The Journals of Martha E. McMillan

it is very lonely here tonight. This eve, Hattie May is giving a grand party….Jason and Paul keeping me company tonight—Aunt Katy busy all day. 20 th August Mon. A pleasant day. Isaac and Monroe finished field by railroad at noon….Homer at C—this morning and brought Uncle out. Also a letter from Fannie….Aunt Katy and I busy canning corn. I feel sad this eve—if I did not believe that “Light will arise in the darkness.” – “Lord increase our faith.” 30 th August Thurs. We had a pleasant week with Helen; it past by very quickly. Homer over at Jamestown and around…gathering…students to go by a eve train…to Monmouth to please Fred. This P. M. I attend the Ladies Missionary Society—we certainly had a nice meeting. September 1 st September Sat. How strange to write this month September. How quickly the summer has past and gone. The flowers and friends that visited us have gone with it. But the sweet remembrance remains. 17 th September Mon. This eve Homer and Clara at C—to see Prof McChesney. 19 th September Wed. Cool this morning and cloudy. I began the exercises of the day by taking Homer and Clara to the opening of the Cedarville College—It opened at the residence of the late Dr. Hugh McMillan—who can foretell the end…..We came home and had supper and went back to the opening exercises of the College at the Opera House. We had addresses from the President—Rev. McKinney—Steel from N.Y., Waters of Pittsburg, and from our much esteemed Prof McChesney. Music fine—and audience large—the occasion grand. Every one pleased. 21 st September Fri. A beautiful day….This eve Monroe at Cedarville on an errand. Homer came home with him; Clara did not come. The first week of Cedarville College has past into history. 23 rd September Sabb. Gloomy most of the day….Mr. Morton’s text. “I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way. O, when will thou come unto me; I will walk within my house with a perfect heart. This text contains the principles by which we should be governed. In starting out in the life or assuming new responsibilities we should make this resolution. The subject of the text is the model home—or religion in the family. To be successful in establishing a home we must be truly pious. What is it to walk with a perfect heart? It is to heave the heart right. A model home is a home where Jesus dwells. What is a perfect heart? It is a heart made perfect in Christ. If we have our hearts full of the love of Jesus—then we will have pure hearts—pure life and pure motives. The heart is the motive power—the main spring of life. These principles apply to the church, the school, and the nation. If we would have our children right, we need to pray and work more for 108