The Journals of Martha E. McMillan

“Oh, for the Peace of Perfect Trust that looks away from all and sees thy hand in everything, in great events and small… that hears thy voice - a father’s voice - Directing for the best, Oh for the Peace of a perfect trust, a heart with thee at rest.” 2 January Sat. (More info about life where they are staying. People go to Pasadena and come back. They go to a football game that night. Part of the meal that night was fresh strawberries, which Martha particularly liked.) 3 January Sabbath. The first Sabbath of the New Year. Paul walked out alone to the Bethany Church to Sabbath School and found a place in Mrs. Jones's(?) class. Mr. Mac and I went with Homer to church at eleven - the special evangelistic services began this morning. At the Bethany Presbyterian Church of which Homer is the pastor - and for future reference I shall write here - that it is on the corner of Bellevue Avenue and Holiday Street(?). The Evangelist Rev. Joseph Newton Boyd - the singer Mr. R. N. Jeffrey. After a song, service, and scripture reading, and remarks from the pastor, Homer, the meeting opened. Rev Boyd’s text “Be ye filled with the Spirit.” Mr. Jefferies singing seemed to reach the heart of his(?) __?__. I felt as I can hardly describe when the congregation, so many of them, flocked around us - every one more cordial than another - and all because they loved Homer. One woman whispered how dear he was to her, from the very first that she always looked upon him as John the Beloved disciple. Homer invited Rev. Boyd home with him to dinner - I was sorry it was not convenient for him to accept for he certainly missed a fine dinner. Mrs. H__?__ attended Rev. Walker’s big church this morning - but I am afraid she missed a good deal by not being at our church. Mrs. H. - back in time for dinner, this afternoon at three O’clock - Paul asked if he could attend the young folks meeting. I was glad for him to be so ready & willing to go. Mary was here with Richard - the woman in the kitchen, what a beautiful afternoon this is - quite as beautiful as a May day at home. As I entered the church one thing I noticed written for all. The kind of growth to need in 1904. See Eph. 4:11-16. In the Evening Mr. Mac and Paul and Homer and I(?) at the church again. Sermon by Rev. Boyd. Spoke of the coming of the Spirit. Mrs. H and Mary at home with Richard. 4 January Monday Much cooler this morning, just like one of our cool mornings back at home in May. Our girl washed. Homer took Paul down to school and he remained till noon. “A Probationer(?)” We were almost surprised by receiving a letter from Clara - written from Port J_?__. She has been spending her vacations there at Francis(?). She will go back to Philadelphia tomorrow. 185