The Journals of Martha E. McMillan

congregation a warm hand shake. Mr. Mac and I walked home with Mrs. (Editor’s Note: the text in this line ends here) Mrs. Hunt and Mary up when we came home. Paul’s arm bothering him - he retired early. 15 January Friday. Quite a beautiful day although a heavy fog fell around our house and over the city last night. Paul at home today again with his sore arm. Homer and Mary over at Santa Monica at Dr. J. S. Hunt’s today. They returned after five. Mary not feeling very well. Mrs. Hunt and I around with Richard in his wagon - we called at two by the groceries near here. Mr. Mac out quite a while this afternoon for a walk. This evening Mr. Mac and Paul and Homer and Mrs. Hunt over at the church. I stayed at home with Mary and Richard. It is 37 Years ago this evening since our wedding day. Tonight we are far way from the old home - for 36 years these a___ V___ were committed at the same old home - and the very surroundings are so changed it almost seems like we are in another world. Then the snow was on the ground the sleighing fine - but tonight the air is mild, the flowers blooming - we might think it was June, not the fifteenth of January. But it is not only the weather or the surroundings that have changed but many of the friends who were with us there have passed away - and time has left its mark upon those who remain. But amid the changing years it is pleasant to remember that there is One who never changes but “is the same yesterday and today and forever.” “He is the light of the world,” “the light of the morning,” “light for the noon day” and “the light for the evening tide.” And at the last will lighten the way across the dark river. 16 January Sat. For a change it was very cloudy this morning - but after a while the Sun came out in all of its brightness - Mary not very well today. Homer up(?) in the city ‘till noon. Mr. Mac took a walk out. Paul over at the boy’s football ground as a spectator this A.M. This afternoon he and Mrs. H___ up in the city a while. Homer in his study - Susie at her work and I have been at mine. 17 January. Sabbath. Another cloudy morning - but later on the Sun came out in its regular beauty. Mr. Mac and I went across the city to Rev. S. M. Ramsey’s church - reached there at the finishing up of their Sabbath School and was pleased and surprised at the thorough training the children were receiving. I noticed the school numbered 25 - besides the teachers. Rev. Ramsey’s text the “Resurrection.” We had a pleasant hour. We reached home in time for dinner. Homer and Mary over at the church. Sermon by Rev. Boyd. This evening a shower did come - the first since Sept. The one in Sept. was the first since April. Not much wonder a shower is a matter of gladness in this country. Notwithstanding the Shower, Mr. Mac and Homer and I over at the church - Rev. Boyd’s study(?) at God’s command to the Children of Israel to go up and possess the land. God gave this command yet he meant for the children of Israel to fight for every stretch(?) of ground which they possessed. God never plans a 189