The Journals of Martha E. McMillan

5 Feb. Friday. (Editor’s Note: A very rainy day, which is rare for California.) They have rain here in Cal so seldomly that the people are ill prepared for it. 6. Feb. Sat. (Editor’s Note: It stopped raining. Another normal day. I can’t help but read sarcasm when Martha writes, “Mr. Mac enjoying himself as usual. I the same.” They received the Xenia Gazette and found out about the death of C__ Kinney(?) who was 8 years old. 7 Feb Sabbath (Editor’s Note: A normal Sunday, though Martha stayed home from church in the morning. In the evening she heard “a talk on Temperance.”) 8 Feb. Monday (Editor’s Note: Paul stays home from school. They receive a letter from Kansas City explaining that Uncle John is very sick.) 9 Feb. Tues. (Editor’s Note: Martha, Mrs. Hunt and Richard went to the beach in Santa Monica and had his picture taken there. Martha receives a third prescription from Dr. Hunt.) Dr. J.S. Hunt’s boy patient that he has watched so tenderly died that night. This boy was Paul’s age. 10. Feb. Wednesday. A beautiful day. Paul at school as usual. Near noon Mr. Mac and Homer and Mary and I left for Rev. Ramsey’s. We took dinner there with Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey and their daughter Martha, and along with Rev. Alford and wife and daughter late of Beaver Falls, PA. Homer and Mary left directly after dinner. The rest of us remained till near five. We had a very delightful day indeed. Mrs. Hunt kept Richard at home although were both invited with us. Susie here today. A letter came from Jason - he is getting along all right at (?) in the college. 11. Feb. Thurs. (Editor’s Note: Mr. Mac and Martha attended an all-day meeting of the Prohibitionists of Cal. Normal day for everyone else.) 12 Feb. Friday. (Editor’s Note: Today they went on the “Seeing Los Angeles Observation Car.” They also went to the “Ostrich Farm and Feather Department.” Martha writes a long paragraph here about Ostrich facts. Pretty much a normal day after this.) 193