The Journals of Martha E. McMillan

Martha E. McMillan Journal 1898 Rankin MacMillan’s notes for 1898 There was no rural mail delivery yet-had to go to Cedarville for mail. There were a few telephones in Cedarville, but not yet on the farm. Quote inside front cover: “Bishop Patrick said - It is distrust of God to be troubled about what is to come, impatience against God to be troubled about what is present, and anger at God to be troubled for what is past. Sabbath Eve! 3 “Nov 1898.” April-July Transcribed and edited by Bethany Miller (2015) April 1898 1 April, Friday. Rather a pleasant day, but by no means warm. Stanley(?) here and finished up his work after dinner. Alex cleaning the yard. Clayton & Jason at Selma School. Paul at our school. Casey busy. Uncle Joe around. I went on a hasty trip to C– on an errand this morning. The men ____________ the fence along the ditch in the lower meadow. Mr. Mc at C– on an errand too. Luella and I busy. A traveling man here to supper and with us tonight. His name . He was in the rebel army. [editor’s note: she leaves a long space for traveling man’s name in the journal, but never fills it in.] 2 April, Saturday. Rather a winter day. Clayton at Seth Smith’s for Rhubarb riots. Alex cutting out roots along the branch in the lower pasture. Casey at the work. Uncle Joe around – Luella in the Kitchen. Paul around. Mr. Mc and I left at an early hour for Springfield. We found Mrs. S– looking very much better. Mrs. __________ Shan (?) still there. She goes home _________ ______________. Harlan busy – Mr. Mc took dinner with him at [Adams?] – I took dinner at Mrs. Stuarts. This afternoon I __________ a cloth jacket at __________. Harlan called to see me at Mrs. Stuart’s – Clayton took Uncle Joe home and brought Jim Little back with him. Jim is with us tonight. Clayton forgot the mail and we had him go back after it, late and all as it was. 3 April, Sabbath. A gloomy day but moderated. Alex & Luella keeping house. Clayton and Jason and Paul and I at Sabbath school. _______ ____________. Jim L. sat down with us and was at church. Uncle Dan (?) came down and rode with Mr. Mc. to church. Mr. Morton & wife are away on a two weeks visit in ___________. Rev. Gillespie of the Xenia S_______ preached for 116