The Journals of Martha E. McMillan

8 January Friday. A beautiful day. Paul at school all day. For a change of scene, Homer took Father out in the city and they dined there. A little later Mrs. Hunt and Mary took a trip out in the city too among the stores - and they also took dinner up there too. (Editor’s Note: The words “there too” seem like they have been written over some previously scratched out words). Susie busy in the kitchen and putting the house in order. I had the _?_ of Richard - when Paul came in from School we had our lunch. I just(?) in a truly full day reading “the Scottish Chiefs.” This evening Mr. Mac and Paul and Homer and I over at the church. - Sermon by Rev. Boyd - text: the Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor. To preach the gospel of love - the gospel of life and the gospel of liberty. The singing fine. Mr. Mac and I walked home with Mrs. Messinhimer as she was there alone. 9 January Sat. Another nice day. Mr. Mac and Homer around home most of the day and Paul too. This afternoon ____ Mrs. McDanongh(?) called and their little girl. Mrs. Hunt up in the city at Mrs. Kern’s(?). This evening all of us at home. 10 January Sabbath. Very beautiful day. Paul at Sabbath school and church Mr. Mac and Homer and I there. Rev. Boyd’s text: A little while and ye shall not see me; and again a little while and you shall see me.” We had a very earnest sermon indeed - the minister never at any time seemed more earnest than he did today. After greeting(?) the Christians who felt deeply in earnest in this Evangelistic movement at the request of their(?) paid(?) remained. It was a precious hour to those who remained. I read today “that it is easy for God to turn every heart - all hearts are open to our King. At his girdle swing the keys by which the most unlikely door can be unlocked” Mrs. Hunt at one of the uptown churches. Mary at home with Richard. Susie had a nice dinner ready when we came home. This afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Reece Calvert stopped into see the folks. If I had never read the last two verses of the 58th chapter of Isaiah I would have enjoyed their call more. Paul at the young folks meeting this afternoon - he joined their Society. This evening Mr. Mac and Paul and Mrs. Hunt and Homer over at the Church. Sermon by Rev. Boyd, of a_?_. I remained at home with Mary and Richard. The singer Mr. R. N. Jeffery copied me this verse by request: “This forever can make you what you ought to be. This blood can cleanse your heart and make you free. This love can fill your soul and you will see It was best for Him to have the way with thee.” 187