The Journals of Martha E. McMillan

not feeling well. This afternoon Homer out among the Congregation. Who(?) was(?) Will Anderson called. Also Mrs. Roach, one of the church members. Mary up to receive them. This evening Mr. McDonaugh(?) here to dinner, Susie faithful. This evening Mr. Mac and Homer and Jason and I over at the church. Dr. Boid’s (Not sure why it’s spelled differently here) text “Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their Strength - Mount up on wings of an eagle.” When we came home we found Dr. and Mrs. H. P. Kerr late of Boston here to see Mrs. Hunt and co. They certainly were entertaining. 22. January Friday (Editor’s Note: Another normal day. Paul at school, others out and about. They go to church again that evening and hear another sermon by Rev. Boyd) 23. January Sat. (Editor’s Note: The family spent the day somewhere 17 miles from the coast of the Pacific Ocean. There they met Mrs. Reece(?) Calvert) This afternoon Mr. C went to the stable and brought out a carriage and two grays(?) and he took Mr. Mac and Homer and Mary and I in the Carriage - and Mrs. Hunt and baby Richard and Mrs. Calvert followed in the buggy. He took us among the Orange & Lemon & Walnut groves. We went all the distance of fifteen miles. (Editor’s Note: They almost missed “the car” back to Los Angeles. Susie had a meal ready when they returned.) 24. January Sabbath (Editor’s Note: another day at church and another sermon from Rev. Boyd) 25. January Monday. (Editor’s Note: Martha received a book in the mail called Perfect Health “written by One Who Has It.” Mr. Mac and Homer spend most of the day in Santa Monica at Dr. Hunt’s. Martha just finished reading The Scottish Chiefs by Jane Porter. She writes that the “brightest star” in this book is William Wallace. She likens William Wallace’s story to John 12:25, which she quotes here.) 26 January Tues. (Martha’s 60th Birthday) I am feeling quite sober today - for this is my birthday and I realize quite fully I am on the Shady side of the hill. 27 January Wed. (Editor’s Note: Mary sick most of the day, then Martha sick later in the day. She receives (for the first time) a prescription from Dr. J.S. Hunt) 191