Israel, ‘Be strong and of good courage: for thou must go with this people unto the land which the Lord hath sworn unto their fathers to give them; and thou shall cause them to inherit.’ …Joshua’s work was to lead the Land’s people out of the wilderness across the Jordan into the promised land—we are to help—to teach and although the work is too great God can give us the needed courage, strength, and power. If we would be strong we must cultivate the graces of the spirit—There is a wonderful power in love and holiness patience and if we develop these powers then we will be strong. To be winders in the battle of life we need more piety more of God’s holy spirit. Prayer gives us moral and spiritual power—power to over come enemies and perform duties. Again if we would be strong we need the Christian’s armour on. If we have on this armour we are invincible to any power that opposes us. Holy living is needed. The greatest weapon ever put in our hand is taken from the armory of a Christian’s life.” July 17 th Tues. Very dry and dusty and warm….I called a few minutes at Mr. Morton’s—and met Prof. McCheseny….Jason and Paul all in the hay field—Just as they came in at noon a raging fire broke out in the wheat field—all the men rushed there Clara and I with the rest—but for a while it looked as though the flames would carry all before it—about three acres were consumed 106