The Journals of Martha E. McMillan
May 11 May Saturday. Pleasant. Morning - Mother called at ? on Mrs. Winters. Jane and Jennett at Xenia. Jim Little and Callan here for dinner. Evening. James at Cedarville. Twilight - Oh: (the next part is scratched out and there is a rip on the page. Here is what I think I can see. Wood) --- -- happy - James is such a dear --- (page tear) Oh! --- we always be this ---. ( 14-15). 12 May Sabbath. Pleasant. All at preaching but Jane - Had two sermons from J.H. Cooper Afternoon - a very little rain. Eve - attended U.P. church - heard a sermon from Park Jackson. I came home with our folks from church (15). 13 May Monday. Rain. Murdocks. Afternoon Mary and I were at Xenia (15). 18 May Saturday. Pleasant. Murdocks. Mary and I, together with Father and Mother were at Xenia. I called at the U.P. Seminary saw my dear teachers --- ? and Bartain - I also saw Mag Mc ? and Mary Park. O Mary is such a dear girl. I do love her so much - Notwithstanding the fact that I am a girl no more yet she seems to be as loving and confiding as ever. After sunset - James came after me - I packed my tr? and went home with him. - James is so ??? (scratched out and a hole in the page) and ???? (scratched out and another hole in the page) that he has now every ? of (page rip) --- --- - How much pleasanter it is to be together week out and week in than to be away and lonely. Mother McMillan’s - Jennie and Mrs. Riley were here - they had come during my absence (15-16). (Wood - Martha scratches out her feelings for and reflections about James.) 26 May Sabbath. Morning rain. All at church. Forenoon. Mr. Morton preached. Afternoon. Our old (curt, cut, or cant) and dryed U.P. brother performed (17). June 3 June Monday. Pleasant. All at home. Eve. Some peddlers with us tonight (18). 5 June Wednesday. Warm. Jennett, Matt and Jennie at Mrs. Little’s. James and men in Xenia at the Horse Fair. I was out on the grounds but a very few minutes. Spent the greater portion of the day with Mrs. J (McJ?), the remainder at the U.P. Seminary at which places I took tea. Mary Park gave me a book to read - written by Mrs. Stowe entitled “House and Home Papers.” James came by father’s - “deposited” me, took supper and went home alone (19-20). 6 June Thursday. Warm. Murdocks. All at Xenia but Mother - were out at the fair in the afternoon (20). 13
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