The Journals of Martha E. McMillan

Martha E. McMillan Journal 1899 Travel to Indiana – June 29-July 26 Transcribed and edited by Victoria Krus (2015) June 29 June. Thursday. This morning I bid the following all good by at home-as follows, Mr. Mac, Clara, Clayton, Jason, Paul, Uncle Joe, Aunt Mary (E.P.) and old Louis, the old painter, and Albert. Clara and Paul brought me into town to the train. Aunt Mary and I left on the half past 8 train for Lyons Ind. to visit Bro John Murdock and Sister Mary. The express stopped for us and we were carried on in a rapid rate. We reached Indianapolis at 25 past 12. We had out dinner at the depot, and waited at the Great Central Depot until 20 past four for the train for Lyons. We reached Uncle John’s at seven o’clock and received a hearty welcome from both Uncle John and Aunt Mary. They had a nice supper awaiting us. They have a nice house. Lyons is a nice little village. They have 800 in the town, two churches and a large school building. All of John’s children are away. Sam is in Colorado, Lizzie and Robert and Annabell in Cincinnati. While Aunt Mary and I were Indianapolis today we looked around a little over the city and finally settled down in the depot and wrote quite a number of letters and will have them ready to mail in the morning. 30 June. Friday. Quite a nice summer day. Uncle John was in the house chatting most of the day. He has two boys at work. They were here to dinner this afternoon… We have had a nice day indeed- rest rest and that is what we need- the most of all- rest. July 1 July. Sat. A warm day. A letter came from Clara which was written yesterday. She writes they are having smooth sailing at home. I suppose that means I am at liberty to stay and stay and make the most of my time here. The bell is singing just now for the young folks to meet to practice singing for the “Fourth.” This is an every evening occurrence for the last few weeks. This has been one long pleasant “summer day.” 154