The Journals of Martha E. McMillan

lazy(?) life for any of his children - Jesus said “My Father worketh hitherto, and I work.” This is a rule for our life for us to follow. Mrs. H____ has been at home today and this evening. Paul at church this A.M. and Sabbath School - and the young folks meeting at the church this evening. (Editor’s Note: it appears that there was once a newspaper clipping or a picture here: pages 36-7) 18 January. Monday. A nice day after the shower last night. A friend from Santa Monica called to see Mary and Mrs. Hunt, and she brought a present for Richard. Homer up in the city this A.M. Mr. Mac out for a walk this A.M. and this P.M. Susie here at the work. Paul at School. This afternoon I went with Mrs. Hunt to the Ebel(?) Club, Women’s Club, under the leadership of Mrs. Lacey(?) R. Chapain(?) Some of the agitating topics of the times were taken up and discussed by the members of the club. - These discussions were followed by a talk by Mrs. Chapain. There was quite a gathering of the women. Quite interesting to look upon so many bright faces. This evening Mr. Mac and Homer and Mrs. Hunt and Paul were at church. Sermon by Rev. Boyd. Mary and Richard and I here alone. Dr. Hunt of Santa Monica called this evening. Mrs. Hillcrest(?) and daughter called. (Editor’s Note: this last sentence is much smaller on the page, as if Martha forgot to write it, then felt it was important enough to add to the page later.) 19 January Tuesday. We had a light shower this P.M. Susie here - we all seem to be busy. Homer is in his Study most of the day. Paul at School. Richard seems to be the most Prominent character. A letter from Clara. She is back at her work in Philadelphia and back at Dr. Boya’s again. Tonight she was invited to Dr. __’s ____ to their 40th Anniversary. This evening Mrs. Hunt and Mary at home with Richard and Mr. Mac and Homer and Paul and I over at the church. Sermon by Rev. Boyd - Subject: “The Evils of the Tongue” 20 January Wed. Cold last night and this morning. This A.M. Mr. Mac and Mrs. Hunt and I up in the city, through the stores - We took dinner seeing what we loved: Sea. We met Mr. R___ Calvert(?) while we were out. We purchased a gas heater for Homer’s study which we hope will be a success(?) - Homer out among the brethren(?) Paul at School and out with the boys at the football. Susie here - Mary had a busy day with Richard - Mrs. Hussenheimer(?) called this P.M. We reached home in time for supper this evening. Some of us were too tired to go to church - Mr Mac and Homer and Paul there. We had a pleasant day - if we are tired. 21 January Thurs. Another day felt(?) a little cooler. Homer in his Study most of the A.M. Paul at School. This afternoon Mrs. Hunt up in the City looking after necessaries for the family. Mary in bed till noon 190