The Journals of Martha E. McMillan

24 April. Tuesday. [...] Cleaned the bedroom out and put down the carpet. I began cleaning the sitting room fuss in continuance today. 26 April. Thurs. [...] This was the day of the meeting of our Missionary Society - I expected to have gone, but at the last I concluded to go out in behalf of our Sabbath School and let the rest of the good members talk case of the Society. I called at Miss Alderage’s and Jim Matthews - Caloweys and Mrs Conohus - and soke at Nyes as I past to Ced. and was kindly rec’d by all. If all were half as interested as they seemed and would do half as well as they promised, it would be almost a great revival in the work. I called to see Mrs. Hess the sewing woman in Ced. and at Aunt Mary’s and at Aunt Bell’s - they had a pleasant time at Mathus Stuart’s reception. [...] 28 April. Sat. [...] I took a hasty trip to town this morning to bring the boys out but met them coming. Jason went back to town with me to mail the letters. We came direct home. 30 April. Monday. [...] This PM I took the clothes to Mrs. P. and then I went to Aunt Mary’s. I took supper there with her boarders. Jason and Clayton there to supper. [...] How the days are passing. Can hardly realize this is the last day of April. 175