The Journals of Martha E. McMillan

Martha E. McMillan Journal 1904 California Travel Writing Rankin MacMillan’s notes for 1904 James and Martha with son Paul went to California December 18, 1903 to be with son Homer and his wife Mary. They did not return to the farm until July 21, 1904. [Note: The California trip of James and Martha is described by Martha in a separate diary volume.] During this period Cousin Mary Murdock and Mr. Charles Baskin moved out to the farm [from Cedarville]. Between them they kept the diary up to date. Clayton was in charge of the farm operation and seemed to do a very good job. It is likely that older son Fred planned his parents’ extended stay in California, so that Clayton could prove his “wings” were strong enough to “fly” (to operate the farm). The diary notes the day to day work on the farm and the weather, during this time. Transcribed and edited by Michael J. Newman (2015) M. E. McMillan’s Book Acct of “Our” Trip to California Beginning Dec 18th 1903 (The entries from December 18-31, 1903, detail the several days it took Martha, Mr. Mac, and Paul to get to the cottage where they stayed in Los Angeles.) January (Beginning with January 1904, the label Los Angeles Cal. 1904 appears on the top of nearly every page) New Year’s Day. (starts on page 19) In starting out of this New Year’s day - let us talk of life in the New - May we be awakened to its Sacredness. “A Sacred burden is this life we bear; Look on it; lift it, bear it Solemnly, Stand up and walk beneath it, steadfastly, fail not for Sorrow, falter not for sin; but onward, upward ‘till the goal you win. And let us each one pray and seek for peace and trust.” 184