The Journals of Martha E. McMillan

This afternoon Paul at home. Homer out making congregational calls. Mrs. White and Miss Stuart called this afternoon. This evening Mr. Mac and Paul and Mrs. Hunt and Homer over at the church. Richard very fretful(?) all afternoon. I remained at home with Mary & the baby. 5 January Tuesday. Another nice day. Homer out in town most of the A.M. Paul made us happy by getting up and cheerfully going off(?) to school this morning. He was home to lunch and back to School this afternoon. When he came in from School, Homer took him to the D&S and had him vaccinated. Mrs. Hunt and Mary took Richard with them for a ride to the grocery this P.M. This afternoon I began reading the “Scottish Chiefs” by Jane Porter. - All here to dinner. Our woman faithful all day long. I wrote to the __?__s in Kansas City - This evening Mr. Mac and Paul and Homer and Mrs. Hunt over at the church at the meeting. Mary and Richard and I here alone. 6 January Wed. Quite a beautiful day. For a change of work we washed out a few handkerchiefs. Paul at school home to lunch. This P.M. Mrs. Hunt and Mary and Richard here alone. - Homer took Mr. Mac and me over to the part of the city where Rev. S. M Ramsey resides - and we certainly had a delightful hour with Rev. Ramsey wife and daughter. Paul and all at home to dinner this afternoon. While away(?) Mrs. B___ R. Jones called - sorry I missed her. This evening Homer and Mr. Mac and Paul and I over at the church. Rev. Boyds text “Strive to enter in at the gate: for many I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.” Mr. Jefferies singing fine. One peace(?) I caught the fascinating lines of “Cast your bread upon the waters you may think it lost to you. But as sure as God is true. In this life or in the other it will return to you. To(?) write a good audience. Cedarville Herald came - I noticed the marriage of Miss ____ and and Mr. James Mitchell during the holidays. I almost felt sad that her teaching days are at an end, and Paul would be in her school no more. She is the first and last teacher for Paul back at home. 7 January Thurs. “Bright and Fair.” Homer around this A.M. He was in with the rest to lunch - Paul at School all day. A letter from Harlan. He has just returned from Minneapolis - had quite a fine time. Washburn(?) and Crosby had a banquet for his (?). Harlan seems to be in fine spirits. He will be back at Des Moines again the rest of the week. This afternoon Homer out among the lambs(?) and _?__ of the city, (?) up for the meeting at the church this evening. Mrs. Russel P. Hall - late of S. Deacon(?) and her daughter Mrs. C. P. Hall of this city called this P.M. This evening Mr. Mac and Paul and Homer and Mrs. Hunt over at the Evangelistic meeting at the church. Mary and Richard and I at home; Dr. J. S. Plummet(?) here and remained till the folks returned from church. 186