The Journals of Martha E. McMillan

us to day. The subject: “Why am I a Christian?” Jim L. came back with us from church. This eve he went back to __________ when Clayton & Jason went to the young folks meeting. This afternoon at three Jason and Paul were with me at the class in the school house. There were thirteen there. Luella at Haltons (?) this evening. 4 April, Monday. A gloomy day. Clayton & Jason at Selma School. Paul at our School. Alex setting out the Seth Smith Rhubarb. Russel Stanforth came this morning and began work. He has been out with Casey all morning. This afternoon Mr. Mc. and I at Clifton to see Mrs. (Lamonts? Lomonts?) woman but to no (purpose? Purchase?). We came home past Cedarville. Mr Mc stopped there to vote. I was at Aunt Mary for tea. Miss Graff came in on the evening train. Miss Blair there. The women of C– are holding a sham election today - the W.C.T.U.s are. Mr. Mc. and I reached home about dark. Luella had the supper ready. Alex & Casey & Russell at the election this afternoon. Uncle Joe came out with them. Clayton & Charlie G – out at the old Miller home to see Albert Dallas who is quite sick. Jason at town until they came back. Mr. Mc. and I by the fire when they came home. This would have been Florence’s birthday if she had lived. She would have been twelve. A letter came from Homer – he went to F_______ in Port ___________ to spend his Easter vacation. He will be there until next week. 5 April, Tuesday. A winter day – blowing & cold. Alex completed setting out the Rhubarb yesterday and is in the wood shed to day. Casey & Russell hauling [pickets?]. Clayton & Jason at Selma school. Paul at our school. Luella busy. Uncle Joe at C– this P.M. A letter came from Clara. Mrs. Bailey returned from taking treatment at some [Spring 8?] and from a visit in St. [Loms? Johns?] last _______. Fred was at Monmouth when she wrote. All at home this evening. It’s still cold. We did not forget that this was Jason’s birthday – he is sixteen. 6 April, Wednesday. It is still cold. Clayton and Jason at Selma School. Paul at our school. Casey and Russell feeding and hauling rails. Alex cleaning up the Orchard. Mr. Mc. and Uncle Joe around. This afternoon Mr. Mc. and I at the Congregational prayer meeting. We also called at Aunt Mary’s after meeting. We were home in time for supper. All at home this evening. 7 April, Thursday. Moderating considerable. Clayton and Jason at Selma school. Paul at our school. Uncle Joe around all day. Alex put the meat in sacks and was cleaning up the orchard. Casey & Russel hauling rails ____ all day. Mr Mc away all day at Matthew Wilson’s sale. Luella busy. I have been putting my time in ironing _____. [Mr Mc?] at C– this afternoon. Casey here looking over accts. Mr. Mc. home in time for supper. This eve Clayton & Jason at a meeting at Selma at the M.E. Church. Mr. Joe Johnston called here to day. Uncle Joe at C– this P.M. Mr. Mc. came through there this evening. 8 April, Friday. Sun shining today. Mr. Mc. and Jason at Mr. Matthew Wilson’s for sale sheep – did not get home until this P.M. Casey cleaning up the orchard. Casey & Russell hauling rails all 117